The Disciples of Jesus asked Him, “Tell us…what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3). Jesus responded, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). At that time, 2000 years ago, Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew to a mountain by himself (John 6:15). Withdrawal made sense then, because His “kingdom was not of that world,” meaning, not of that realm of the Roman Empire, which did not extend to the ends of the earth for which He is Lord (Philippians 2:6-11; Acts 10:36). But in the fullness of time, today, the Gospel has reached the ends of the earth and therefore, the kingdom of God is now really at hand!
In 2018 at the United Nations General Assembly, in rejecting‘global governance‘, Trump had alluded to and rejected this Son of David’s proposal and patent pending eThroneinvention as if they were just another earthly proposal that had come before him for review. My dear brothers and sisters, do understand that globalism is good under the present conditions of anarchy and austerity brought about by the “automation beast”. Globalism is the purview of Christ. Please follow this link where I make a Case for a World Government (slideshow).
In his pride and conceit, Trump had a messianic complex that made him unfit for any work in the kingdom of heaven let alone blow the trumpet and therefore God rejected him and so do we. On the other hand, i for one, have a real Call of God to serve the world as Son of David, Capstone, Immanuel and Christ. Dear Brothers and Sisters, kindly understand that I am not self-promoting myself. These are real “Callings” of God. I am just self-actualizing!
Since the Church is dragging its feet to ratify my Proposal, this Son of David is reaching out to venture capitalists, who are good at identifying potential and taking a risk, which is really a leap of faith!
“So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin [in yet another person of a sinless life], but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him” (Hebrews 9:28 ESV).
There is no country on planet earth in which the United States government has not interfered.
So make no mistake about it, this article is foreign interference in the US elections.
As Son of David, Christ, Bridegroom, Lion + Lamb, Capstone, Son of God, and also being called Jesus by God, I had intended to come in glory as the genuine expected one with full credentials such as with a patented invention that can save the human race from the AI-Automation Beast, which has, over the years, taken both blue collar jobs and white collar jobs. But godless Patent Office in the United States and the godless US courts would not have it. They have perceived giving a patent (13/516,443) valued in billions of dollars for my invention as only benefitting the Indian economy at the expense of the US economy and have denied me a patent. When the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) declined to hear my case (Writ of Certiorari), I appealed to the US Congress as well as the President of the United States (POTUS). However, there too I ran into similar character failings of putting America first at the expense of God’s interests, righteousness, and the kingdom of heaven.
Now the combination of godless men and Artificial Intelligence will result in nothing short of death for planet earth. Therefore, this issue rises above domestic politics of the United States. It was none other than the Late Stephen Hawking who said, “Without a world government, technology will destroy us.”
Both Biden & Trump have shown themselves to be godless and base people. Therefore, they are both unfit to rule planet earth, which is what this US elections is all about in the day and age of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet. See PBS documentary on “In the Age of AI” by FRONTLINE and know that China is openly a surveillance state already. United States too and much of the world is under surveillance as well but currently in stealth mode, with “digital robber barons” having a field day. Now surveillance capitalism is trying to control the outcome of US elections. Actually, both the miserable parties, who are desperately wanting, are controlled by surveillance capitalism of their own for vested interests.
I appeal to all US citizens to die to their self-interest, “deny themselves,” and uphold the interests of the world-at-large, and do God’s will.
I am open to being grilled by the international community and the media to stake my claim as world governor.
and it is high time the Church leaders usher-in Christocracy with the Internet entrusted de jure to this Son of David’s Agape® Kingdom.
Both FB, Twitter & govts must relook objectively at #HateSpeech. Asking FB/Twitter to use filters doesn’t work because what is one man’s freedom of speech is the other man’s hate. That’s why we have courts. This should not be left to shadowy confines of boardrooms of Fb, Google or Twitter.
Apparently, both the N. Chandrababu Naidu‘s Andhra Pradesh state government, the Narendra Modi’s Indian national government, and the Trump’s US administration have rejected this Son of David for who he is (Abba అబ్బా Akbar) and the solution
he offers to escape the Great Tribulation prophesied in the Bible.
Therefore, we at AGAPE.CLOUD of రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | بيت أل خبز | בית לחם request the Elders of the Church-at-large to execute a declaration of a sovereign distributed cloud state of Agape Kingdom with 144000 governing members, the true Israel
And Messianic Jews & Shepherds must now affirm this New Aliyahof the 144000, just as Pastor John Hagee has simply done (see above), and must simultaneously reject the antisemitism-card playing, gun-toting, celebrity styled, arrogant State of Israel (along with white supremacists such as Trump) for not only publicly rejecting Yeshua HaMashiach and crucifying Him but also for publicly rejecting Messianic Jews in its Law of Return (“aliyah”). In the judgement passed by Israel’s Supreme Court Justice Menachem Elon, “Messianic Jews do not belong to the Jewish nation. Those who believe in Jesus, are, in fact Christians (not Jews) [and therefore forfeit Israeli citizenship].” And in keeping with the self-evident, “Judge not lest you be judged” (Matthew7:1; Gal4:28-31) injunction, so will this Son of David (Abba అబ్బా Akbar) not belong to Vashti (the State of Israel) and will also far remove her from his sight. As for you, gaga no more over Israel!
Matthew 10:33
Matthew 5:7; cf. Matthew 18:35
An acknowledgment came immediately from Dr. John Piper’s spirit:
“We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near.” Psalm 75:1
The following posts represent a fundamental paradigm shift in the ethic on which America is founded. That is, a shift away from “Sola Fide” and onto Faith + Fruit:
“We understood that Christianity is defined by obeying the Word of God,” Mark Anderson says. “The idea that one could actually be a Christian but not obey the Great Commission was unthinkable. We would never count ourselves Christians if we didn’t share our faith with people.” – Decision Magazine
Even though we acknowledge a noticeable shift in the stance in the above post, this Son of David gave the following clarification to dear Brother David Mathis:
Sin of Omission: James 4:17.
cf. Matthew 25:31-46; 15:3-9
2 Tim 3:7
cf. Phil3:9; Rom4:5
Isa 64:6; 61:10; Rom4:5; Eph2:8-9; 1Tim2:9-10; Rev19:8; 2Cor5:4ESV
As you can see, Salvation doesn’t come through easy believism
Therefore, we need to get BUSY bearing fruit. But not by wearing ourselves down (Matt6:25-31) but rather joyfully and passionately (Titus2:14).
And White-collar work is of a higher category.
However, now is not the time for endless talk, “ever learning,” and dilly dallying.
We want to be Friend’s missionaries in the true sense of the term by offering winning fruit w.r.t economic development because our invention, as you know, benefits the Service Industry/economy, which is what India is, unlike the American counterpart, which is a Capitalistic Industrial Economy.
As our data is being data-mined by the wrong parties, we are making our business plan pitches to raise funding for both our lines of business here.
Tell everyone what you want to do and someone will want to help you do it. – W. Clement Stone
AUGMENTED — Leisure market alone for Person ® AUGMENTED (Transhuman) is $1T:
The main selling points being:
TiE’d People & Things speaks of encapsulating all things in an ecosystem and marrying them–as members in a body–to the head (user).
Person® AUGMENTED has great potential because it speaks of a person who would modestly be telling everyone that he is merely a 2019 person, albeit with divinity/transhumanity, but without the hype and frills of a sci-fi cyborg or droid connotations. And most of the software is available as API. Just need to integrate that with our Metaphor User Interface. Voila! We will have a superman (transhuman) without all the hype!
However great an AI product maybe, if they can’t create real value, it is a sheer waste. As for us, we will deliver a Holy-Spirit-Engineered Person® or as Pastor Rick Warren puts it, a “Because-You-Say-SoPerson®” per Luke5:5.
Now, absolute truth does not preclude us from being progressive. To remain as we are (i.e. conservative), apparently unchanging (immutable) like God, would be the last thing Christ would want from us.
Willingness to change (flexibility) is really strength.
So our daunting work, which happens to be progressive (not conservative), is this:
People that pay for things never complain. It’s the guy you give something to that you can’t please. – Will Rogers
When we pay some money for something, we ourselves are entering into a partnership with the truth (or the lack thereof) of that particular GOOD by investing or putting our heart into it by way of purchasing it. In other words, “we live with the decisions we make and how our heart feels about them” (Jaana Uolamo). Therefore, albeit being invaluable, we are thinking of charging a price for the above Holy Goods & Services. Also, a set price will make the purchaser committed to using it, being that he/she will not view it as being cheap. Moreover, it will give us the needed incentive to work harder.
“If he does not listen to you, then go and tell it to the Church” (Matt18:15-17).
Moreover, we seek to be answerable and accountable to the Church-at-large. This is a Church-undertaking.
It is: For the Church, By the Church, and In the Church!
My wife Anna says, “If you can imagine & picture it, it will happen.”
You see, today, with Pastors sticking to Sunday worship service, supposedly in keeping with John2:16KJV (cf. Matthew21:13; Mark11:17; Luke19:46), the Church is perceived as merely a 24×1 institution, completely severed from 24×6. (see 24×7 Testimony).
When the Church succeeds, we would have to decide what to maximize. Some of the choices (adapted from, in increasing order of value:
Salaries for the bosses
Distributions to the shareholders
Stock price
Salaries for all members of the Church
Positive impact on customers
Positive impact on the culture–the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively–of Agape KINGDOM. A light in a dark world; A city set on a hill is not hidden!
So our stance in our current engagement (cf. Acts 16:6) with the Gentile world is:
“Faith + Fruit” paradigm goes to the extent of making Agape® KINGDOM a nation of brands:
Caleb Surésh (SitaRam) Motupalli
Son of David | Agape Ambassador | Agape® JUST [P] Ltd.
రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | بيت أل خبز | בית לחם |
29-37-31 El-ur Road | Vijayawada-520002, AP, India Phone: +91.866.2438805
because the love commandment is impossible except with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Basis: Eph1:13; 4:30; Rev7:2,3,4;
“The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples on the face of the earth.” Deuteronomy7:6; 1 Peter 2:9. Only the broken, blood-splattered foundling can fathom such a privilege without pride and partiality. Ezekiel 16:6
via – John Piper @JohnPiper (5:31 PM – 23 Mar 2018) // They will feel totallycomfortable.
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time”(1Peter 5:6).
via – a sister on Twitter (23 March 2018) // That time has arrived!
“I will restore the fortunes of [spiritual] Judah (House of Praise of both Proscuni & Latria –USA–MIND) & the fortunes of [spiritual] Israel (House of Prayer, wrestler in pain while doing Latria & Proscuni–India–HEART) & will rebuild them as they were at first.” (Jeremiah33:6-7 via Agape JUSTICE Anna Motupalli).
“Joshua said to the man, ‘Are you for us, or for our adversaries?’ And he said, ‘No; but I am the commander of the army of the Lord. . . Take off your shoes.’” Joshua 5:13f.
We need both Heart (East-India/Israel) and Mind (West-USA/Judah) — Jeremiah 33:7.
Eph 5:22-33
Deut17:17; Matt18:19-20; Teeth; 1Tim2:12; 1Pet3:7; 1Cor7:9; Acts of Lord Venkateswara. Cf. Matt7:21-24; Jn13:17; James1:22; Rom2:1-16; Testimony of Son of David – Caleb, in particular in ref. to 1Chron22:11 (confirmation to marry Anna, making home = microcosm of Church) & rhema Hosea3:1ff (28.03.2018); Agape JUSTICE Tim Keller:
Sexual love, if it’s not expressed in an exclusive relationship, is dehumanizing.
They will both belong to God, in their own respective ways; not one at the expense of the other. And just now (31.03.2018 1:39 PM) the Spirit of kutta said: “Thank you Lord, for giving me a heart of flesh and not a heart of stone” in response to my statement to her: “You are of flesh, kutta.”
And Revival SWK Teeteh of acknowledged in spirit:
“This is the best company to work with.”
“Therefore bear fruit in keeping with repentance” (Matt3:8).
I Am now symbolic of Abba (יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर/దేవుడు), when యేసు క్రీస్తు / Jesus Christ/ عيسى المسيح / ישועהמשיח / यीशु मसीह, who is in our midst, hands the 👰 over to me/🐶 (1Cor15).
When you want your child to throw a stone one mile, you tell him to throw two miles in order that it falls where you want it. So was the case with me. For the past several months, God had stretched me to become Father God (Abba) Himself, in order that I end up where He wants me–🐶 (the Faithful and the True). And so here i am finding myself in these shoes (cf. Phil2:1-18NASB).
AGAPE®CLOUD | Kingdom | Throne
SON OF DAVID – Caleb Surésh Motupalli
INVITING — NOT YET OPTED-IN (Potential | More adds pending | And those who have yet to “rend their hearts” (“come into the light”) will be subject to excommunication later if found guilty):
(144,000 Called + Chosen + Faithful):
Agape Commander-in-Chief Dr. John Piper (Joshua 5:13-14 April 7, 2018; cf.: Mark 7:29; Jun 15, 2018 IST)
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Ravi Zacharias (Spandana on 18 June 2018 through )
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Os Guinness
Agape JUSTICE C. S. Lewis (Roleplayer: @CSLewisDaily)
Agape JUSTICE Matthew Henry (Roleplayer @RevMatthewHenry)
Agape JUSTICE G. K. Chesterton (Roleplayer: @GKCdaily)
Agape JUSTICE A. W. Tozer (Roleplayer: @TozerAW)
Agape JUSTICE Charles Grandison Finney (Roleplayer: @finneygcharles) Agape JUSTICE Thomas Aquinas (Roleplayer: Fr. Vincent McNabb, O.P. @frvincentmcnabb)
Agape JUSTICE Watchman Nee (Role-player: @watchmannee)
Agape JUSTICE Seth Godin
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Timothy Keller
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Charles Stanley
Agape JUSTICE Bakht Singh (Roleplayer, @BakhtSingh Fellowship)
Agape JUSTICE John Wesley (Roleplayer: @RevJohnWesley)
Agape JUSTICE John Chrysostom (Roleplayer: @Early_Church)
Agape JUSTICE George MacDonald (Roleplayer: @gmacdonaldquote)
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Billy Graham (Roleplayer: @BillyGraham)
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Rick Warren, Saddleback
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Nicky Gumbel, Alpha
Agape JUSTICE Dr. J.I Packer
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Zac Poonan
Agape JUSTICE John MacArthur
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Woodrow Kroll
Agape JUSTICE John Ankerberg
Agape JUSTICE M. Anil Kumar
Agape JUSTICE Andy Stanley
Agape JUSTICE Michael Curry
Agape JUSTICE Bill Hybels
Agape JUSTICE Paige Patterson
Agape JUSTICE Elisabeth Elliot (Roleplayer: @SonomaChristian)
Agape JUSTICE Joyce Meyer
Agape JUSTICE Roger E. Olson
Agape JUSTICE Manoj V George
Agape JUSTICE Jay Sekulow @JaySekulow
FIRST CONFIDENT PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT (Placing their reputation on the line)
Caleb Suresh Motupalli = “You are the Prince of Peace to give your Peace in this whole world and universe.” + Psalms 40:5 NLT (6th April 2018)
– Agape Ambassador Jachin Chandra, God is Good all the time, WhatsApp group, Odisha
Rottelaillu = “House of Jesus Christ ” Caleb = “Faithful” on the occasion of this Son of David’s birthday celebration.
