Paul the Lesser Light of Scripture

Proposition: Paul speaks a different Gospel other than what is entrusted to the Apostles.

More =/= great. Nor, Less == minimal.

Paul was sent by Ananias (Acts9:1-19) not by the Lord Jesus Christ. Even to begin with, he is not on par with other Apostles. Or perhaps not even an Apostle.

Peter’s warning in 2Pet3:15-17

“Our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness”

must be taken seriously about people misunderstanding Paul’s writings and spreading a different Gospel. Paul himself understood his own gospel to be different from that of some other’s (2Cor11:4; Gal1:6). Perhaps of Peter’s and James’ (cf. James 2:24 & Gal1:7)? Perhaps this is the reason why the Pope in the times of Luther, Erasmus, and Tyndale took the disclosure of scripture to the common man so seriously because of the misunderstandings it will cause to the lay person and theologian alike to stumble. Paul must therefore be removed from the canon of scripture. He himself is “accursed” (Matt12:37; Gal1:8), based on the following:

We get Grace by Humility + Faith, Not by Faith Alone

Both 1 Peter 5:5 and James 4:6 taking support from Proverbs 16:5; 11:2 (OT) acknowledge the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, especially Jn3:3-5 and Matt18:3-4, that it is by Humility — not by Grace Alone through/by Faith Alone as Paul asserts — that a person is justified, even initially (i.e. enters the kingdom of God/Heaven).

Therefore, in view of the above error alone, Paul is a lesser light than Peter or James or John.

In his effort to persuade the Jews and Pharisees of his time (about the initial gift of salvation or entry into the kingdom of God by grace of God alone through faith alone on the basis of Christ alone), it looks like he went overboard.

Other examples that caused untold misunderstandings of scripture are:

  • “Yet not I, but the grace of God with me” — 1Cor15:10. If there is no human component of yielding to the Spirit of God then everyone, whether they believe or not, should have eternal life by virtue of the work of Christ. That is why A.W. Tozer said, “redemption is objectively provided and salvation is subjectively received.” This is done initially through/by faith-work (Jn6:29) alone and then during the rest of the course of life, as we “continue in the Word” (Jn8:31) or “continue in the faith” (Col1:23) or as we yield or submit our freewill in faith to every general and every specific will of God that is later revealed (Eph5:22-33; Life & Acts of Brother Bakht Singh).
  • Paul’s understanding of being freed from the law of sin = freed from the Law of God (Rom7:1-6, 3), that which he corrects himself later in Rom7:25.
  • “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly” — Gal 2:21. This is in view of the Greatest Commandment preached by the Lord Jesus Christ for us to keep, namely, “Plus Fruit”, and not hang on to the devil’s lullaby of Faith-Alone or the Doctrine of Demons (1Tim4:1). The Gospel must never replace the Greatest Commandment in importance (1Cor13:13). “And he (lawyer) answered, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ And He (Jesus) said to him, “You have answered correctly; DO THIS AND YOU WILL LIVE [eternally]” (Luke10:27; cf. Matt22:37-40; Mark12:30-31). Just because circumcision (Gal5:3) is clearly understood as a dead-work or trite-work (Heb6:1-4), we cannot throw the baby out with the bathwater. The Law is perfect (Ps19:7) but merely weakened through the flesh (Rom8:3NASB). By the Law of the Spirit we need to surpass the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees (Matt5:20), i.e surpass the Law they keep, namely, the Law of Moses in letter, by keeping the Law of the Spirit/Love/Christ (Rom8:2, 4; Gal6:2). Therefore, ultimately we will be judged by the Law of Moses/God i.e. by our works (Isa59:18; Zech1:6; Eze24:14; 36:19; Matt16:27; Heb12:14; Rev14:13; in the Final Message of the Lord Jesus Christ as present in scripture — Rev22:12; Rom2:5-7).
  • ‘Though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God’s purpose according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls, it was said to her, “The older will serve the younger.” Just as it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”‘ (Rom9:11-13). This portion of scripture is misunderstood by Calvinists to mean God’s election or predestination for salvation or damnation (whichever may be the case for each individual) for ALL people, and not simply God’s election for service in the case of Esau, in particular.
  • Law keeping in Gal2:16 and circumcision in Gal5:2-4 is misunderstood by most Protestants (Lutherans) to mean “By Christ Alone (not just a foundation–we cannot build anything over it) by Grace Alone (no humility required) through Faith Alone (no fruit required)” that we don’t have to keep any aspect of the Law of God. As we saw in the above item, Jesus Himself said we need to keep the Law of Love as enshrined in the Old Testament Law.
  • “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God [by abiding] in Him [in the future as we submit to His will like a true Muslim]” (1Cor12:21). This verse by the both Calvinists and Lutherans is taken to mean that we actually possess the righteousness of Jesus–of Him dying for His neighbour–upon being born-again. That is, we somehow have the righteousness of one who died for our own neighbour. Jesus’ righteousness is Jesus’. Not your’s. Therefore, He is Lord, not you. So it’s a Helpful Lordship Salvation! Not a Once-Saved-Always-Saved (OSAS) salvation, as the Calvinists and Lutherans believe.
  • “Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom5:1). Is that “peace” Paul talks about, giving a “restfulness of spirit” (as Pastor John Piper asserts) or actually serving as Satan’s lullaby in conjunction with the rest of Paul?

These other errors in scripture made by a supposed Apostle is due to the fact that Paul was not sent by the Lord Jesus but by Ananias.

Note that Jesus always gave the bread (which is a type of the Word) to the disciples/Apostles, who in turn gave it to the people. This highlights a principle of authority and structure in the Body of Christ. This hierarchical structure is also seen when Jesus enters Jerusalem. Notice that He sits (therefore it is a temporary throne) on the garments (which are a type of works — 2Tim2:8-9; Rev19:8) of the disciples placed on the donkey. And the donkey itself walks on the garments (or works) of the rest of the people. This structure in the Body of Christ is described by Paul himself in 1Cor11:3 (“I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ”) and in 1Cor12:28 (“God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues”).

Therefore, Paul is below Ananias!

Not Scripture ALONE! 

Luther zeroing-in on the source the Pope operated from, is no big deal. As for “Scripture ALONE” that the Protestants (Lutherans) believe in, self-evidence is more important than a scripture quotation of Paul or for that matter any author of scripture. Scripture is NOT the final DECISIVE authority. Since everyone has their own interpretation of scripture, which is reason why there are so many divisions in the Church today, a judge or a pope, if you will, is that particular final DECISIVE authority, adjudicating. By adjudicating function & power alone that he has (not legislation), it is implied that the judge himself can be corrected with relevant scripture. “To the law and to the testimony, if they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isa8:20) is applicable to them as well. But the final decisive authority is the pope or the judge. That is why they exist. As Sara Elisa Chambers correctly pointed out:

“If a pastor has been set in authority by the Lord, then His authority comes from God Himself, not the Bible.  If He is the word (Jn1:1) then it would be obvious to say that the Word goes beyond Scripture. Not that Scripture would be added to, but that the voice of God would keep speaking throughout Eternity.”

The God of the Universe is not merely sitting on His throne silent. He has NOT stopped talking. We do hear the still small voice of His, the guiding of the Holy Spirit, our counselor and teacher. But this is not outside of when we’re reading scripture in order that the Holy Spirit authenticates Himself as the One speaking, not our delusions. We believe that prayer is conversation. Conversation is a two-way communication. Him speaking back to us through scripture but in relation to a different context of our’s. Thus the Great Acts of God are in giving solutions to problems we have through His Word.

This is further dealt in Strange Fire: Biblical Inerrency. It is heartening to note that Dr. John Piper conceded that it may very well be, after all is said and done, that he himself, along with Paul, are those “angel(s) from heaven” (Gal1:8) bringing a different Gospel.

FAQ: “Faith that is NOT alone”

It is double-tongued (mutually exclusive) to say both: “Faith Alone” and “Faith that is Not Alone.” Therefore, rejected and dismissed!


Therefore, it is my judgement that Paul’s epistles must be removed from the canon of scripture that is now available to all, to maintain it’s infallibility.


Abomination of Desolation & Fleeing out of Judea/Praise/Protestant/USA


The world has just seen “standing in the holy place, the abomination that causes desolation” (Matt24:15NIV). Is this speaking of a desolation caused by God’s wrath on His own Vineyard? I do believe, the New World == Kingdom of Heaven == the Lord’s Vineyard (rhema from Matt20:1).

The same-sex trash we see these days is an abomination (Lev18:22) but it is merely covering-fire for something more basic to pass easily.

But when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION standing [for presidential election of world leadership] where it SHE should not be (let the reader understand ), then those who are in Judea (i.e. America, because she is defined by PRAISE) must flee to the mountains (Mark13:14, targum Caleb).

Timeline of Significant events:

First off, Liberalism == Lawlessness. This article is very telling that there are no real limits to liberalism, which is lawlessness (sans anything absolute).