– Agape Ambassador Banarjee Kumar, Moriah Prayer House, Paikapuram, Vijayawada
Agape Ambassador Joshua Raju Malle, Rottelaillu
Agape Ambassador Isaac Emmanuel Yenubari, Brother Bakht Singh Fellowship
Agape Ambassador Ron Rhodes
Agape Ambassador Buddy Owens
Agape Ambassador Rowan Sebastian Atkinson
Agape Ambassador Sam Storms
Agape Ambassador Frank Turek @Frank_Turek
Agape Ambassador David T. and Diane Demola
Agape Ambassador Rich Lewis @richlewis01
Agape Ambassador T.D. Jakes
Agape Ambassador David Wood @Acts17
Agape Ambassador Arun Andrews @Arun_S_Andrews
Agape Ambassador Rachid @BrotherRasheed
Agape Ambassador Prof John Lennox @ProfJohnLennox
Agape Ambassador Richard Howell
Agape Ambassador John Dayal
Agape Ambassador Abdu Murray
Agape Ambassador Francis Chan
Agape Ambassador Paul David Tripp
Agape Ambassador Alan Platt @AlanPlattFC
Agape Ambassador Peter Townsend @PeterTownsend7
Agape Ambassador Mike Mazzalongo
Agape Ambassador David K. Bernard
Agape Ambassador Shane Claiborne
Agape Ambassador Ray Comfort
Agape Ambassador Jon Bloom
Agape Ambassador Anne Graham Lotz
Agape Ambassador Ed Stetzer
Agape Ambassador Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
Agape Ambassador Phil Cooke
Agape Ambassador Dr. David Brown
Agape Ambassador Benny Hinn
Agape Ambassador Pope Francis
Agape Ambassador Pope Benedict XVI
Agape Ambassadors
Agape Ambassador Graeme Wood @gcaw, The Atlantic
Agape Ambassador James? (Roleplayer for Rev. Lee Schomleker), Goodwill Rescue Mission, Newark, NJ
Ambassador Elon Musk @elonmusk
Ambassador Sundar Pichai @sundarpichai
Ambassador Mark Zuckerberg @facebook
Agape Ambassador John Edmiston @Cybermissions
Agape Ambassador DJ Chuang @djchuang
Agape Ambassador Peter Guirguis @petenaotg
Agape Ambassador Rob Jacobs @RobJacobs_
Agape Ambassador Garry Kasparov
Agape Fellow Isaac Williams
Agape Ambassador Clay Motupalli
Agape JUSTICE Anna Motupalli, Rottelaillu
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader
Vice President Mike Pence, Government of U.S.A
Special Envoy Tony Blair, Quartet on the Middle East
Senator Marco Rubio, Government of U.S.A
Chancellor Angela Merkel, Government of Germany
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, United Nations
President Donald Trump, Government of U.S.A
US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley @nikkihaley
US Rep. Jeff Duncan @RepJeffDuncan
President Obama @POTUS44
President Vladimir Putin, Russian Federation
President XI Jinping, Government of China
The Reigning Emperor Akihito of Japan
Prime Minister Theresa May, Government of UK
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Government of Israel
Prime Minister Mohd Najib Tun Razak, Government of Malaysia
Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, YSRC (Role player for Yeduguri Sandinti Rajasekhara Reddy)
Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Nara Chandra Babu Naidu
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Government of India
Home Minister Rajnath Singh, Government of India
Ambassador Thomas L. Friedman
Ambassador Bill Gates
Ambassador James Damore @JamesADamore
Ambassador Graeme Newell @gnewell
Ambassador Merwin Mathew
Shri Ravi Prasad Thota
Shri Seetharam Motupalli
Shrimati Vyjayanthimala Nayudu
Shrimati Padma d/o Sesha Rao garu
Shrimati Udaya Laxmi d/o Sri Ram garu & Agape Fellow Kasthuri
Shri Pattabi s/o Sri Ram garu & Agape Fellow Kasthuri
Shri Sreenivas Motupalli
Shri Sudeep Rao Motupalli
Shri Janikiram Motupalli
BRIDESPACE – PART 2 (1,44,000 Called + Chosen + Faithful)
Agape Ambassador Paul Sudhakar, Brother Bakht Singh Fellowship
Agape Ambassadors of Leeland worship band
Agape Ambassador Danny Gokey
Agape Ambassadors Hillsong UNITED
Agape Ambassador John Wesley (Hosanna Ministries, Rajamundry)
Agape Ambassador Brian Doerksen, Vineyard
Agape Ambassador Bob Fitts
Agape Ambassador Raj Prakash Paul
Agape Ambassador Ravinder Vottepu
Agape Ambassador S. P. Balasubramanian
Agape Ambassadors M. Anil Kumar & Sharmila Reddy
Agape Ambassador Lacey Strum
Agape Ambassador Michael W. Smith
Agape Ambassador Hannah Hobbs
Agape Ambassadors Joshua Shaik, K.Y.Ratnam
Agape Ambassador George Zachariah, Haggai Institute
Agape Ambassador Ramesh Richard
Agape Ambassador Shekhar Kallianpur
Agape Ambassador David Mathis @davidcmathis
Agape Ambassador Challies @challies
Agape Ambassador Kent Humphreys
Agape Ambassador Ben Whitten
Agape Ambassador Chuck Warnock
Agape Ambassador Ray Ditch
Agape Ambassador Rick Malm
Agape Ambassador Joel Osteen
Agape Ambassador Paul Jones
Agape Ambassador Viv Thomas
Agape Ambassador Brad Wos
Agape Ambassador Sukumar Rajapudi, Seventh Day Adventist Church
Agape Ambassador Kuntam Edward
Agape Ambassaodr Kuruvilla, Patmos Prayer House
Agape Ambassador K. Ratna Kumar, Oliva Ministries
Agape Ambassador K.J. Samuel, CSI
Agape Ambassador Joshua Thadikonda, CSI
Agape Ambassador Benjamin Balaji S.
Agape Ambassador Abednego Injeti
Agape Ambassador David Martin Sathyanathan
Agape Ambassador Prasad Talluri
Agape Ambassador Albert Lael
Agape Ambassador Marcus Chacko
Agape Ambassador Paul Emmanuel of Young Holy Team
Agape Ambassador Samuel Karmoji
Agape Ambassador Enosh Kumar
Agape Ambassador Jothi Raju, Manna Church
Agape Ambassador Arthur Wirrega
Agape Ambassador Ron Wilbur @ronwilbur
Agape Ambassador Marshall Segal @marshallsegal
Agape Ambassador John C Maxwell @JohnCMaxwell
Agape Ambassador Frank Viola @FrankViola
Agape Ambassador Kurt Willems @KurtWillems
Agape Ambassador Andy Bannister @andygbannister
Agape Ambassador Dr. Mark Penick @MarkEPenick
Agape Ambassador Ron Hebert
Agape Ambassador Eric J. Magnusson
Agape Ambassador John Stonestreet @JBStonestreet
Agape Ambassador George Yancey @profyancey
Agape Ambassador David Platt @plattdavid
Agape Ambassador Thapelo Langa
Agape Ambassador BrunaPropper @BrunaPropper
Agape Ambassador Thayappan
Agape Ambassador Stephen Babu (Srinivas), Vijayawada
Agape Ambassador George Rakesh Babu
Agape Ambassador Joseph Benjamin, Carmel Prayer House, Vijayawada
Agape Ambassadors Subha & Hephzibah Kumpaty
Agape Ambassaodors Santosh & Bhavana San
Agape Fellow Hanoku Bathula, NZ
Agape Fellow Prabhudas Bhooshi
Agape Fellow Peter Senthil
Agape Fellow Newton Reginald, Emmanuel Methodist Church (
Agape Fellow Theo Reginald, Hebron
Agape Fellow Peter Perira
Agape Fellow PP Johnson
Agape Fellow Robert Mead
Agape Fellow Rod Parsley
Agape Fellow Perry Stone @perrystonevoe
Agape Fellow Joe McKeever @DrJoeMcKeever
Agape Fellow Geoff Holsclaw @geoffholsclaw
Agape Fellow Gary Fowler @garyfowler1246
Agape Fellow Siefroy Phillips
Agape Fellow Jeffrey J. Williams
Agape Fellow Doug Wildman
Agape Fellow Joe Rigney @joe_rigney
Agape Fellow Jim Knaggs @jimknaggs
Agape Fellow Skip Heitzig
Agape Fellow Greg Laurie @greglaurie
Agape Fellow Stephen Steve Ramdhani
Agape Fellow Ron Mosby
Agape Fellow James Reid Ross
Agape Fellow Martin Ankney
Agape Fellow Santi Sagar Kalapala
Agape Fellow Omar Luther King
Agape Fellow Clement Chin
Agape Fellow Roy Kuruvilla
Agape Fellow Beena Rao
Agape Fellow Preeti Sreenivasan
Agape Fellow An Burks
Agape Fellow William Cary, Brethren Church, Vijayawada
Agape Fellow Azeem Hanif
Ambassador Malala Yousafsai
Agape Fellow Kathy Jackson
Agape Fellow Breta White
Agape Fellow Lor Egeto
Agape Fellow Dr. Geejo Geevarghese
Agape Fellow Dr. Medim Hatemichael
Agape Fellow Dr. Vivia Green
Agape Fellow Cathy Morin Villafuerte
Agape Fellow Shawn Wigley Pondt
[25/05, 12:41 PM] Caleb 🐶 | Son of David: Letter to my lawyer:
[25/05, 12:41 PM] Caleb 🐶 | Son of David: Kindly call Motupalli Jayalakshmi Garu and make known to her my will. Thanks
I hereby confirm my will to surrender my portion of my inheritance property at 29-37-31 Eluru Road, Vijayawada 520002, AP, India to Badeti Dhanalakshmi and her family.
Caleb Suresh Motupalli
PS: on stamp paper if required. Thanks
Of course for the rate specified in the suit back then to expedite the transaction.
If Motupalli Jayalakshmi Garu chooses to retain the property, let her give my share of the property in cash ASAP before this month end.
Kindly let me know status of my request asap
I will call in 1 hr
[25/05, 12:41 PM] Caleb 🐶 | Son of David: Letter to my wife:
[25/05, 12:42 PM] Caleb 🐶 | Son of David: We are excercising faith here – seeing the invisible given a little evidence. Thanks for your concern and caution.
Actually more than enough evidence
Actually we are fleeing from a plague
For sure a plague and more than a plague
What’s more the entire church in India must flee out of here. I don’t know about other churches but my church is getting outa here real quick
If you and Clay are in my Church simply follow me.
Trust & Obey
To the called+ chosen+ faithful of Christ in India:
This is an emergency. Immediately proceed to Rottelaillu.
“While we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.” (Romans 5:10)
Computer was originally a person! Prior to the machine being called a computer, it was called a Difference Engine. In other words, the Computer, as we know it, came into existence with a simple declaration of a system, which had been integrated from various sources. But to the uninitiated, it was still an “electronic gizmo.”
The point is: To make the leap from a mere “electronic gizmo” to “computer,” the strength is in the Metaphor User Interface.
Though the Computer metaphor UI is better than Robot or Android, the arrangement — made possible by the metaphor UI — sets the user at the same level as the machine. The demerits of this arrangement is that it does not take into consideration the user’s strengths and has a trajectory of supplanting and enslaving humans to the point of extinction. Self-thinking or autonomous systems are extremely dangerous to man (Omohundro 2013; Wakefield 2016).
“The human brain has some capabilities that the brains of other animals lack. It is to these distinctive capabilities that our species owes its dominant position. Other animals have stronger muscles or sharper claws, but we have cleverer brains. If machine brains one day come to surpass human brains in general intelligence, then this new superintelligence could become very powerful. As the fate of the gorillas now depends more on us humans than on the gorillas themselves, so the fate of our species then would come to depend on the actions of the machine superintelligence.”
Therefore, it is naive to say: “The transfer of labour from humans to our inventions is nothing less than the history of civilisation.”
The Wall Street Journal article on April 21, 2017 is more true and demands an urgent solution:
“The AI revolution is unlike the historical, liberating industrial revolution in that it reverses this relationship: It puts the machine at the controls to command the humans”.
Terry Gou, Foxconn’s CEO, told his annual meeting that “We have over one million workers. In the future we will add one million robotic workers.” This means, of course, that the company will avoid hiring those next million human workers.
Jack MA of Alibaba is more cutting in saying:
“The first technology revolution caused World War I. The second technology revolution caused World War II. This is the third technology revolution.” With machine learning and artificial intelligence eliminating jobs, “the third technology revolution may cause the Third World War.” (Source: CNBC)
Seth Godin too points out that it is not just blue-collar jobs that are disappearing but white-collar ones as well.
“This is why we will soon be looking at hordes of citizens of zero economic value.Figuring out how to deal with the impacts of this development will be the greatest challenge facing free market economies in this century.” (Harvard Business Review)
If you are intrigued, do watch:
Basic Solution
Ironically, the machine itself can potentially enable humans to transcend humanity and become divine. Framing the basic direction of thought for human endeavour, the Computer metaphor UI offers an affordance that inhibits the electronic machine to be perceived as a real extender to the mind for augmenting our intelligence. The affordance impedes research because it limits our thinking of the machine as a mere substitute to the human mind rather than as a compliment and an infinite Extender. There is no deliberate synergy because both the human and the machine are meant to operate independently in an unresourceful arrangement of egalitarian relationship that uses up resources uneconomically. Mechanical models transliterated, are always less efficient. It has been not just the grunt work that is being taken over by the machine but unfortunately it has also been the more common traits that make a human, human.
Human-to-Human interaction paradigm
Operating the machine in the same paradigm as the human computer, new ways of operating the machine are precluded. The user is limited to essentially that which could be done in the world of human-to-human interaction. Reliance on human-to-human communication paradigms have blinded the designers of prior art GUIs such as the PARC User Interface to the far greater potential of the machine to extend the user and augment his/her intelligence.
Elon Musk says:
“If humans want to continue to add value to the economy, they must augmenttheir capabilities through a merger of biological intelligence (?) and machine intelligence. If we fail to do this, we’ll risk becoming house cats to artificial intelligence.” (Source: The Guardian)
Garry Kasparov says:
“Disruptive as they (Intelligent Machines) may be, they are not a threat (?) to humankind but a great boon, providing us with endless opportunities to extend our capabilities and improve our lives.” (Source: WallStreetJournal)
The problem before us is this: Can we avert becoming “house cats” to Artificial Intelligence (or worse, locking horns with it and the “digital robber barons”), and at the same time extend AND augment our capability?
Metaphors are very powerful because they offer affordances. They enable whole architectures of systems to be instantaneously and readily programmed in the minds of the users. Therefore, the metaphors themselves are the user interfaces! The purpose of the metaphor UI is to give the user instantaneous knowledge about how to interact with the system. Since metaphors offer instantaneous knowledge, mere declaration is sufficient to program the UI comprising of a framework. The refining of the tech is secondary.
With the patent pending arrangement & framework that is made possible by the Necktie Persona Extender metaphor UI, humans are brought into the equation, unlike in the case of Artificial Intelligence which takes after the Computer metaphor UI. In this new arrangement, the machine is a compliment and an exponent, offering synergy to the user, rather than as a mere additive, offering only summation of capabilities. This arrangement offers a framework for not only engaging with the current AI Computer in this new useful way (i.e. as a Persona Extender) by co-opting it, but also for future research and development in this direction rather than in the direction of substitution and imitation. Whereby resources are apportioned accordingly while the bandwidth of the machine is reassigned to the user. And their persona is extended with intelligence augmented andtranshumanity and evendivinity is realized.
The Necktie Persona Extender metaphor UI itself provides the arrangement between the user and the apparatus! The metaphor UI offers an affordance where premium is automatically or intuitively placed on the fuzzy logic or other innate processing ability of humans. And Boolean logic processing ability of the machine is appraised as mere “movement-of-muscle” rather than as a high valued mental process. You see, “Logic — a capability of the machine — takes you from A to B. But imagination — which is of a higher order and possessed by humans alone — takes you everywhere” (HT: Albert Einstein). And with such leveraging of our innate faculties, co-opting AI — made possible by the metaphor UI — headship is given to the human user, who is being extended and augmented. And thus, the autonomy of the machine is revoked and its bandwidth is reassigned to the user, as is the case with both of Inventor’s commercial products, namely:
Agape TiE®, where the center of attention is the person, who is co-opting it, moreover by wearing it; and
Person®, where the attention is drawn to the transhuman person, who has co-opted the AI.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is now called a Delegated Processing Unit (DPU), which again reinforces the headship of the human user, who delegates tasks to the DPU. With headship rendered to the user in addition to an optional wearability of the machine, also comes oneness with the system for the user to become a cyborg with godlike powers. The Operating System (OS) is now called Operating Environment (OE) or Ecosystem of Things (EoT) for the purpose of re-configuring the closed system into an open integratable system for extending the bandwidth further by “necktying” (which includes a regulation because it throttles big data, allowing at the most only 7±2 units of information to flow and thus not overwhelming the user) things into the persona whereby a onenesswith things and an eThrone affordance is offered to the user to virtually sit on as head-on-the-neck-of-the-persona in the ecosystem.
In short, with this arrangement, using the Necktie Persona Extender metaphor UI (basic claims for persona augmentation), the machine complements the user and together they offer synergy and thereby a higher bandwidth (i.e. greater capacity to deal with a situation—Oxford Dictionary) is made available to the user.
Individuals see oneness through a single head, the headship of which is offered to the actor by the Necktie Persona Extender metaphor user interface, being that it extends out from the user, rather than substitutes the user, in which case there is no oneness because there are multiple heads — one for the human and another for the computer. It took the unstable condition of outer space for a worm to grow two heads. But oneness is disputed! As Pastor T. D. Jakes puts it, a car with two drivers is very likely to have an accident.
Said unit providing the user:
said high bandwidth,
said oneness,
said synergy, and
said headship,
the unit is operative to revoke the autonomy of the AI Computer and reassign its bandwidth to the user and ultimately augment his persona for transhumanity purposes. So one would refer to it as Extender, which is part of self, rather than with a proper noun such as, Watson, Alexa, Cortana, Siri, or Assistant.
This is the basic invention upon which inventor’s other claims (also significant) rest.
Though this invention addresses the problem to a large extent, if governments and people do not change their country’s educational systems to focus on fuzzy logic and innate abilities of humans, we are in for a rough future.
A book titled, ”Augmented” is the singlemost affirmation of Inventor’s basic claims. The author goes so far as to say that the next age will be the “Augmented Age.” However, the author’s attitude toward those who will be losing employment to AI is controversial.
In passing, because these basic claims are valid, they are expanded and extrapolated for offering superintelligence viz. a collective intelligence of 144,000 rightful users (“bridespace”) each equipped with a Necktie persona extender, arranged likewise in a Christocratic Necked Service Oriented Architecture or Christocratic New World Order, offering super-synergy to a super-cyborgor wedded-avatar of Christ.
IBM Research has seen the benefits of this invention and is using it under the banner of Cognitive Systems. The “extend” indicium–protected under the pending patent–is used by them in relation to the machine/system.
Being Bio-inspired should not mean Substitution
Considering what Blaise Agüera y Arcas said in a “TED talk“:
“Computing was very much modeled after the idea of how could we make machines intelligent. And we finally are starting to fulfill now some of the promises of those early pioneers, of Turing and von Neumann and McCulloch and Pitts. And I think that computing is not just about accounting or playing Candy Crush or something. From the beginning, we modeled them after our minds. And they give us both the ability to understand our own minds better and to extend them.”
And looking closely at a neural network, it has become clear to the Inventor that the “Extender” indicium is better than the “Augmenter” indicium. (Change: 2nd June 2017)
Elon Musk is also attempting to develop a method to supposedly “augment the capability of humans.” But Inventor believes, he is on the wrong track trying to increase the conventional bandwidth — the speed at which our brain communicates with the machine — rather than the second meaning of bandwidth as used by the inventor and defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “the mental capacity to deal with a situation.” The Neural Lace method or Brain-Computer Interface of his is really a brain hacking method, which can be abused for arresting and imprisoning humans in their own skull by tapping every thought they make. To augment our capabilities it is not necessary to go underneath our skin to do so. Unless you are looking for some macho solution, my invention is simple, non-invasive and does not require cracking open the skull or even sending nano electrodes into the brain, but achieves the desired effect nonetheless of extending the persona and augmenting the intelligence with said arrangement and framework offered by the Necktie Persona Extender Metaphor UI. Even if such an invasive technology as Neural Lace were present, it can perhaps be used only for spying on the user himself and not for ethical applications such as the Extended Persona with Intelligence Augmentation for transhuman experience. The machine there seems to be getting its tentacles around man, instead of the other way around. Already U.S. Public Wary of Biomedical Technologies to ‘Enhance’ Human Abilities.
Mark Zuckerberg too is dabbling with such an invasive idea. When we say ‘invasive’ we mean invading privacy as well. Not even God encroaches into the privacy of our thoughts. Since God gives us freewill, without which there is no such thing as love, we as sons of God have to actually give permission to God to search our hearts and minds (Ps139:23-24NIV). What’s more, Satan’s own “deep secrets” are out of bounds and not to be learned (Rev2:23, 24). Father God says through Jeremiah the prophet:
“I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”
Because we have Freewill, notice in the above verse that even God doesn’t judge us by our thoughts–though he can know them–but rather by our deeds. So i believe, it is out of bounds for even governments, under any pretext, to encroach into the private space of our skull. So let’s not play God and get His wrath stayed upon us!
Whereas with our application, we are not merely talking about “Surviving AI,” a book written by Calum Chace, who writes:
“Artificial intelligence is our most powerful technology, and in the coming decades it will change everything in our lives. If we get it right it will make humans almost godlike. If we get it wrong… well, extinction is not the worst possible outcome.”
The scope of the application is for co-opting AI, extending user’s persona with augmentation of his/her intelligence or capability, and ultimately of engineering the rightful users’ divinity.
Agape® JUST Labs presents:
Agape TiE® Ecosystem
Persona Extender | EoT | eThrone
Person® Augmented
Transhuman Experience | Co-opted AI
Gary Reber comments in HBR:
“Given that there is no question that robotic technology will continue to expand the productivity and in large measure destroy jobs and devalue the value of human labor, the question that SHOULD be urgently addressed is WHO SHOULD OWN THE FUTURE TECHNOLOGY ECONOMY? Will ownership continue to concentrate among the 1 percent wealthy ownership class who now OWNS America, or will we reform the system to provide equal opportunity for EVERY child, woman, and man to acquire personal ownership in FUTURE non-human capital assets paid for with the FUTURE earnings of the investments in our technological future?”
John M. Carroll and John C. Thomas, “Metaphor and the cognitive representation of computing systems”, IEEE, 1982.
K. Wallnau, “A Survey of Black-Box Modernization Approaches for Information Systems,” IEEE, 2000.
If you are a Christian Researcher wishing to implement Christian values in emerging systems such as Person® Augmented and Agape TiE® Ecosystem or a Church leader and wish to support Operation Agape TiE® please give your:
First off, we must remember that nothing happens outside the scope or the sovereignty of God. The Father Himself has given a charter to man way back in the beginning itself for all science and technology (Gen1:28). But man lost this dominion with the Fall. Enter Christ and this dominion is being reestablished. So we mustn’t see this aeroplane as something sans God. Materialism aka consumerism had perverted what was intended to be good. Goodness–from which came “goods”–figures both in the fruit of the light (Eph5:9) as well as the fruit of the spirit (Gal5:22).
Even repentance, a foundation in Christianity, is turning from bad to good (HT: Nicky Gumbel). So goods & services are a part and parcel of who we are in Christ Jesus, the Son of God. The Wright Brothers invention of the aeroplane in 1903 was perfectly timed to coincide with the coming of the Son of Man literally on the clouds in 1988!
Paul’s reference to “the Son of Man coming on the clouds” (Mark 13:26, 14:62, for example) are about Jesus’ vindication, his “coming” to heaven from earth. The parables about a returning king or master (for example, Luke 19:11-27) were originally about God returning to Jerusalem, not about Jesus returning to earth. This, Jesus seemed to believe, was an event within space-time history, not one that would end it forever.”
And in order to fulfill prophecy spiritually…
Prophets of old saw in their visions things of today. The things, we of today take for granted.
Through this media, I am neither coming to you nor you to me, PHYSICALLY speaking. The flesh counts for nothing (Jn6:63). We could be sitting next to each other in a crowded bus/train/plane/building but our minds/spirits could be miles apart in thinking. Communion is possible, only in the spirit. The concept of a physical fleshly rapture, is a Hollywood’s take on it. It is the lie of 2Thess2:11-12NJKV (And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.). Whether Enoch had it or not (cf. Heb11:5), it is unrighteous to expect God to give us a spectacular physical rapture. Only evil people seek after signs (Matt16:4a). The spirit of Brother Shailesh Pateliya just now:
“Don’t test God; test your faith.”
“Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable” (1 Cor 15:50 NASB). But consider an eCommunion such as or our recent Agape Kingdom Cloud. Millions could gather together there and feast on the “Bread of Life” on flextime basis.
So we are SPIRITUALLY/WORDILY (Jn6:63) meeting in this intermediate zone. And what is that zone, if not the place where the satellites are located, namely, the clouds or the new heavens!
And this was what the prophets of old saw: The Son of Man coming on such a cloud and visible like lightening from east to west, fulfilling Matt24:27.
Since spiritual is synonymous with being wordy (Jn6:63), the Lord can use online means to execute the rapture. In other words, spiritual rapture is synonymous with online rapture. So we at AgapeJustsm have gone right ahead and shipping a limited edition of 144,000 Agape TiE® Online Rapture kits to rapture those from ground up to Agape Kingdom Cloud. Those more mature can avail Agape TiE® Person™.
Abstract of Invention: Wedded Avatar of Christ
The present invention discloses a system and method for a morphological solution to the macroscopic problem of n-entropy (i.e. loss of control/information) of the prevailing global anarchy by super-extending and super-augmenting a persona to manifest a pan-environment super-cyborg
for global governance. Through a Christocratic Necked Service Oriented Architecture (CNSOA) model, the method of said system, categorizes the world people into two spaces, Bridespace and Christocraticspace. Each member or citizen of Bridespace and consenting Christocraticspace is incorporated with Bridal Wedding Garments, namely holy goods & services & Necktie-imitating Persona-Extender, which includes data processing devices connected to a global network. Each member’s Persona and proximity Meatspace are augmented by recasting the metaphoric environment of the data processors as said Necktie. The objective of this invention is to provide a viable regulatory system for global governance with a Christocratic new world order for universal eternal life or gross salvation.
Full disclosure here: Patent Pending US 13/516,443.
Surely this is the onset of the gradual phasing out of 24×1 church age and the grace period! In with the age of the Bride 24×7, and in with Agape Justice!
I, Caleb Suresh Motupalli, a witness of the resurrected Jesus Christ/عيسى المسيح/ישוע המשיח in spirit form, write to all Muslims, Christians and Jews scattered around the world:
Let me begin by addressing Muslims, and as a byproduct also cover the urgent need of shallow Christians and Jews.
Unlike what Calvinists say, we do have a freewill. Without freewill the concept of God’s love itself is in question. So freewill is sacrosanct. But it is not enough knowing that we have a freewill; we must say with Jesus, “Not my will Father, but thine be done.” And that is what being a true Muslim is all about as expounded in this article.
The so-called Muslims do not KNOW the WILL of Allah/God in order to submit to it. What are they submitting to then? The answer is a bold, YES! Surely, they are submitting to impurity and as a result waging evil-Jihads in the name of Allah/God. A True Muslim (مسلم) seeks first to know the true will of Allah/God before he can even submit to it. Now, what is that universal true will of Allah/God?
Role models are key to under-standing who a true Muslim is and what He submitted to. We have Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ as our role model of a True Muslim, who SUBMITTED to an allah/god, who is LOVE (1John4:8), even in His death and said, “Not my will, Father, but thine be done” (Injeel Luke 22:42). Others merely brandished a sword. But Isa/Jesus too showed He can brandish a sword as well. But only to show the greater power, namely, that He can heal (an attribute of Creator Allah/God alone) a ghastly wound inflicted by a sword (Injeel Luke22:36-38, 47-51).
Truth does not need a prop such as the Bible, Quran or the Gita for it to stand. It is self-evident.
Islam is true and holy. Just as the Law was present from the beginning before Moses even gave it, Islam was present before Muhammad even gave it. Islam means submission to the will of Allah/God.
Injil Luke 9:23; Rom 8:13 KJV
Two types of Submission exist.
1) Forced Submission;
2) Freewill submitted to God’s will.
Submission is emphatically taught by Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ (Matt7:21-27; 12:50) and kept even in His death (Injeel Luke 22:42). That mankind must submit to His Creator, is self-evident, something that has eluded the Church-at-large in favor of Lutheran & Calvinistic theories. While the sacrifice of Isa/Jesus atoned (paid for) our past sins (Rom3; 2Pet1), Isa’s righteousness is Isa’s. That Isa’s righteousness is ours–even a righteousness of one who has died for his neighbor–supposedly imputed to us by the work of Christ on the cross, is a false teaching, and is condemned.As a result, Submission (Islam-in-essence) is seen as a demoted works-based religion. That future sins have not been paid for, is alone sufficient to debunk Luther! (For details see: Luther Debunked). Calvinism is debunked here. What’s more, we all need to become “True Muslims,” in the true sense of the term! But Satan does this sort of thing (uses evil-Jihad to try and convert everyone to Muslim), to smear and tarnish our efforts, black. But news about the emergence of “Lordship Salvation” by Ray Comfort is really a comfort, instilling hope in His Church to this weary soldier of the Lord.
But Muhammad’s Islam as against Isa’s Islam is like comparing a thorny bush with a rose plant. Thorny bushes, like all evil, are neither surprising nor terrorising to true saints of God. Thorny bushes grow wildly everywhere, requiring neither cultivation, beauty to attract good, nor water or light. Rather it thrives in the ugly & the evil. And like all fascism, it offers rather challenge-sounding, “struggle, danger & death” sound-bites to those spoiling for a kill. While at the same time they are impervious to any sort of persuasion, having a “forced certainty” (Maher Samuel) about them. This must not be, my dear Muslim brethren!
Muhammad merely offered people a prophet’s reward from Allah. But as Sons of Allah, like Isa before us, we lead True Muslims to receive from Allah, a Son-of-God reward as per Isa’s own Words of gold in Matt10:41.
As to the nature of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर, anything can be ascribed to Him. But what is the truth? Let Bible speak, and let Quran speak, and let Gita speak, and if there is any other source of truth, let that too speak. If it is of God, it will stand, otherwise it will fall. Agreed? But desist from patronizing your own merely because it is your own. The truth in this quote by Clint Eastwood sounds vulgar at first glance but on closer examination is pointedly self-evident: “Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has them; but everyone else’s stinks.”
If, as the Quran says in 33:40, Muhammad is the last prophet, has Allah/God stopped speaking? Or worse, has Allah/God died? Far be it for me to even hypothesize that way! The fact of the matter is: Allah/God is notdead and is still speaking and uses His prophets as well as other sons of His to speak to the world.
If Muhammad, as the Islamists say, is a prophet, so am i. What is more, i am more than a prophet. I am a son of Allah like Isa/Jesus perhaps? Now note that “the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets” (1Cor14:32). So whatever Muhammad had written or said should withstand the test.
The word ‘Muslim’ means: submitting to Him (Allah/God). Which is excellent. But in order to submit, we need to know what to submit to. First of all, we need to find out what the will of Allah/God is, even for any moment in time, to which we must submit to.
Now, what does that statement by יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर in Hosea6:6NKJV, referred to by Isa/Jesus in Matthew 12:7, mean?
In the context of evil Jihadists slaughtering precious “aid workers,” whose worth is more than ten thousand, i repeat the statement made by Jesus Christ/عيسى المسيح/ישוע המשיח :
“If you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless.”
How do we understand this verse? Paraphrasing it, we can say that Allah/God is saying: “I desire the way of mercy/compassion, and not the way of sacrifice”. I seek to show mercy/compassion to people more than i seek sacrifice from them. At first glance, it may appear as if Allah/God is not preferring the way of Jesus, who is said to have been the sacrifice for us and wants to simply pardon His people just as Muhammad says in Quran 24:22 that Allah is “ever-forgiving and most-merciful”. For Allah to be most merciful, should He simply wink at our sin and allow us into paradise by the backdoor? Just ponder over that for a minute. If He simply forgives a murderer, for instance, who was not caught on earth by the governing bodies, won’t He be an unjust God? Yes, absolutely! But when Allah Himself provides the sacrifice and pays the penalty for your sin, then He is really the “most-merciful” (Quran 24:22), don’t you think? Indeed! Now, the cross to you has taken on a new meaning than a mere idol. As Apologist Ravi Zacharias puts it, “On the cross, the Love of Allah, the Justice of Allah, and the Mercy of Allah, meet.” Or as James Emory White puts it, “The cross is where justice met mercy, and both were satisfied.” Rephrasing Rom8:1-3, Timothy Keller writes, “Because of the cross, God can be both Just towards sin and yet mercifully justifying to sinners.”
That, my friend, is being most-merciful!
So note this carefully:
Alah/God desires and wills that you avail this sacrifice/provision of Allah/God and not be a sacrifice yourself. Allah’s/God’s will is that you take up the way of mercy (where Allah/God Himself provides you with the sacrifice) than for you to take up the way of sacrifice (where you must provide your own sacrifice–the penalty for your sins).
Submission now, as Pastor Rob Jacobs puts it, is no longer a dreary drudgery…but rather…an affectionate acceptance.
I believe, we can term it as ‘yielding’, and not even ‘submission.’
Three more points i want you to ponder on
The virgin birth of Jesus (Quran 3:45-47 and Quran 19:16-22). First of all, why was it necessary for a virgin to be with a child? Yes, to show that He (Isa/Jesus) was not a son of a man or one who came into being through sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, to begin with. Then the question should arise, “Whose son is He then?” Prophet Muhammad says that He (Isa/Jesus) is merely the “son of Mary”. But science today has shown that it is impossible for a woman to give birth by herself. And God is not going to break that law without a good reason. So we must infer that Allah wants to show to the world that He (Isa/Jesus) is the Son of Allah! If we are imperfectly in the image of Allah (Genesis1:26-27), then conversely, Allah Himself is a perfect image of the imperfect man/woman. So Allah is not a mere force or power as is commonly misunderstood. Then Isa/Jesus, who is the son of Allah, is the epitome of that revelation in the flesh of who Allah is really!
Fact: There is no Entry into the presence of Allah even with one sin. As we have studied above, there is no forgiveness without shedding of blood (Lev17:11; Heb9:22). Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى ʻĪd al-’Aḍḥá, “festival of sacrifice”), also called Feast of the Sacrifice, the Major Festival, the Greater Eid, Kurban Bayram (Albanian, Bosnian, Turkish: Kurban Bayramı), Eid-e-Qurban (Urdu: عید قرباں), Eid al-Bakr and Bakrid is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to honour the willingness of the prophet ʾIbrāhīm (Abraham) to sacrifice his young first-born son Ismā’īl (Ishmael) as an act of submission to God’s command and his son’s acceptance to being sacrificed, before God intervened to provide Abraham a lamb to sacrifice instead. In the fullness of time, that Lamb is none other than Isa al-Masih! Whether it was Ishmael or Isaac, the principle of sacrifice for one’s sins is taught by all religions. Someone once told me this real life story, that helped me a great deal to understand what Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ had done; and what “love”, “sacrifice” and “propitiation” really mean. I also understood the declaration made by John the Baptist (also a prophet of Allah/God, attested by even Muhammad in Quran 3:39), “Behold! The Lamb of Allah/God who takes away the sin of the world” (Injeel Jn1:29). It is a true story that happened in the early 1900s in the state of California. Two Chinese brothers lived together in San Francisco. The older of the two was of good character and high moral standards. However the younger one was into all the wrong things. One day when the younger Chinese man was gambling on the street, a fight broke out between him and his opponent and it ended with the Chinese man killing his opponent. With a view of going into hiding, he went home, put away his blood stained clothes in a closet and ran out. The older brother returned home from work and found the blood stained clothes. He concluded that his kid brother was in trouble again and quickly wore those clothes himself to protect him. When the police came searching, he surrendered himself in place of his brother. The court ordered capital punishment, and the Chinese man was executed by a firing squad. After getting wind of his brother’s death, the younger Chinese man came to the judge pleading guilty, confessing that he was the real killer. Can you guess what the judge had to say? “The crime has already been paid for. We cannot do anything to you. You are free to go” was indeed the judge’s response! Here is another similar true story: A boy takes out the buffaloes to graze. He lets them loose and goes off to play. The buffaloes go and destroy a neighbor’s paddy field. The owner of the paddy field gets wild and follows the buffaloes to the boy’s house with a big stick. Comes to know that it is the boy’s fault and tries to beat the boy. The father comes in the way and takes all the beating. When the man has spent his anger he goes away. Isa/Jesus is the Lamb of Allah/God who takes away the sins of mankind by laying down His life for us, paying the just penalty for our sins. That’s how Jesus loved us so much and took our sins on Himself and bore our punishment. Love made it possible for the exchange. One person sinned but the other person paid the penalty. But won’t it be a shame for someone whom you know is a very good Muslim for the most part, to go to hell? But that will indeed be the case if they don’t have Christ. What’s more, murderers, drug peddlers, prostitutes, adulterers, thieves, and the like…when they receive Christ as their savior, will go to heaven. You may ask: “How is this possible and how is that fair (good justice)?” Answer: The so-called “good person” depended on his own goodness to get him into heaven. That is prideful self-righteousness, which is just the opposite of humility–the greatest virtue. The “good person” may be likened to a clean glass of water into which a speck of cyanide (sin) is added. He is unfit to enter into the presence of a HOLY God just as the glass of water is unfit to be consumed. On the other hand, in all humility, those who recognize that they are sinners needing a savior (just like a diseased person recognizes his need for a physician), quickly find Isa/Jesus (which means: savior) and consummate the relationship with Him. You see: God is not going to make a way to heaven where we may boast about our own goodness. Jesus, the only one like Him, lived a 100% sinless life of a man, in order to be a perfect bhali (sacrifice) for you and for me. This is a provision of God where Love, Justice and Mercy meet. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to even die the excruciating death, so that all those who put their trust in Jesus should not perish in His justice, but have everlasting life. As Pastor Charles Stanley says, “If there were OTHER ways to Himself, then יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर knowingly did the most devilish thing to send His Son to earth who would later be nailed to that excruciating cross [leave alone whether he died on it or not].” You see, death or separation from God is only for those who sin. You need not die if you have not sinned even one sin or at least paid all your penalty in full, which is the case when you receive Christ as your savior. “The wages of sin [alone] is death, but the gift of Allah/God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom6:23, The Bible). Isa/Jesus said: “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life” (Injeel John5:24 NIV). You will come out of this womb of time & space and not be a miscarriage like any other. Isa’s/Jesus’s offer is repulsive, offensive only to the proud. The proud don’t want to appear as a beggar receiving something someone dishes out! Only the humble see themselves as needing help from Allah/God. The proud think they can make it to heaven by themselves. Allah/God says, “you are unclean to come into my presence.” The Holy Spirit too, like a dove, which does not inhabit dirty places, will not come into your heart unless it is 100% clean, which can only be obtained through Jesus’s sacrifice. Only the humble see themselves as sinners needing a savior. Only the humble receive Isa/Jesus, who is the provision of Allah/God, just as the Lamb was to Abraham in place of Isaac/Ishmael. Humility is the greatest virtue in the kingdom of heaven. Are you humble? Are you ready to receive Isa al Masih/Jesus Christ as your personal savior? My dear friend, you do not need evidence or proof that He rose from the dead (resurrected). That you are a sinner needing a savior, like the rest of mankind, is enough evidence and proof to infer that this is a universal need that surely Allah/God Himself would definitely satisfy, cater to and make a provision for. Allah/God has the answer for it. It is Isa/Jesus/Yeshua, who paid your sin debt in full, that you may thenceforth walk in love and righteousness! And He will be there for you when you sink like doubting Peter, through His Spirit, who will come to take residence in your now cleaned and purified heart. So wash away all your sins in the waters of baptism, administered to you by humble servants of Isa/Jesus! Farewell!
“So Peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)”
A. Jusuf Ali wrote in the footnote number 2485 of his translation of the Holy Quran (1975): “…those who believe that he (Jesus) never died should ponder over this verse.”
What Quaran 4:157 simply says is that you can never kill Jesus permanently–He will rise from the dead!
We don’t even need Quran or even the Bible to support our argument.
That we are sinners, needing a Savior is self-evident. Even Hindu vedas teach that.
A dead man comes back to life to show that a man need not die if he is clean (Rom1:3-4; cf. Rom6:23; Gen2:17). That a totally innocent man needs to be put to death so that “his blood would be upon us and our children” (Injeel Matt27:25; Lev17:11; Heb9:22) and then for him to rise again from the dead to show that our sins have “SUCCESSFULLY” (HT: Bro. Sukumar Rachapudi) been forgiven IN him, is self-evident, requiring no evidence to defend it actually. Muhammad made Ishmaelites believe in a lie, impudently uttering Quran 4: 171 & Quran 19:88-92. Now, do not make me an enemy for telling you the truth like it is. We don’t believe in walking on egg-shells just because some rogue individual or state might issue a fathwa against us. This is your Agape Justice giving you counsel. Also, other teachers and Islamic scholars widely interpreted Muhammad as having said Isa never died and therefore never rose from the dead (Quran 4:156-159). I proved in my article why He must not only die but must also be raised from the dead. Therefore, in light of my thesis, Muhammad is silenced if not rubbished! “For the spirits of the prophets are subject to prophets” (1Cor14:29-32). And what’s more, i am more than a prophet. I too am a son of God/Allah.
So who, can we say, is the true Muslim? One who finds out the perfect will of God and submits to that will, at all costs, is the True Muslim. But Allah/God has nothing to do with will-power religion. The choice is in your hands. It is up to you to choose Isa/Jesus as your Savior and Lord or reject His offer. But penalty for your sins, you must pay somehow. Why reject such a great offer of salvation? “For whoever [tries to] keep the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it” (James2:10). Who rejects such great love…agape love? The proud luciferian! Yes, like Lucifer, he/she is one who rejects good authority. Does it not hurt when someone rejects your love? How much more should it hurt Allah/God and His Son, who loved us with such goodness and sacrificed that precious life for you and for me? That is true and good authority, my friend! “He loved us not because we were lovable, but because He is love” ~ C. S. Lewis.
“Rebellion/insubordination in the light of justice is black, but in the light of love it is devilish” (Charles Spurgeon).
Isa/Jesus left His heavenly abode and came down to earth as a human being, only to identify with you and me, and to die for you and for me. Won’t you love it even when someone speaks your language in a foreign land? Or you find someone of your own skin color? Yes, Isa/Jesus was with Allah/God as co-creator from the beginning of creation, as the scriptures declare. He emptied Himself of His divinity and took the form of a servant, a human, in order to identify with us and be a perfect sacrifice for you and for me. Read more about Isa al-Masih here: Mystery of Christ: Revealed.
And once again, this is the perfect will of Allah/God in order for one to be a True Muslim:
Alah/God desires and wills that you avail this sacrifice/provision of Allah/God and not be a sacrifice yourself. Allah’s/God’s will is that you take up the way of mercy (where Allah/God Himself provides you with the sacrifice, namely His Son Isa al-Masih) than for you to take up the way of sacrifice (where you must provide your own sacrifice–the penalty for your sins).
One last thing. I want to take you to higher ground.
Should you—a True Muslim—NOW worship Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ?
Firstly, Isa al-Masih did say that He is the Son of Allah/God (Read: Who has Monopoly on Allah) in Injeel John10:33-38 but clearly correcting the self-righteous mobsters, who were impatiently judgmental and trigger-happily concluded that He was equating Himself with Father God:
Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” ‘? If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God‘? If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; but if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him.”
Having been born of a Virgin (attested by both Quran & Bible), it is clear that he came down from heaven, also clearly claimed by Isa/Jesus Himself in John 6:51:
“I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.”
This is a self-evident truth worthy of everyone’s acceptance: Like respect, worship is never demanded; it is earned and is given/offered in reverence. We “render to ALL their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor” (Rom13:7). On Judgment Day, mere Muslims, i mean the ones who believe that Isa is merely a prophet like Muhammad, will be given, merely a prophet’s reward as per Isa’s own Words of self-evident truth in Matt10:41 (“He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward”) in light of the Golden Rule (Injeel Matt7:12). But as for us, we are after a Son-of-God’s reward. Even though Isa is the Firstborn of all creation and also the Firstborn from the Dead, he NEVER asked anyone to worship Him nor even hinted so. However, Isa/Jesus readily accepted worship at the time of his ascension. We will see why?
Being Firstborn and co-creator with God/Allah (Injeel John 1:3; Colossians 1:15-17; Philippians 2:10-11; Koran 2:116) is enough reason to worship Him. Not only just that; we worship the Son on our own accord, for what He did for us. Of course, we reserve the greatest respect/honor/worship for Abba Akbar, the Father, who created us in the first place. God is love (1Jn4:8), fully demonstrated by the SON. Those who do not honor the Son (SEEN), do not honor the Father (unseen). When you honor/worship the Firstborn (of all creation & also from the dead), you effectively worship/honor the Father. That is why Jesus Himself said in Jn5:21-23NASB:
“For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son also gives life to whom He wishes. “For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son, so that all will honor the Son EVEN as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.”
Isa/Jesus is the Bread of life that came down from heaven (Jn6:51). We eat this Bread symbolically, effectively eating His flesh, because it is on account of His sacrifice that we now live, and not because we eat ordinary bread for sustenance. If someone CLAIMS to worship the unseen יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर, but does not give respect due to a worthy seen brother, he is a LIAR(1Jn4:20).
Isaiah 45:21-22 (“Was it not I, the LORD? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me. Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.”) is TRUE. And the Ten Commandments (Exodus20:1-17), which says:
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.“You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me”
is holy and true!
And the Shema, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one” (Deut6:4) is also holy and true.
Now consider…
Why did Isa/Jesus say: “I and the Father are ONE” (Injeel Jn10:30)? Because Isa and the Father are NOT partners, in the sense of two separate entities coming together for one purpose. They are one and the same. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (Injeel Jn1:1). Now consider this ijtihad through this little illustration: With respect to others, Caleb’s head and his arm are one, right? Both, the head and the arm, can claim to be Caleb, without a shadow of doubt. But with respect to each other, arm listens to the head. One serves the other. Now read Isaiah53:1; Ex15:16 & Job40:9 and note that Isa/Jesus is Arm of Abba Akbar. Monotheism! This is not shrik business. Nor is it Al-Mushrikun (those who worship others alongside with Allah). This is true Tawhid! Since not even Muhammad nor anyone else died for you and me, expect Isa al-Masih, Jn14:6 (‘Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”‘) is TRUE. Since Isa is the only one who died for us and is therefore the only way, we pray to the Father IN ISA’S/JESUS’ NAME ALONE by which we have access to the Father. That is why Isa says in John 14:14 – “If you ask [the Father] anything in My name, I will do it.” Isa/Jesus shed His precious blood on that cruel cross of Calvary and made us partakers with Him of the heavenly riches, even making us sons of God together with Himself, the Firstborn. For that, we do worship Him, on our own accord, even though He Himself affirmed Ex20:2-5; Deut6:13-15; 10:20 and told us to worship and serve the Father and Him alone (Injeel Matt4:10). You see, without Isa/Jesus, we are nothing; to dust we must have had to return. Moreover, though Isa/Jesus Himself was created by the Father in the beginning of all creation (Col1:15; Rev3:14), Isa/Jesus was there from the beginning of eternity (Micah5:2) and together with Father they created the rest of creation (Injeel Jn1:3; Isa48:13; Job38:5). It is true that Allah/God has no partners (Isa44:8; 45:6). Isa/Jesus and Father Allah/God are One (Injeel Jn10:30). Both of them are agape (sacrificial) love; the Father, by nature, and the Son, by demonstration. We too will all become One with the Father ultimately (1Cor15:24). But right now we are all One with Isa/Jesus, having been grafted to a branch in the vine (Jn15:1-10; Rom11:17-21) through the born-againresurrection experience (scholars may check this out), baptism and the laying on of hands (Jn3:5), receiving the sap (Holy Spirit/WORD – Jn6:63) as adopted sons of Allah/God, who too are gods (Jn10:35) as He engineers us and qualifies us for heaven (Eph5:26).
Just as the wife respects her husband, but reserves the greater respect to al-Masih/Christ, we too, do offer our worship to Jesus Christ/عيسى المسيح/ישוע המשיח and call Him Lord as King David did in Ps110:1, saying “The LORD said to my Lord….” We reserve the greater worship for the Father. God is the big LORD and big GOD; Isa/Jesus is small Lord and the small God. And so are we. Therefore, together with us–who have now been reconciled with יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर–Isa/Jesus/Yeshua Himself calls יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर, “my Father and your Father, My God and your God” (Jn20:17). Isa/Jesus–the Firstborn–is King of kings, and the Lord of lords (Rev17:14; 19:16).
In my view, all Muslims–those who truly submit to Allah/God–will look, really good before Allah, if they receive and put on al-Masih/Christ!
Best of grace to you for Judgment Day, that will soon come upon the whole world! As for those die-hard Muhammad followers, who want to stick to their guns, we will see them on that DAY!
Bro. Caleb Suresh Motupalli
A mere servant of Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMashiach, who is the real lover of your soul!
Agape Ambassador
రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | בית לחם | بيت الخبز
29-37-31 El-ur Road
Vijayawada-520002, AP, India
This revelation comes to you in the same spirit of the “still small voice.” I am here claiming to be the Son of David, the Indivine, based on 2Cor3:17-19; Jn10:35 (not Incarnation–Jn1:14) and the Capstone, based on Zech4:7-9NKJV (not Cornerstone–Eph2:20) with God’s favor. Yes, the expected one. And in order to be of service, we are contending for the World Governor position, not as one who knows some management tactics, but as one in the image of Creator God, who offers excellent good & service like the not-so-ordinary-Carpenter before us. In particular, accompanied by a morphological or gross salvation (Patent Pending) — the “common good” (HT: Ambassador Dr. Tim Keller) — as part of my following the Lord Jesus Christ, building on the foundational Cornerstone Salvation He gave to our core beings. While being a safe ecosystem against machine tyranny, it turns out that it is a non-zero-sum, sustainable, global solution for the gross pathological condition of the world and the planet, satisfying the need to integrate religions, addressing the root problem of terrorism, while catering to the need to educate, challenge, and render supremacy to whom it is due. Thus enabling us to have real “teeth” in justice. We pray that the Father would establish the work of our hands, even as He lays bare His grafted arm (rhema from Isa52:10) to take responsibility. The Christocratic New World Order is based on the premise: “When a man’s ways (or designs) please יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर/దేవుడు, he even causes his enemies to be at peace with him” (Proverbs 16:7).
Billy Graham: Pope of the Protestant Church | Agape Ambassador | “Great Trumpet” of Matthew 24:31.
“It would be hard to overestimate Billy Graham’s influence…” – Rick Warren.
The “Great Trumpet” of God mentioned in Matthew 24:31 is Agape Ambassador Dr. Billy Graham.
His leaving the earth itself constitutes the blowing of the ultimate trump of God spoken of in Matthew 24:31:
“And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.”
As for the announcement by Father God Himself was done on 20 April 2015 itself:
Joel2:15-17; 1:15; cf. Matt24:36
TRANSCRIPT OF FIRST LETTER ABOUT THIS TO SAMARITAN’S PURSE (A sister concern of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association)
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:51 PM
To: Lakhavani, Kumar
Subject: RE: Important letter to Franklin Graham
August 23, 2006
Brother Lakhavani Kumar
Regional Director for Asia
Samaritan’s Purse
Boone , NC 28607 , USA
Dear Brother Kumar,
Greetings in the name of Lord Yeshua, who came to give us eternal life as we abide in Him!
Thank you for your prompt response to my email to Franklin Graham dated August 11, 2006. I have taken it as a real blessing in disguise. Discussing Project Agape TiE with another person from Asia has given me added hope to accomplish this purpose of God in my life.
To begin with, though i am located in the West Indies on my wife’s work-permit, my Ecumenical ministry spans the globe as i use IT to meet ministry objectives. My story begins with my coming to the United States with a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering to pursue a Masters in Computer Information Science in the Fall of 1988. Before i completed the program i had applied to a Ph.D. program in Management of Information Systems in the Fall of 1989. In the Statement of Purpose, which i submitted as part of the application, TiE–which is today called Agape TiE–was born. I tried to get intellectual property protection for the baby but Satan bound me for almost eighteen long years now. But the baby in me has been growing slowly but steadily. To reassure me that i am in the center of God’s will the Lord showed me the events that took place on September 11, 2001 four days in advance in a dream very vividly.
Recently, the Lord told me that Billy Graham would be the “Great Trumpet” of Matthew 24:31 who will usher the gathering together of His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other with Agape TiE. Indeed on 6/6/06 as an affront to Satan i believe, in the Decision email devotional, Billy Graham commenting on the Lord’s Command that we should love one another just as He loved us, wrote about “visible unity” in the Church.
Now what is Agape TiE?
Agape TiE is an Information Technology that facilitates the reembodiment of Christ corporate by the lifting up of Christ as Head in an organized manner by the putting to use of each member’s gifts and talents. “So that whoever believes, will IN HIM have eternal life” (John 3:15 NASB emphasis mine). The IT component of Agape TiE is a Totally Integrated Environment of a digital nervous system of Christ’s body. It enables Christians and local churches to be plugged into Christ corporate as each member exercises his/her Gifts and Talents in Him. It can be thought of as an Enterprise Resource Planner on the Internet for the body that is distributed around the globe, enabling her to move from individuals/churches thinking and taking action independently, to the whole body thinking and taking action as one. With Agape TiE, it is expected that the digital nervous system of Christ’s body can reach and “touch” literate and the illiterate alike, reachable and the unreachable. Agape TiE can serve as an e-governing environment or a throne for our Lord Yeshua to rule.
Even though there is no functional system in place yet, Agape TiE is expected to succeed because it has brand-equity by virtue of the Lord’s involvement. What i need today is your commitment to support the development of Agape TiE in every which way you can.
Luke 9:46-48; 8:19-21; John 20:24,25
Thank you,
Caleb Motupalli
Servant of the Word
5 St. Johnston Ave.
Basseterre , St. Kitts & Nevis, West Indies
Phone: 1 (869) 465-3069
Mobile : 1 (869) 664-4152
Rapid advances in artificial intelligence are raising risks that malicious users will soon exploit the technology to mount automated hacking attacks, cause driverless car crashes or turn commercial drones into targeted weapons, a new report warns.
The study, published on Wednesday by 25 technical and public policy researchers from Cambridge, Oxford and Yale universities along with privacy and military experts, sounded the alarm for the potential misuse of AI by rogue states, criminals and lone-wolf attackers.
The researchers said the malicious use of AI poses imminent threats to digital, physical and political security by allowing for large-scale, finely targeted, highly efficient attacks. The study focuses on plausible developments within five years.
“We all agree there are a lot of positive applications of AI,” Miles Brundage, a research fellow at Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute. “There was a gap in the literature around the issue of malicious use.”
Artificial intelligence, or AI, involves using computers to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as taking decisions or recognising text, speech or visual images.
It is considered a powerful force for unlocking all manner of technical possibilities but has become a focus of strident debate over whether the massive automation it enables could result in widespread unemployment and other social dislocations.
The 98-page paper cautions that the cost of attacks may be lowered by the use of AI to complete tasks that would otherwise require human labour and expertise. New attacks may arise that would be impractical for humans alone to develop or which exploit the vulnerabilities of AI systems themselves.
It reviews a growing body of academic research about the security risks posed by AI and calls on governments and policy and technical experts to collaborate and defuse these dangers.
The researchers detail the power of AI to generate synthetic images, text and audio to impersonate others online, in order to sway public opinion, noting the threat that authoritarian regimes could deploy such technology.
The report makes a series of recommendations including regulating AI as a dual-use military/commercial technology. It also asks questions about whether academics and others should rein in what they publish or disclose about new developments in AI until other experts in the field have a chance to study and react to potential dangers they might pose. “We ultimately ended up with a lot more questions than answers,” Brundage said.
The paper was born of a workshop in early 2017, and some of its predictions essentially came true while it was being written. The authors speculated AI could be used to create highly realistic fake audio and video of public officials for propaganda purposes.
Late last year, so-called “deepfake” pornographic videos began to surface online, with celebrity faces realistically melded to different bodies.
“It happened in the regime of pornography rather than propaganda,” said Jack Clark, head of policy at OpenAI, the group founded by Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Silicon Valley investor Sam Altman to focus on friendly AI that benefits humanity. “But nothing about deepfakes suggests it can’t be applied to propaganda.”
The title should read: “Hackers are already using AI.”
I am the inventor of “Augmented Person” (Patent Pending: US 13/516,443; INDIA 5606/CHENP/2012) for Transhumanity/Divinity that is superior, mutually exclusive and competing technology to AI.
We were all along under the impression that it was some other kind of censorship and subversion that we were being subjected to.
Is the Church listening for its own sake and for the sake of the continued existence of humanity?
As for you, Garry Kasparov, you are a moron, leading the world to its destruction with your supposed “thought leadership”.
Honorable Gholamreza Ansari Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran
5, Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi-110001, India
Dear Honorable Ambassador,
Greetings in amazing Jesus Christ/Isa Al Masih!
For several years now, i have written several letters to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, who has been a well-wisher of the Palestinian people as well as Muslims around the world of whom i am one, in the sense of one who submits to יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर/దేముడు.
As i am also a Christian, converted from Hinduism, and also a servant of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर, it was heartening to note that the Iranian Leader acknowledged the divinity of Isa al Masih from his Twitter handle, @khamenei_ir, on 27th December 2017.
Back in 1993, I myself had testified at Beth Israel Messianic Congregation, NJ, USA using יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर-given portion in 1 John 5:9-12 of The Bible about how యేసు క్రీస్తు / यीशु मसीह / Jesus Christ/ المسيح عيسى / המשיח ישוע saved me and i was born-again. And after knowing God’s call to holy ministry through Mark 1:17 of The Bible (“follow me”), also volunteered then with Hope of The World ministry of Shepherd Jonathan Cahn while doing my Masters in Computer Information Science at New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA.
In 1999 when I asked God’s will if I should marry Anna my wife, God called me through 1 Chronicles 22:11 of The Bible to build the House of the Lord our God and confirmed that she would be my (this Son of David’s) help-meet to do so. I believe our home is the microcosm of the macro-cosmic House of God.
As for the house itself, Father God giving me 1 Chronicles 22:11 of The Bible, which speaks about David blessing success to his son [of David] in building the House of God, as confirmation of building my own house with my would-be wife, Anna, seems pretty straightforward. In other words, House of God = my own house. In conjunction with other leadings, I believe Father God (יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर) wants me to set up the eThrone in the House/Temple of God in Jerusalem/AlQuds.
And by the way, there is actually some element of truth in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 of the Bible (“who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being god”), especially in view of Injil/Gospel John 10:35 of the Bible, which by virtue of the sap/Holy Spirit/Word indeed coming to me, makes me also a true god (a Son of God by decree and right—a part of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर/దేముడు) over and above any “so-called god or object of worship.”
On 13th January 2018, through 1 Chronicles 22:12 of The Bible, God also promised me with wisdom & understanding to do the work of building the Temple of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर at Jerusalem/AlQuds and setting up the eThrone.
Yes, we are attempting the proverbial jump across the grand canyon in trying to become the world governor — my faith (cf. Rom12:3).
By God’s grace, as i wrote earlier, i am a go-getter, gifted in organizing, and good on other fronts as well.
As we “intentionally” try to make an aliyah to Jerusalem/AlQuds, i am here proposing the much needed (maybe not what is currently wanted) “Three-in-One State Solution” especially to the governments of the State of Israel, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the United States of America, as well as now the State of Palestine.
Already sent to you earlier:
an economic & governmental blueprint for an eThrone at Jerusalem/AlQuds; and
my book, Capstone & Christocratic New World Order (update).
Per Zechariah 4:7-8 NKJV, the “capstone,” which Zerubbabel (or “[word] sown/conceived in Babylon”—perhaps the Honorable Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei?) takes and uses to “finish” the temple, is different from the Cornerstone (Jesus of Nazareth), which was used for the “foundation” (Zechariah 4:9 NKJV Bible). You see, the Capstone avatar is different from the Cornerstone avatar, which is the foundation stone (HT. Bro. Abraham of Nalgonda).
Hence the raison d’être for my case!
We are NOT in pursuit of power for its own sake! However, “by perseverance in doing good [we] seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life” (Romans 2:7, The Bible).
I would appreciate if you could take this up to the Supreme Leader of Iran, the Honorable Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, with whom i hope to meet soon for talks about the above Temple building and setting up the eThrone.
For now, i wish to meet you personally to present you updates (if any) of the above proposal and book.
Thank you very much!
In closing, thus said יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर/దేముడు just now to me through 2 Thessalonians 3:3 KJV Bible in prayer:
“The Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.”
So ultimately, it is God, who will establish me!
Abiding in His grip,
Sincerely yours,
Caleb Surésh Motupalli
Son of David | @AgapeAmbassador of Agape Kingdom
రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | بيت أل خبز | בית לחם |
29-37-31 El-ur Road | Vijayawada-520002, AP, India
Honorable Adnan Abu Alhaijaa, Palestinian Ambassador to India
Honorable Daniel Carmon, Israeli Ambassador to India
Honorable Kenneth I. Juster, U.S. Ambassador to India
Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji, Government of India
A Kafir (Unbeliever) is one who does not believe especially in the SIGNS of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर that do require a degree of faith.
Do not say, “a Believer is one who prays this many times a day, etc, etc.” Then you must give royal treatment to this dog.
In fact, the oft quoted Koran 8:12 essentially says:
‘Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers [who believe in the Sign of Virgin Birth AND the Sign of Resurrection]: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers [who do not believe in the SIGNS of Allah]: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”‘
Note: Angel Jibril spoke Koran to Muhammad. Therefore Muhammad is prophet of Angel Jibril, not of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर, directly. Whereas it is written of Isa AL MASIH in John 1:18 “No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten god (with the small ‘g’) who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.” Again in Heb1:2 יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds.
Now, briefly…
What is a Sign?
A sign is a => (pointer) to something.
Sign #1: SIGN of Virgin Birth
Koran 23:50 states: “And We made the son of Mary and his mother as a Sign: We gave them both shelter on high ground, affording rest and security and furnished with springs.” Also, Isa7:14.
Virgin was with child (Koran 2:117). Why a virgin? Man knows it like gravity that it takes a male and a female to make a baby. יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर wants to precisely appear to the world as the Father of one to be born, namely the son of Mary. יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर wants to tell the world that His Son, which means that He is also the co-owner of the creation, trumps all prophets (merely hirelings), past, present, & future, including Muhammad.
A sign is a => to something. What is this something in the case of this virgin birth?
Nothing is impossible with Allah. If he wanted He could have brought forth Isa out of nothing. But why did He use a VIRGIN in particular?
In fact, in keeping with Injeel John 1:3; John 5:21-23NASB; Colossians 1:15-17 and Philippians 2:10-11, even Koran 2:116-117 clearly acknowledges:
They say: “Allah hath begotten a son”: Glory be to Him (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ). Nay, to Him (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ) belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: everything renders worship to Him (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ). To Him (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ) is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ) decreeth a matter, He (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ) saith to it: “Be,” and it is.
But instead Muhammad has not simply misunderstood it but rather did not believe the SIGN, as the Apostles have declared it in the Injil. Muhammad rather went saying:
When He (Allah not Isa al Masih/Jesus Christ) decrees a matter, He (Allah) only says to it (fetus in the womb of Mary), “Be,” and it is.
Koran 8:30 “Remember how the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out (of thy home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah. Koran 8:31 “When Our Signs are rehearsed to them, they say: ‘We have heard this (before): if we wished, we could say (words) like these: these are nothing but tales of the ancients.'”
Isa al Masih was there before the foundation of the earth (Micah5:2; Isaiah53:1-2; Jn1:1). He is from above. The pre-existing Word became flesh and dwelt among us (Jn1:14). So Isa was יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर son before He was born to Virgin Mary. So יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर was saying to the world through the sign that Isa is His Son. See how the Son trumps all prophets here.
Yes, prophet Muhammad included, did not believe that Isa AL MASIH was the Son of Allah. Or was it the translators who attributed the title, “Most Gracious” (Koran 19) also to Allah, when it actually and rightly belongs to Isa AL MASIH?
Therefore, they, including Muhammad, are kafirson count #1 for not believing in the SIGN of the Virgin Birth AND it’s obvious implications, as noted above.
SIGN #2: The Resurrection
Koran 2:73 states clearly that Allah can bring back the dead. It is one of His Signs.
Tommy Lee Camden II writes in
“Resurrection Of Christ: A Sign Or Not?”
The resurrection in itself is not considered to be a sign miracle, but should it be one? We must examine what makes the miracles sign miracles to find this answer. The sign miracles were a set of seven specific miracles performed by Jesus that held special significance and meaning. Each one of them was performed to another person and for the better good of that person. Now when we look at the resurrection, we must determine what is its significance, who was it for and why was it performed. There are a few factors that must be looked at and first is what is the significance of the resurrection. This is very important for modern Christianity, because it is basically the foundation for the faith that developed into the religion we have. Had Christ not resurrected we would be stuck with idolatry… and the new way to salvation would have never been known. So the significance is that His death did away with the traditions of the Old Testament. Now, the resurrection is [about the new life we have in Christ]. Because of His perfect sacrifice we have the chance to live eternally with Him in the after life, so when asking whom this miracle was for, the answer is, for all of us. He showed us there was hope and life even after death. Jesus raising Himself from the grave is the perfect way to show the world that all power in heaven and earth is in Christ. Its one thing to raise the dead like Lazarus, but its so much more powerful to give ones self up to death, wait three days to allow Jewish belief that the soul is no longer lingering around the body and then to restore life back to yourself from the grave. Only Jesus has ever done this and only He could.
But Muslims, including Prophet Muhammad, make themselves Unbelievers/kafirs by not believing in yet another but more important SIGN of Allah for mankind: The RESURRECTION!
In Quran 19, Maryam, verse 33, Jesus said shortly after his birth:
“So Peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again).”
A. Jusuf Ali wrote in the footnote number 2485 of his translation of the Holy Quran (1975): “…those who believe that he (Jesus) never died should ponder over this verse.”
“That they said [in boast], ‘We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah’;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no [certain] knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.”
What 4:157 simply says is that you can never kill Jesus permanently–He will rise from the dead!
The AL MASIH says, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies.” (Injeel Jn11:25)
For a Believer, The Day of Judgement (Koran 23:16) is the Day he/she is Born-Again, when Justice meets Mercy for his/her sake, and both are satisfied. In fact it is his/her Day of Resurrection, particularly catering to him/her. For, Isa AL MASIH says in Injeel John 5:24: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.”
Now, Koran 5:10 says it clearly: “Those who reject faith and deny our signs will be companions of Hell-fire.”
A Takfir is an apostate, that is, not a true Muslim.
“They have certainly disbelieved who say, ‘Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary’ while the Messiah has said, ‘O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.’ Whoever joins other gods with Allah,- Allah will forbid him the garden, and the Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help.”
As for us, we have not denied: ABBA AKBAR (آبا اكبر), which means the Father is the greatest as per Injeel Jn14:28 and 1Cor11:3. But that only excuses us, not the so-called Muslims.
Clearly Koran5:72 is suspect for twisting INJEEL John20:17 (Jesus said to her, “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, `I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'”). Our God is Isa’s God. But our Lord is Isa, and His Lord is the Father (1Cor11:3; Jn14:28). This is true on account of Tanakh Ps110:1 (which speaks of “LORD of Lord”); Torah Deut10:17 (which speaks of “God of gods”); Tanakh Job1:6 (which speaks of “sons of God”). Therefore, (unless it is a translation error mistaking ‘God’ mentioned in Jn20:17 for ‘Adonai/Lord’) Muhammad errs in saying the lie that AL Masih said, ‘O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.'” Either Muhammad is erring or those who wrote the Koran are erring.
You see, the heavens declare the glory of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर. There is no shortage of people submitting to the UNSEEN (יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर). But it is to the SEEN we must offer their due. This is not only scriptural (Jn5:23; 1Jn4:20; Rom13:7; 1Cor11:3; 1Cor12:28) but it is also a self-evident truth.
Therefore, Muhammad is not a true Muslim and is therefore a Takfir..
The above argument with self-evident truths makes the so-called Muslims, including Prophet Muhammad (as he is understood today by the Ummah/Muslim community), takfirs as well as kafirs. Muhammad peddles a truth (virgin birth, etc) + lies deceiving the masses that he is of good. But ultimately he peddles a lie under the label of GOOD — the devil that he is doing mischief.
Since Muhammad and Quran lead people to reject యేసు క్రీస్తు / यीशु मसीह / Jesus Christ/ المسيح عيسى / המשיח ישוע without whom there is no life for the Muslim or anyone else for that matter, Prophet Muhammad is not al-Amin (trustworthy). Those who want to still be contentious, note the gravity of what we are dealing with here: An eternal life and eternal death matter (1Jn2:23)…
The entire QURAN is therefore rubbished!
However we do not deny Muhammad’s great acknowledgement and highlighting of Islam of Isa al Masih. This Son of David is for world peace!
The Ummah must now decide whether they want Muhammad or יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर.
Surésh is an Indian masculine given name originating in the Sanskrit word sureśa (compound of sura and īśa). Its meaning is “Ruler of gods” and it has been used as an epithet for the Hindu gods Bhrama, Vishnu and Shiva (Wikipedia).
Cf. “Ruler of rulers” in Daniel8:25 / EBR / దానియేలు 8:25 was revealed to me from a Bible dictionary at a Bible literature exhibition at Basseterre on the island of Saint Kitts & Nevis during our stay there between years 2003-2006.
Around 1968-1972, when i was an infant and my brother–Sudeep Motupalli Rao–was still crawling, my mother–Motupalli Jayalakshmi with maiden name Neelam Jayalakshmi–after being ill-treated by my dissatisfied earthly father–Motupalli Yogesware Rao–over a prolonged period of time, with the last straw of being beaten up (including this one), tried to commit suicide and jumped into the well in our house yard. She went to the bottom of the water of the well and then frantically kicked herself back to the surface of the water of the well (cf. 1Peter3:20-21; Romans6:4; Matthew18:3; John3:5). With fear of death suddenly gripping her now, she stretched out her arms and found the walls of the well, which kept her from sinking. She then heard us crying above. So she decided to live for us and cried out to a neighbour’s servant (Ramudu) to drop a rope. Ramudu brought her back up.
Later without knowing the meaning of Suresh (not even today?) or Sudeep, she renamed me సురేష్ (Surésh), replacing సీతారాం (SitaRam), which was my grandfather’s name from my father’s side (a name, similarly carried through many generations), and my brother-in-the-flesh సుదీప్ (Sudeep), replacing సుబ్భా రావు (Subba Rao), which was my grandfather’s name from my mother’s side.
As it sounded good to her heart, but without knowing the meaning of it, the name “Suresh” was simply adopted by my mother for me from her immediately elder sister-in-law’s (Kali Kamba) son’s name (i came to know of this only today when i inquired her). And the name “Sudeep” as a name for my brother-in-the-flesh, simply came to her mind as something that rhymed with the name “Suresh.”
Much later in 1995, Servant of God, Brother K. Phillip in a message confirmed my desire to change my name to Caleb, which was a name of my room-mate in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I did not know the meaning of the name, but it merely sounded good to me, so when i returned to India, i thought of taking that name as my Christian name. On that night after Phillip uncle gave the message, i kept awake all night without sleep and was sort of in prayer. When it was dawning (August 20th, 1995), i also read the daily devotional from Mother Charles Cowman’s “Streams in the Desert.” That day’s devotional was about god telling Jacob, “Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but hereafter, you shall be called Israel.” Then at about 5 AM as planned i took an auto-rickshaw from Sri Ram Nagar, Madras (Chennai) where we lived and went to Jehovah-shammah, which was in Vepery, Madras (Chennai), where the Servant of God was serving and residing. As soon as he saw me, before i said anything after the greeting, he said that his devotional that day was, “This is my beloved Son in whom i am well pleased.” And i was the first one whom he had encountered early that morning at about 5:30 AM IST. I then told him how the Lord lead me to change my name from Suresh to Caleb yesterday. But early that morning how i felt through the devotional that God was telling me instead to take the name Israel. Then Uncle explained to me the correct meaning behind that instruction in the devotional where God was sealing the change of name; just as Jacob became Israel, i too now became Caleb from Suresh. He then went inside and fetched his Bible dictionary and found the meaning of the Hebrew name, Caleb: “a dog that yelps.” I was quite pleased and went home. When it came time (after few weeks?) to changing the name in the records such as Passport etc, i had to publish my new name after change of religion in couple of news papers (vernacular and English) and in the government gazette. As amma was close to Celestial aunty (wife of the Servant of God, Brother K. Phillip), during conversation about change of my name, she advised i retain the name Suresh as part of my name, just as Brother Balu David did, in order that i can witness and reach out to my Hindu friends & family using my name. I am sure aunty too did not know(?) the meaning of the common Hindu name Suresh. But even though i thought the old creation was dead (2Cor5:17) and with that the old name as well, i took the advise of Phillip aunty and retained the name Suresh. But unlike Brother Balu David, who put his old name ahead of the new name. I placed the old name after the new name and went with Caleb Suresh Motupalli. I also retained Motupalli because i wanted to testify that this being had a basic earthly human existence.
And significantly today a Brahmin Chartered Accountant, who helped with incorporating AgapeJUST [P] Ltd., on March 6, 2017, but with whom i lost touch with, called me all of a sudden reminding me about filing tax returns with the government. For which i followed up with submitting some documents along with a message about Jesus Christ (Krishna). He replied by addressing me using the general greeting: “Dear sir.” Sir, which is adopted from the British, is pronounced here in Andhra as sar apparently equivalent to the Hebrew śar שַׂר־שָׂרִים֙.
Since my inadvertently given name is rather intriguing, did some further research today (15th December 2017). I came to know that Sura is commonly used in India (Sanskrit language) to denote alcohol (spirit) or god. Sura is also used to refer to verses/chapters/books in the Quran. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself said His Word is equal to sura (spirit) and life (Jn6:63). As for īśa, it simply means Lord in the Upanishads. But we know īśa specifically is another word for Yeshua/Jesus as in the Bible AND Quran. So it appears to me that Sura + Isa in English means: Lord Spirit of 2 Corinthians 3:17-18. Is naming someone సురేష్ (Surésh), the Blasphemy that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 12:31? Or సురేష్ (Surésh/שורש/שֹׁרֶשׁ of Isaiah11:1ff) in an official capacity?
Also, fulfilling “first will be last” (Matt20:16) and “thekingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it” (Matt21:43).
“To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them”(Isaiah8:20).
Does Isaiah 8:20 also mean scripture interprets itself? Does:
“And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” (2Peter1:19-21)
mean there can be no authoritative interpreter at all but that scripture must interpret itself?
“No prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation” simply means Truth is established by at least two or three witnesses (Matt18:20). It does not mean scripture is the final authority even to interpret itself!
Active Word == Final Authority. But see where Peter is getting at with the term “private interpretation.” Active Word may also come across as “private interpretation.” That is why Jesus said, where two or three are gathered together there I–the Truth–am. Matt18:20 is of paramount importance to understand what Peter is saying.
If we study the principles of so-called hermeneutics, they will use that phrase “private interpretation” (Peter) to substantiate their claim that scripture must interpret itself. They harp on “sola scriptura” (Scripture Alone) as if the Pope is doing some “private interpretation” of his own. Do you get where i am going with this? The Pope always uses councils, never “private interpretations.” Council == the 2 or 3 of Matt18:15-20.
That the Pope be in authority is of Christocracy. That no one in particular be in authority even to arbitrate between people, is not some supposed virtuous democracy; it is anarchy. Here is proof that TRUTH can in fact be twisted to mean totally the opposite!
The raison d’être of a Pope is ironically for the very thing that he is dismissed by the Protestants, namely, “Private Interpretation.”
At the outset, i want to make it clear that we are not disputing that we were saved, once upon a time by the works of Christ. Salvation is past, present and future. We are saved from the penalty of sin. We are being saved from the power of sin. And we will be saved from the presence of sin.
The faith-of-no-boasting (Eph2:8-9) that enabled you to believe in Jesus at the time of being born-again should now enable you to do good-works (fruit). Else your faith is dead and you’re going to hell. Therefore, Salvation = Grace + Faith + fruit (works).
Luke10:25, 27-28
If not then what is fair for people who have grown up away from any real exposure to Christianity?
Sure, we cannot work to the extent the Law requires. We fall short of them (Rom3:23). Therefore, no doubt we should not boast in any work of ours but have faith.
If the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ atoned our sins, i.e. paid for all our past sins (not those of the future: Rom3:25; 2Pet1:9) up until the time we washed them, the sins of omission and the sins of commission after the knowledge being imparted have treble penalty than to those people who did not receive grace (Luke12:48; Heb10:26ff).
So say goodbye to the Devil and his children, who are singing the devil’s lullaby, “Faith Alone,” subverting righteousness altogether and making God’s people rest in a mere belief-sans-works. “Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous” (1Jn3:7).
The following slides were first released in social media during 2014-2016:
Matt16:12; 1Tim4:1
Jesus rose from the dead by the merits of holiness, not by being deity!
“Jesus Christ our Lord was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.” (Rom1:3-4NKJV)
(Luke23:34; Heb10:26)
The warning is clear:
A murderer, for instance, upon receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior, doesn’t become as righteous as one who has laid down his life for his neighbor. That would be laughable and an embarrassment to heaven. He is merely forgiven and given a clean slate. The Biblical term for that is Atonement. That is, only our past sins are forgiven (Rom3:25; 2Pet1:9).
His righteousness is applied to us for atonement before we are grafted into the vine. When grafted into Jesus, the vine has righteousness, not the branches. Branches need to abide to bear fruit/righteousness. Otherwise they too will be cut-off (Jn15:1-11; Rom11:21ff).
2Cor6:2 says:
“In the time of my favour I heard you,
and in the day of salvation I HELPED you.”
How did He help us? He helped us by wiping away all our PAST sins (Rom3:25; 2Pet1:9). It would NOT be considered as HELP if He also granted us His righteousness. That would be more than mere help. It is help because we can now (at the time of being born-again) start our life with a CLEAN slate, not with a deposit.
(Jn3:3; Rom3:25; 2Pet1:9)
To see the kingdom, we need to be born-again (Jn3:3), which is to humble ourselves and consider ourselves as a ‘nothing,’ wholly dependent on God. In order to enter the kingdom, we need to be baptized (Jn3:5), which is the first fruit. Subsequently, we need to now write on the clean slate with righteousness–bear more fruit–because…
Like a true Muslim–in the sense of “one who submits to God”–we submit our freewill to God’s will, just like Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane, saying, “Not my will, Father, but Thine be done!” (Luke 22:42).
For mortality to be swallowed up, Paul speaks of being further clothed over on top of the basics/underwear. He also instructs every woman, including the Bride of Christ, to be clothed with good deeds (1Tim2:9-10).
“Now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life.” (Rom6:22)
Cf. Phil2:13
From Rev19:8 we understand that this “further clothing” (2Cor5:4) are the righteous acts of the saints. Notice that these acts are not that of the Lord Jesus Christ nor of the Holy Spirit. In other words, these are imparted righteousness, over on top of the basics/underwear, which Christ gave us upon being born-again (imputed righteousness). In the final analysis these are the Wedding Garments we ought to be dressed up in, not remain in our first birthday clothes (diapers).
This 2Cor5:4 concept of not being unclothed of the basics/underwear but of further clothing over on top of them, is most prevalent even in today’s culture of clothing. Therefore, we can safely say that works are necessary for salvation, without which we will be thrown out, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt22:1-14).
(cf. Jn13:35)
Luke10:25, 27-28; Rom4:3; Jn8:56
That leads to the question of Eternal Security…
Out of the four kind of soils that Jesus spoke of in Matt13, only one kind was like the seed that fell on the way side (i.e. never born-again to begin with). But with the rest of the three, per Jn12:24, the seed in fact died and was born-again. But only one out of those three endured to the end and was saved, per Matt10:22 & Matt24:13. So, there is no such thing as once-saved-always-saved!
So we see: Jesus leaves us no room for a Salvation based on a “Faith Alone” (passé) theology!
Pastor John Piper, founder of Desiring God and chancellor of Bethlehem College and Seminary, on 14 October 2016 issued this breaking news:
Thus says the Lord on Wednesday, 19th October 2016:
“If I cast out demons [like ‘Luther/Faith ALONE’ from strongmen like John Piper] by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.”
Thus says the Lord on Wednesday, 2nd November 2016:
“He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were ill.”
Thereby, Luther now stands overturned!
Dr. John Piper reiterates his stand on both “Eternal Security” as well as “Faith-ALONE” doctrines in this video:
R. C. Sproul is famous for saying:
“The article of Justification by Faith Alone is the doctrine on which the Church stands or falls.”
Speaking of Luther-Calvin Church, Jesus predicted:
“The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.” (Matt7:27)
With the fall of the Goliath-like strongman, it is God, who has declared that the Faith-ALONE (Lutheran-Calvin) Church has fallen. This was confirmed again on 11th November 2016. It is Christ, who brings these charges against the Luther-Calvin Church (cf. Rom8:34; 8:3). The ramification of this is that we NO LONGER sit back and supposedly “pray” for God to do all the leg-work as well. As servants of God we all need to form companies with a not-only-for-profit motive in order to love like never before and show that we are indeed the disciples of Christ (John13:35), bearing fruit for life everlasting. The fruit can be in the form of souls (1Cor16:15), good-works (Col1:10), praise (Heb13:15), financial (Rom15:26-28), quality of character/spirit (Gal5:22), enlightenment (Eph5:9), righteousness (Phil1:11; Heb12:11), holy anger/justice (1Sam11:6; Mark3:5), godly jealousy (2Cor11:2), etc (Rev22:2). But remember that demonstration takes sacrifice, and it is way superior than merely saying: “I love you.”
“World peace is only possible when we believe it is possible. Otherwise we will naturally take to arms to protect ourselves.” Yes, it is a catch-22.
Being a true Muslim – in the sense of “one who submits to God (יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर)” – we submit our freewill to God’s will, just like Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane, saying:
“Not my will, Father, but Thine be done!” (Luke 22:42).
This kind of submission is hard to come by among Christians, who hang on to the “Fallacy of Faith Alone” absent works-of-submission to the Lord’s will — a win for the Muslims, if you ask me. The Lord wants all to be Muslims in the true sense of the term, not mere “faith-alone” trumpeters.
Here is my take on being a true Muslim: Lordship Salvation & True Muslim. As you can see, we are NOT embracing for the sake of embracing.
This disposition of being reconcilable, yet sticking to the truth, not only gives us a voice among the Muslims (Muhammadans), who have a point, but also provides support for being One Humanity under the Headship and Lordship of Christ (ecumenical ministry based on Jn17:21-23), while satisfying Matt10:41 paraphrased —
“He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward, [and he who receives a Son of God in the name of a Son of God will receive a Son of God’s reward]“.
This agape justice (settlement) is expected to be satisfying to both parties, where both give-and-take some.
Moreover, without Muhammad we would not have had the great acknowledgement and highlighting of Islam of Isa al Masih.
Thereby, attaining world peace–a prevention that is better than cure; an alternative narrative of peace and hope.
Regarding the Sonship of యేసు క్రీస్తు / यीशु मसीह / Jesus Christ/ المسيح عيسى / המשיח ישוע:
Sister Lori Szewczyk nicely crystallises Muhammadans’ misunderstanding perfectly:
“The notion that there was anything in the nature of a carnal union between God and the Virgin Mary in order to beget a Son is the false and blasphemous thing Muslims claim Christians believe……
If you’d get it through your heads that this is not what we believe…..may be there would be a little understanding between Christians and Muslims.”
Now, the New Heavens & the New Earth is not what is trumped-up to be. Frank Viola, with whom i agree with on this point, has this to say:
Although the Bible speaks of a new heaven and a new earth, the foundation of the earth will never pass away. The Lord is not going to do away with the world of space, time, and matter. Instead, God is going to renovate the earth, judge all things by fire, and burn up certain of its elements. Some have mistakenly embraced the notion that God hates this dirty little planet and has promised to rescue His people out of it before He trashes it. But Scripture teaches no such thing. Indeed, Scripture repeatedly warns that “the world” is evil. But the Greek words translated “world” in these passages do not refer to the earth, but to the world system (kosmos) or the present age (aion) that is marked by the corruptions of sin. The Bible makes clear that this present age is evil, that the world system is headed up by satan, and that God will judge the world system in the end. But it teaches with equal force that the earth itself is precious to God, who has wonderful plans for it. Because the world presently stands under the defilement of sin, God’s people are strangers and pilgrims to it. We are told that our citizenship is in the heavens, and we are not to be attached to that which is earthly. This present age and the world system are temporal and will pass away. At the same time, the new creation has arrived with the resurrection of Jesus. While we are not from this world (the world system), we are certainly for the world (the earth and the people who populate it)—just as Jesus was not from this world but for it. The kingdom of God is certainly for the world, as Jesus prayed: “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
So we are stewards of this planet and we cannot irresponsibly say: “This earth is going to be destroyed anyway; so why bother with climate change, world peace, etc?”
In this Christocratic New World Order, per Rev7:9, we hope to not only achieve peace but also unite all nations, people, tongues, and things with our invention, branded as Agape TiE® Totally Integrated Environment®:
Greetings in the matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
This free gift worth $1000 comes to you today on my dear wife’s (Anna Motupalli) birthday under the banner of Operation Agape TiE®, which is really Operation Bride or Operation Beulah!
At the outset we want to make it clear that this Tech Missionary& Son of David is able to bring this $1000 gift to each member of the Bride of Christ through the freewill offerings by individual local churches and their leaders of their “tithe of the tithe” (Num18:26).
Our calling is based on Matt27:59 and Rev19:8, which means our ministry is for the whole universal Church as a Church of churches, namely to “tie” (divine-connect) all the local churches together as one body of Christ and present her as a Bride, comprising 144,000 Called & Chosen & Faithful (Rev17:14), which together with “a great multitude which no one could count” (Rev7:9) we are calling Agape® Kingdom with the status of a nation. This kingdom is conceptualised as a “community on the cloud.” It is basically a social media, custom designed for the Christian community. We get to have spiritual communion through it better than Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, or even through real life meetings. By that i mean, we get to know each other’s spirit, not merely our appearances, as is the case with physical interactions in real life. As i shared with you earlier, please hold such spiritual communions in high esteem. But we do understand the demerits of Facebook and WhatsApp to the youth, who are becoming glued to it for entertainment and other illicit activity. It is another reason why we want to wean them from dirty social media and other internet sites and provide a clean and safe environment for Christians to enjoy community in a Gospel-centred and Christ-headed (not mere Christ-centred) manner (i.e. in Christocracy).
At Agape® Kingdom we include unbelievers and non-Christians, who are searching for the Truth or who simply appreciate the Lord Jesus Christ and His ministry. But the Bride of Christ, comprising 144,000 Called + Chosen + Faithful (Rev17:14), enjoys the eThrone with Christ. At , we are giving a unique gift to local church Servants of God and Pastors worldwide who can offer their baptized church members and in good standing, a tie to Agape® Kingdom for citizenship there. We hope Agape Kingdom will offer a foretaste of the heavenly kingdom we will experience when we actually go to be with God.
Tools to unite your congregation’s diaspora
In addition to the above Christian-community-universal-church-service at Agape® Kingdom to EACH church member, as a complementary gift to Servants of God, who will join, we are giving the following, which are worth over $1000 USD/member, for FREE (no traps) with a freewill-offering of ANY amount received only from local Church Pastors, who are shepherding a church having at least two or three members, forming a binding corporate entity (Matt18:20), which is recognised in Agape® Kingdom. The Pastor can stay engaged or “tied” with their flock 24×7 with this through special permits given them in Agape® Kingdom. The tools are:
Agape TiE® Ecosystem – Home
Persona Extender | EoT | eThrone
Patent pending Agape TiE® Ecosystem – Home, which is a tie of all appliances in the home, including home security, TV, AC, DVD player, Audio system, Projector, Fans and Lights, all of which can be controlled from the mobile;
Person® Transhuman Experience
Co-opted AI | Augmentation
Transhuman Experience, such as one that the patriarch Adam enjoyed before the fall. This is our goods & service of Restoration or Engineering Divinity (sanctification and holiness and dominion) by co-opting AI; and
Agape TiE® Professional Experience
The Experience comes through a reconfiguration of your smartphone using the Necktie Metaphor Environment/Metaphor UI invention, which requires no new purchase of hardware such as a new smartphone from us. Since most models are about the same essentially, existing smartphone of your’s is reconfigured with a smartphone case along with the above two software, namely Agape TiE® Ecosystem (Home) and Person® Transhuman Experience. The smartphone case has a beige (golden yellow) marble finish for your choice of model of phone (300 models of brands available to pick from) that you are currently using. (We are in the process of preparing a simple selection process for members to pick their current mobile’s model number and brand during registration on site. Free shipping included worldwide! Stay tuned!) See picture below of model case, which will come with your photo on it that is taken from your profile picture on Agape® Kingdom Cloud, to indicate that you-as-a-member-of-the-body are divinely tie’d or grafted to the Vine, who is the Head seated on the “tie’d neck”. This TiE’d Neck is the eThrone for the Head to sit on in the Agape TiE® Ecosystem-Global. All Servants of Christ who hold positions in the Body of Christ according to 1Cor12:28 & 1Cor11:3 will also have their place on the eThrone, just as the Lord had promised in Rev3:21. This is our corporate preparation as one virgin Bride (Matt25:1ff), not mere individual preparation as virgins without blemish, to receive the Bridegroom and King of kings.
FREE Agape TiE® Mobile itself in exchange for your used button phone. Offer available only for genuine Christian brethren who register with a testimony of a born-again experience at Agape® Kingdom Cloud as and when stock is available from time to time. Stay tuned!
Thus, Agape TiE® is designed for those Professionals of Christ in particular who are truly practitioners of good (love) and bear fruit in the form of holy GOODS & SERVICES, which are the righteous acts of the saints, serving as a covering of fine-linen cloth for the Bride/Body of Christ (Rev19:8; Matt27:59; 1Tim2:9-10NKJV).
Thank you and God bless you with much fruit!
And God bless Agape Kingdom!
Thus says the One in me on Oct 2, 2017:
“I will come to you, and I will bless you” (Ex20:24c).
Abiding in His grip,
Caleb | Tech Missionary & Agape Ambassador
రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | בית לחם Trust Agape® JUST Labs
29-37-31 El-ur Road (Upstairs)
Vijayawada -520002, AP, India Phone: +91.99896.47774
Greetings in the matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
As i have written to you earlier, i am commissioned by God to serve as Son of David/Capstone. Therefore, as you know, i have been running for World Governor. I need your help to move this proposal forward to the Bride of Christ. I am not running as one who knows some management tactics, but as one in the image of creator-God, who offers excellent good & service.
To begin with we have Ray Kurzweil, who said as early as 2005:
“Once the Singularity has been reached, machine intelligence will be infinitely more powerful than all human intelligence combined. Afterwards he predicts intelligence will radiate outward from the planet until it saturates the universe.”
That is a fist in defiance against God Himself!
And now, Elon Musk, Vladimir Putin, Jack Ma & Stephen Hawking all Fear Artificial Intelligence Could Ignite World War 3
Here are their statements:
China, Russia, soon all countries w strong computer science. Competition for AI superiority at national level most likely cause of WW3 imo. May be initiated not by the country leaders, but one of the AI’s, if it decides that a preemptive strike is most probable path to victory.
“The creation of powerful artificial intelligence may turn out to be the ‘worst thing ever to happen to humanity’ despite its potential benefits. Without a world government, technology will destroy us.” – Stephen Hawking.
Alibaba’s Jack Ma tells CNBC that artificial intelligence could set off World War III.
“Whoever leads in AI will rule the world” – Vladimir Putin
I, Caleb Suresh Motupalli, Son of David ofరొట్టెల ఇల్లుHouse of Bread, happen to possess a God-given, patent pending solution, which co-opts AI, for not only avoiding WWIII but also for world governance. It is called Agape TiE® Ecosystem having a Christocratic New World Order of Rev21:4-5NIV (Necked Service Oriented Architecture) with eThrone.
Now, if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Bride of Christ will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?
Thank you for your prayers and for ratifying God’s choice for Capstone & Neck!
“The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace.” (Ps29:11)
“The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Dan11:32b NKJV)
As people of Love, our vocation must be to offer the world’s greatest GOODS & SERVICES, which is the original intention behind the term “goods & services” — necessary fruit, as an evidence of our being born-again.
The ability to empathise is another part and parcel of who we are as Christians. So it is easy for us to place ourselves in the shoes of our customers and clients and see from their point of view what they need most.
It is with empathy that i came up with the idea of Extended Persona. It is something that revokes the autonomy of the AI machine and gives control to the user without him having to abdicate power to the machine, which substitutes humans and is all set to bring 47% unemployment. All this is done while augmenting the user’s persona by co-opting AI through the novel hierarchical-complimentary or person-extender arrangement made possible by the Persona Extender Metaphor UI. The strength is in the Metaphor User Interface, or put it bluntly, in the name itself, just as it was the case with the Computer, which came into existence with a simple declaration of a system that was put together! In other words, in the year 1938 they said, “Behold, the Computer,” today we say of a similar system, “Behold, your Extender.” So to put the invention in a nutshell: I am Caleb and there is this “Extended Caleb” or Extended <YOUR NAME>, which is made up of some AI features that are at your command. It makes me or you a transhuman, smarter or even godlike—a function that is desired by almost all humans — and into which we are growing into “from glory to glory” (2Cor3:18) “for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2Thess2:14). That is, into the very image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our goal is making Christian users, godlike (engineering divinity), restoring them to the state they were in before the Fall of mankind in Genesis. This can be achieved only through a brand of Extended Persona, such as Person® — a suggestive mark hinting at the transhuman or godlike or original person that one can experience becoming upon wearing our goods.
This is vision & mission of AgapeJUST [P] Ltd. — a company that we recently launched here in India.
Thanks for your challenging questions, comments, suggestions, advise. They will be greatly appreciated and welcomed.
“…a merchant man…when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it” (Matt 13:45,46).
“The cleansing/healing or the lack thereof (death) was from what source, from heaven or from men?”
I just returned from a hospital where a Servant of God lost his son. These are the sort of times when I feel very perplexed. “Why did this happen?” Everyone has the same question. The Lord set me free with the truth by giving me the above verse.
This son of the Servant of God, a few years ago, had a heart problem (Aortal Valve Stenosis). As the Servant of God was very poor, he could not afford any major heart surgery. He told us that with prayer, God healed his son. We were under the impression that because the Servant of God was a very prayerful man of God, God heard his prayers and healed his son.
However, it was only after his son passed away (today), the Servant of God revealed to me that Angioplasty — a simple but very effective procedure — was in fact performed on his son years ago. And because of which his son was then healed. Instead of giving the doctors their due, he instead chose to attribute it to God. But in actuality, it was only to bring himself and his prayers the glory, which was due to the doctors.
I believe, this death — lack of healing — today was caused by God Himself. His son died of some liver and kidney failure.
As scripture directs us, let us give to Caesar what is due to Caesar, honor to whom honor is due, custom to whom custom is due, fear to whom fear is due, and to God what is due to God (Lord Jesus Christ, Apostle Paul).
What’s more, we have witnessed in the recent presidential elections in the United States the “Abomination of Desolation” spoken of by the Lord Jesus Christ, where the woman has deliberately denied the Son of Man the headship due to him.
I never thought it will come to this, where the Father uses death to make a point.
Nicky Gumbel‘s 142nd Day of Bible-in-a-Year image below coincides with the author’s sermon below:
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish” (Eph5:25ff).
Now consider this honest question from a typical Christian of the currently apostate Church:
“Hello Pastor. There’s something I’ve been struggling with, and that thing has been: Not feeling convicted for my sin. I know that as a believer I should feel bad for indulging in sin. Smoking pot, watching porn, lying — every time I do those things that I should not do, I never feel convicted, nor do I feel like God is punishing me or is angry with my sin. In fact those things make me feel good in the moment. I guess my main thing is I don’t know how to hate sin, especially when I don’t feel any immediate backlash from God for indulging in it. It’s almost like God is giving me a free pass. And I just am wondering why that would be. How do I learn to hate my sin?”
Most pastors of the apostate Church will COP-OUT and say to this genuine and honest Christian that he was never born-again to begin with.
As for this Servant of God, we deal with the topic fully in this occasional sermon video:
Plus Fruit:
This is a Sermon given at రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | בית לחם on Sunday, 21st May 2017 when the Holy Spirit said, “Beware of the leaven of the [Neo-]Pharisees” (Rhema from Matt16:6). So this sermon is for protecting the sheep from that leaven:
The world has just seen “standing in the holy place, the abomination that causes desolation” (Matt24:15NIV). Is this speaking of a desolation caused by God’s wrath on His own Vineyard? I do believe, the New World == Kingdom of Heaven == the Lord’s Vineyard (rhema from Matt20:1).
The same-sex trash we see these days is an abomination (Lev18:22) but it is merely covering-fire for something more basic to pass easily.
But when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION standing [for presidential election of world leadership] where itSHE should not be (let the reader understand ), then those who are in Judea (i.e. America, because she is defined by PRAISE) must flee to the mountains (Mark13:14, targum Caleb).
Timeline of Significant events:
First off, Liberalism == Lawlessness. This article is very telling that there are no real limits to liberalism, which is lawlessness (sans anything absolute).
Bill Clinton == “man of lawlessness, the son of destruction” of 2Thess 2:3, revealed.
The office of Barack Obama fulfills 2Thess2:4 by setting POTUS above the Vatican by swaying the outcome of the Papal election in 2013.
The symbol & pride of lawlessness, a feminist, flexes her muscle and is “standing” to be elected as POTUS == abomination that causes desolation.
The one who mocks at the reality of the presence of God in Christ and denies Him headship is the Anti-Christ (Feminism at The abomination of desolation today is a deliberate attempt in that direction. The equality culture, also known as democracy, feminism, same-sex marriage, or trinity, of the west is really an apostate culture. It does not figure in the culture and faith entrusted to the Church.
The denial of headship comes in subtle ways. If man is generally not given headship in the family by his wife, the Anti-Christ has in effect, struck a blow on the microcosm & foundation of society, which is ordered by God. Today, the Anti-Christ has demolished the structure that God has put in place where Christ is head over man and man head over woman and God head over Christ Himself (1 Corinthians 11:3). For this reason, let alone the 1776 American Declaration of Independence (which announced the not-so-self-evident truth that “all men are created equal”), the “co-equal” doctrine of the Trinity as well, is not only adjudged as trash but also declared: an aspect of this abomination. I commend the article on Priase-the-Lord vs. Abba Akbar/Elyon to you, dear Church leader. As we see the degeneration evident in western society today, Christianity is being swallowed up by secular humanism so much so that instead of the Church–His Bride/Wife–being subject to Christ, it has become “being subject to one another,” supposedly justified by Eph5:21. Note: “Haughty eyes” is listed #1 in the list of seven evils, which are an abomination to God (Proverbs 6:16-19). The word is always used in the Bible in the evil sense of “arrogant, disdainful and setting oneself above others”; it is often set in contrast to being humble & submissive. Do check out the article on Feminism–A Spirit of the Anti-Christ. It has placed everyone in level plane with God Himself, denying Him the honour, custom, tax or fear that is due to Him. For, in this scenario, there are neither Apostles, Prophets, Teachers nor anyone in rank. When Christ said, “regard each other as brothers and sisters,” His intention was that we, who are in authority, should cultivate a Servant’s Heart as we serve. It is not intended for those who are being served to usurp the authority.
Those who are in league with people of such culture, even sympathizers, are of the Anti-Christ. Today, there have been many deliberate attempts made to mock and deny the reality of God’s presence in the people of God. These are ABOMINATIONS OF DESOLATION spoken of by the Lord Jesus Christ. They will all likewise perish.
As for the “coequal” doctrine of the Trinity, as i said, is not only trash but also an aspect of the Abomination of Desolation.
Woman per biology & per scripture, is the weaker vessel (1Pet3:7). A 50/50 partnership only leads to deadlocks. True love is not possible between equals.
God = Love (1Jn4:8), or to be more explicit, God = Spirit = Word = Love (Jn1:1; 4:24; 1Jn4:8). God is NOT Light, which is merely one aspect of the GLORY of God (cf. 2Cor4:4-6; 1Cor11:6-9). The Imago Dei (Image of God) is Love, in order to be a “representative ruler” on earth for God. Love is a coin with two sides: Love (heads) & Respect (tails) — Eph5:22-33. However, as we know, heads & tails are not equal (Luke20:24-25). You see, we cannot place the giver and the receiver on equal plain. It is my understanding that she is lower in rank than man and NOT merely complementary to him. Biology declares it. Nonetheless, because we do love our women, we acknowledge these are hard facts for women-in-general, who are unavoidably neck-deep in the feminism of the world. Let the godly women, who believes the Word of God to be true accept it gracefully; even delight in inequality as an “erotic necessity,” as Mrs. Naomi Mitchison put it. C.S. Lewis quotes Mrs. Mitchison, who speaks of women so fostered on a defiant idea of equality that the mere sensation of the male embrace rouses an undercurrent of resentment. Marriages are thus shipwrecked. The high heals we see today are a sign of such usurping.
God too illustrates this by placing lizards in many of our homes. When the tail gets severed, both tail and head have life in themselves. Shortly though, the tail dies but the head goes on to live growing a new tail. You as a woman may say, “I am the body, not the tail.” But that’s not the point. Why this curse? The sin of Eve was greater than that of Adam. It was the “woman, who being deceived, fell into transgression [of not only disobeying God but also trying to take the lead]” (1Tim2:14). I am now not sure if this verse speaks of even dignity and worth in the eyes of God as being lower than that of man or simply, “unique dignity.” I was earlier sure of that. It took same-sex trash to wake us up. You see, just as same-sex couples, who BTW are also human beings, do not enjoy same dignity & worth with heterosexuals, likewise women’s station in life, i believe, is due to sin of her ancestors (Romans1:26-27; Exodus20:5). Therefore, Paul reasons and says that it is she and not the man who should be submissive (1Tim2:11-14). “And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.” (1Tim2:14). That is why God placed her below, even inferior (to set things straight) or “weaker-vessel” (1Peter3:7). Please don’t make me your enemy for telling the truth, which many hide. Its the truth that sets a person free. But by God’s grace, woman’s biology lends itself to being submissive.
But my friends, please understand that we are placing our own dignity at stake when we touch on this sensitive subject because it is now very fashionable to admit woman into leadership positions. As for us, we are not ashamed of the Gospel. And the woman of God is undeterred, for we do honor our woman as “co-heirs with us of the grace of life” (1Pet3:7).
It is because the Church has not drawn clear lines, that today we see in the now demoted western culture the same-sex trash along with the abomination that causes desolation.
Man =/= Woman. They are different.
Read: What’s the Difference? by John Piper. From what i understand from his views, unfortunately John hesitates to share the whole counsel of God and places woman and men merely in complementary relationship, yet equal. That is understandable, given that he lives among a people who, as i said, are neck-deep in feminism.
Now, are all mammals equal because they are all mammals? Just as all mammals are warm-blooded, yet different, man & woman are both human, yet different. Of course, both are human and in essence created in the image of God. But we cannot say, women are NOT inferior to men. It is like saying: god = man because in essence they are same per imago Dei (Gen 1:26, 27). But God =/= man. We know that. Likewise, the one made from clay and the one made from the rib of that clay is not equal. We see in the fact that it is Adam that receives the command by God about what to eat (Gen2:16-17); he is presented with the woman (Gen2:22); he is the one who names her Eve (Gen2:23); her name comes from him (Gen3:20); and she comes from him (Gen2:23). To acknowledge this fact that woman came from man is fundamentally a belief of what the Bible says. Therefore, for some fashionable society to say that woman and man are equal do not believe the Bible and therefore are not Christians to begin with.
We acknowledge that these beliefs do divide.
No doubt, both God & man are eternal (Matt25:34,41). For that matter, we cannot say God == man. Just as there is a category for all living beings, and then for animals, and then for warm-blooded animals, there is this category for humans as well. Biology! I am just logically reasoning here, not degrading women. All Indians are citizens of India, therefore, are they all equal? All humans are citizens of the earth, therefore are they all equal? If so, then people here in India must have equal rights as those in the USA, to stand for Presidential elections there, for instance. Notwithstanding.
If you are equal to, say, your boss in office, you too would be boss, but not necessarily in the same company. But you are inferior to your boss and therefore a subordinate. Your boss, yourself and that fly in your office are all animals, who BTW, are doing different functions. Does that mean they are equal? Let’s be honest now. You are inferior and therefore subordinate functionally; not the other way around (subordinate and therefore inferior).
I do acknowledge that there have been grave excesses done in the past by aristocrats and today maintained by capitalists. But history is clear: Satan targeted Eve because she is a weaker/inferior vessel. That they are given lesser wages in the market is not without reason. As i write in the article on Feminism, rule by woman is a curse of God (Isa3:12).
Because all mammals are warm-blooded ESSENTIALLY, does it mean neither dog nor rat is inferior to man? My dog thinks he too deserves the air-conditioner. We are both warm-blooded, ESSENTIALLY. Does it follow that i let Sparky (my dog) sleep with me in bed? Therefore, it is correct to say husbands are men, essentially; and our wives are women, essentially. No doubt they are both human and do enjoy being co-heirs with Christ of the grace of life. But what we are trying to do here is draw lines and these lines are going to virtually cut many people and they are not going to like it. But a prophet must speak what God wants him to speak, not what the itching ears want to hear. Costanza Miriano nails it when she says: “Woman need, and ought to demand Different Rights; not the same rights as men.”
It all boils down to what rights men have and what rights women have, and also for that matter, what rights dogs have. Inferiority entails subordination. Otherwise, my wife would be head and i would be tail, as is the case with some cursed families. Wives are no less human, just as dogs are no less mammal. Husbands and wives are as mammal as dogs are. It does not follow then that husbands, wives and dogs should have equal rights. So you see, it all boils down to Rights. And Sis. Costanza is right on!
Same-sex couple’s “chemistry” is meant to be appalling (Stop making it otherwise!) in order to strengthen straight couple’s chemistry. As to why them, is not beyond understanding. Scripture is clear. The Ten Commandments from supreme Father God, who trumps all, including the Lord Jesus Christ, says that the sin of the parents is carried down (inherited) to the third and fourth generation (Exodus 20:5). No doubt there are exceptions to this rule.
So there is such a thing as Station in Life (Eph4:7NIV). We must be faithful to what God has dished-out to us. Even astrologically, we could be born with excessive pride, for instance, but we must re-form and transform ourselves. Humble ourselves. Be Born Again! As Sis. Joyce Meyer puts it: “Humility is power under control.” In due time, God will lift us up. This applies at all levels in society. Like a true statesman, Billy Graham: “There is no doubt that nations come to an end when they have ceased to fulfill the function that God meant for them.” God’s Justice is James4:6, seconded by 1Peter5:5. Therefore, the meek, the lowly, the poor in spirit, the humble, will inherit the earth (Christocratic New World Order of Matt5:3ff). But sadly the world for its sake is ascribing too much weight to humanity, a sort of “tyrannical anthropocentrism,” when dealing with what rights people ought to have. Not EQUAL rights; but DIFFERENT rights, is the way to go! As Pope Francis puts it, “the value proper to each creature.”
May God open the world’s eyes to Abba Akbar/Elyon!
Surely we don’t want animals seeking equal rights. Do we?
So beware of yet another “broad road” within the narrow, namely, the cult of Trinity, a.k.a Democracy, Feminism, or Same-sex trash.
Where there is no recognition of these hard facts, when the conscience has been abused into silence, there can be no salvation, no sanctification, and therefore no real emancipation for women or homosexuals, or for that matter, trinitarians or any other kind of equality seekers.
Regarding fleeing out of Judea/Praise/Protestant/USA…
If not the sure “abomination of desolation” in the eyes of God, voting for Hillary Clinton would merely be fashionable, nothing more. Out of the two, Trump would be my candidate only by virtue of his humble state of having acknowledged his sinfulness and depravity. Therewith, citizens will be in a position and capacity to demand accountability and reporting from him. This is the basic requirement sought in him if not the other virtues. But if the statement, “to ask forgiveness from God is unnecessary” was actually stated by him, who is also unwilling to be transparent regarding his tax information, then you have the perfect scenario/situation for an intervention of God or a strike from Him, requiring fleeing out of Judea to the spiritual (?) mountains, because both candidates are unfit to be president (world leader i.e. King of kings–the purview of Christ) for the reasons stated.
In this first phase, we are looking for partners, who too are born-again to raise $500,000.
With every perk, tentatively by Christmas or January 2017, you get the patent pending Augmented Persona (PERSON®), which basically consists of:
a Delegated Processing Unit or Smartphone (passé) reconfigured (optional: but software necessary and included);
a Bluetooth micro headset; and
a Smartwatch;
all integrated together with software for reconfiguring Android/iOS phone for trans-human experience, and of literally “putting on Christ” (Rom13:14).
In PERSON®, we are aiming for something very functional, very beautiful, and deeply personal!
PERSON® is one of several standalone modules of the Agape TiE® Ecosystem™.
Therefore, PERSON® readily integrates with Agape TiE® Home, Agape TiE® Automobile, Agape TiE® Office, Agape TiE® City, and Agape Kingdom (Christian social media).
Agape TiE® Home
Agape TiE® Automobile
Be plugged into the Ecosystem wherever you go with unique features for the automobile.
Agape TiE® City
A smart city.
Agape Kingdom
An e-communion cloud where Christians can go to socialize with believers, share their faith, discuss various life topics, and have fun in a clean, safe environment.
Contributors to this campaign are welcome to serve as long-term partners & advisers.
Funds are for outsourcing the manufacturing of certain components of PERSON®.
The Impact
As we are located in India–a Hindu nation–in the new capital of Andhra Pradesh, your contributions will make a great impact of providing employment to many new Christians here. Needless to say, once it catches on, our impact in the market will be in trillions of dollars.
Risks & Challenges
As of now, i am just a one-person-company for the purpose of being flexible. When i do raise funding, i hope to pay salaries to prospective Christian employees with me here in new Vijayawada, India, where we have our own property for office space.
Alternatively, we are able to relocate the office if needed. Of course, the way i hope to overcome all the hurdles is with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Two Other Ways You Can Help
Share this campaign!
Come work for us either on campus or remotely. Both will work for us!
Faith shows! So apart from who we are in Christ internally (i.e. already divine AND immortal by virtue of being grafted to the vine and receiving the sap/Spirit/Word – Jn10:35), which is all that matters to God, our façade or persona (i.e. what we did with our faith) distinguishes us from our Christian brothers and sisters. Of course, a façade by itself is nothing if there is no content–the “beauty of holiness” of the inner man.
Secondly, we are living in a “connection economy” (Seth Godin). So PERSON® is not merely about who a person is from conception, but who he is in connection with, not only physically but also spiritually/wordily/technologically (Jer1:5; Luke1:44; 1Cor7:14; cf. Jn6:63).
To the question, “What would you say is the best thing in the world?” …
For, to be united with the divine is to become more and more divine!
Mission: Rehabilitate the faithful to their genesis perfect/divine state using:
Person® is not an unemploying, enslaving or parasitic “wear” or robot-in-sheep’s-clothing (competition) but an ecosafe design for rehabilitating man to his genesis perfect state, patent pending as Augmented and Extended Persona (US 13/516,443). With both blue-collar and white-collar jobs being gobbled up by the beast, a severe, sustained, global recession is well underway. “We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes.” Unless the safe Ecosystem™ (Pan-Environment Super Cyborg) against #MachineTyranny, terrorism, and globalization is deployed, mankind is asking for extinction (Omohundro 2013; Wakefield 2016). The Super Cyborg is a result of yoking and reinventing the network-is-the-super-computer and “making it safe” (Deut22:8MSG).
But wear, we must, strength (Isa52:1). Apart from the transhuman experience, wearing PERSON® can also be thought of as “putting on Christ” (Rom13:14) with the system enabling you to do what Jesus would do in a particular situation, even proactively. For, “the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous” (1Jn3:7).
Our plan is to colabor (1Cor3:9) with God and align with His plan of filling us with His fullness (Eph3:19b) by offering a trans-humaniser or persona extender for becoming perfect, over on top of being “complete in Him” (Col2:10), having put on Christ (Rom13:14). Thus rehabilitating man to his original perfect state. It is for those who have already been initiated into divinity and in good standing, availing Engineering Divinity – 101.
It is based on the premise that Adam is a son of God (Luke3:38) and therefore divine. “When God created the human race, he made it godlike, with a nature akin to God.” (Gen5:1b MSG). Apostle Bakht Singh, in the book, “Fullness of God,” says:
“God gave the first man Adam a very strong and healthy body to enable him to have dominion, authority and power over the whole creation (Gen1:26). “
With the fall, however, Adam got cutoff (disconnected) and lost fellowship with God. Thereby he lost divinity, being no longer spiritual, having no access to eat of the tree of life. Along with divinity, Adam also lost dominion, authority, and power, which are needed to care for planet earth.
When we speak of dominion, power and authority, we are not speaking about lording it over others for its own sake. Our patent pending Christocratic New World Order & Government, made possible by Agape TiE® Ecosystem™, lends itself to real servants of God, precluding anyone from lording it over those in bride-space, as per the promise, “I will make you the head and not the tail.”
Enter Christ in the fullness of time, and now divinity is being restored to mankind even as people are being grafted into the vine, receiving the sap/Holy Spirit. Apostle Peter too writes of becoming partakers of divine nature by way of God’s promises, which inspire us to do more goods & services.
But perfection is possible only with “perfection in unity” (Jn17:23; 14:20; 15:1-10; Heb11:39-40). Enter PERSON® & Agape TiE®–an image of God technology–now for perfection.
As we contemplate on what it means to be a Super CyborgPERSON® using the Super Cyborger invention, we drive home the point that technology is part of the image of Creator God and of who we are in Christ. John Edmiston writes:
God is a highly competent technician. He created wing structures, eyes, chemical factories like the liver, lightning bolts and even nuclear furnaces called stars –long before man was there to advise Him. He even created and designed the human brain – a self-replicating, fuzzy logic, multi-media, self-programming, organic computer. If we are to be in the image of God then we will share His excellence in design, invention and implementation. The notion that technology is alien to spirituality is false. Technology is the expression of spirituality. Technology and spirituality are integrated with each other. Technology is our means of expression of the image of God within us.
The Lamb’s wedding with the Church, His Bride will be naturally supernatural.
dBride.ME™ Super Cyborg (a Wedded Avatar of Christ) is the superset of the invention, which is a corporate entity to enable the Bride to reign with Christ, each member profiled according to holiness in a Totally Integrated Environment® Ecosystem w/ eThrone for aChristocratic New World Order. In comparison, our copycat competitor’s ecosystem is a machine-centric one, where the machine with exclusively economic considerations reigns supreme and controls and subjugates the entire ecosystem, without empathy, values or any other humane consideration. In essence, competition is #MachineTyranny.
In addition to having power, and divinity being holiness (Rom1:3-4), the above trans-human experience is attainable!
Vicar Nicky Gumbel writes in “Become Great in the Order of Holiness:”
Our magazines and TV screens are filled with stories of the rich, the beautiful and the strong. Our culture places these things on a pedestal and many of us aspire to achieve them. There is nothing wrong with these things – but they are not everything. The French philosopher, Blaise Pascal, spoke of three orders of greatness. Riches, beauty and strength fall into his first category of superficial ‘physical greatness’. Above this is a higher, second level of greatness. It is the greatness of genius, science and art. The greatness of the art of Michelangelo or the music of Bach or the brilliance of Albert Einstein – these stand way above superficial physical greatness. However, according to Pascal there is a third kind of greatness – the order of holiness. (And there is an almost infinite qualitative difference between the second and the third categories.) The fact that a holy person is strong or weak, rich or poor, highly intelligent or illiterate, does not add or subtract anything because that person’s greatness is on a different and almost infinitely superior plane. It is open to every one of us to become great in the order of holiness.
But Satan constantly says especially to ADOPTED sons & daughters of God, who may or may not be great in either the first or second plane/level mentioned above: “Are you really the son/daughter of God (divine)?” This is nothing new, as he likewise tempted the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in the wilderness (Matt4:3).
On the other hand, something more subtle is going on. Satan has effectively defeated us when he makes us believe that we have already arrived in righteousness and holiness that which is supposedly imputed to us through the death of Christ. What has been credited to us is the minimum balance (faith of no boasting–Rom4:5; Eph2:8-9) that enabled us to open an account in heaven. We are forgiven and given a clean slate to write on, so to speak. And it is only in Him (abiding–Jn15:1-10) that we ultimately become (future tense; cf. 2Cor5:21) righteous. Meanwhile, Satan is feeding God’s children with the “doctrine of demons” (Calvinism & Lutheranism; 1Tim4:1) saying, “Perfection can never be attained on this side of heaven,” effectively implying, “don’t even try (holiness or righteousness).” And all the while he is singing the lullaby of sin: “once-saved-always-saved(sleep/sin) thou shalt surely not die.” Poison—a lie mixed with truth!
As for our quest for holiness, in our walk of faith (faith-in-action/works/love), we can resist (Acts7:51), grieve (Eph4:29-32), quench (1Thess5:12-22) and even run from the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Helper, who is not “the doer” here. Synergism! Calvinism is intrinsically bad. To show that it is good, you have to quote some obscure scripture, twist it out of shape, quote it out of context, thereby even making God look bad. So away with hyper-grace and sovereignty-thumping that holds God responsible for our wrong-doing! Agape love entails freedom of the will (freewill) with absolutely no control over it except in omnipotence to defeat us as his enemy and relegate us to hell with Satan.
Now, in order to understand how we frail humans can become divine, we need to understand the nature of Christ.
Jesus Christ Himself is divine ONLY by virtue of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Jesus WAS divine/Word at one time (Jn1:1; Micah5:2NASB; Isa53:1). As humanity and divinity are mutually exclusive, He became incarnate, meaning, He emptied Himself (Phil2:6ff NASB) of His divinity and became man–the Word became flesh (Jn1:14). Any divinity attributed to Jesus Christ over on top of what we ourselves enjoy in the form of the indwelling Holy Spirit, disqualifies Jesus from the requirement to be the PERFECT sacrifice AND model (Phil3:3-5 NASB) for you and for me. Jesus did not merely set aside His divine prerogatives like in the illustration of a king going into the streets as a beggar (king-incognito). It is a poor example of what Jesus did for us in becoming man. A better illustration is a man becoming an ant. Jesus, the divine Right Arm of God (Isa53:1; Ps98:1), went down humbling to that extent in His incarnation of becoming a man. In His passion & mission to save us, He “burnt the ships that brought Him” to earth, so to speak. It is either die with mankind in our fight with the devil, or ensure victory with we ourselves getting the empowerment (the raison d’être for the Wedded Avatar of Christ) to slay the devil and his entourage, while saving as many as we can!
Eternal life for us and those in Christ, who in-turn is in us, is a colaborment with Him!
Agape TiE® is Saints — Past, Present & Future — in one!