  1. Bill Clinton == “man of lawlessness, the son of destruction” of 2Thess 2:3, revealed.
  2. The office of Barack Obama fulfills 2Thess2:4 by setting POTUS above the Vatican by swaying the outcome of the Papal election in 2013.
  3. The symbol & pride of lawlessness, a feminist, flexes her muscle and is “standing” to be elected as POTUS == abomination that causes desolation.

The one who mocks at the reality of the presence of God in Christ and denies Him headship is the Anti-Christ (Feminism at The abomination of desolation today is a deliberate attempt in that direction.  The equality culture, also known as democracy, feminism, same-sex marriage, or trinity, of the west is really an apostate culture. It does not figure in the culture and faith entrusted to the Church.

The denial of headship comes in subtle ways. If man is generally not given headship in the family by his wife, the Anti-Christ has in effect, struck a blow on the microcosm & foundation of society, which is ordered by God. Today, the Anti-Christ has demolished the structure that God has put in place where Christ is head over man and man head over woman and God head over Christ Himself (1 Corinthians 11:3). For this reason, let alone the 1776 American Declaration of Independence (which announced the not-so-self-evident truth that “all men are created equal”),  the “co-equal” doctrine of the Trinity as well, is not only adjudged as trash but also declared: an aspect of this abomination. I commend the article on Priase-the-Lord vs. Abba Akbar/Elyon to you, dear Church leader. As we see the degeneration evident in western society today, Christianity is being swallowed up by secular humanism so much so that instead of the Church–His Bride/Wife–being subject to Christ, it has become “being subject to one another,” supposedly justified by Eph5:21. Note: “Haughty eyes” is listed #1 in the list of seven evils, which are an abomination to God (Proverbs 6:16-19). The word is always used in the Bible in the evil sense of “arrogant, disdainful and setting oneself above others”; it is often set in contrast to being humble & submissive. Do check out the article on Feminism–A Spirit of the Anti-Christ. It has placed everyone in level plane with God Himself, denying Him the honour, custom, tax or fear that is due to Him. For, in this scenario, there are neither Apostles, Prophets, Teachers nor anyone in rank. When Christ said, “regard each other as brothers and sisters,” His intention was that we, who are in authority, should cultivate a Servant’s Heart as we serve.  It is not intended for those who are being served to usurp the authority.

Those who are in league with people of such culture, even sympathizers, are of the Anti-Christ. Today, there have been many deliberate attempts made to mock and deny the reality of God’s presence in the people of God. These are ABOMINATIONS OF DESOLATION spoken of by the Lord Jesus Christ. They will all likewise perish.

As for the “coequal” doctrine of the Trinity, as i said, is not only trash but also an aspect of the Abomination of Desolation.

Woman per biology & per scripture, is the weaker vessel (1Pet3:7). A 50/50 partnership only leads to deadlocks. True love is not possible between equals.

God = Love (1Jn4:8), or to be more explicit,  God = Spirit = Word = Love (Jn1:1; 4:24; 1Jn4:8). God is NOT Light, which is merely one aspect of the GLORY of God (cf. 2Cor4:4-6; 1Cor11:6-9). The Imago Dei (Image of God) is Love, in order to be a “representative ruler” on earth for God. Love is a coin with two sides: Love (heads) & Respect (tails) — Eph5:22-33. However, as we know, heads & tails are not equal (Luke20:24-25). You see, we cannot place the giver and the receiver on equal plain. It is my understanding that she is lower in rank than man and NOT merely complementary to him. Biology declares it. Nonetheless, because we do love our women, we acknowledge these are hard facts for women-in-general, who are unavoidably neck-deep in the feminism of the world. Let the godly women, who believes the Word of God to be true accept it gracefully; even delight in inequality as an “erotic necessity,” as Mrs. Naomi Mitchison put it. C.S. Lewis quotes Mrs. Mitchison, who speaks of women so fostered on a defiant idea of equality that the mere sensation of the male embrace rouses an undercurrent of resentment. Marriages are thus shipwrecked. The high heals we see today are a sign of such usurping.

(See a solution for usurpation: Unique homes made of Living Stones.)

God too illustrates this by placing lizards in many of our homes. When the tail gets severed, both tail and head have life in themselves. Shortly though, the tail dies but the head goes on to live growing a new tail. You as a woman may say, “I am the body, not the tail.” But that’s not the point. Why this curse? The sin of Eve was greater than that of Adam. It was the “woman, who being deceived, fell into transgression [of not only disobeying God but also trying to take the lead]” (1Tim2:14). I am now not sure if this verse speaks of even dignity and worth in the eyes of God as being lower than that of man or simply, “unique dignity.” I was earlier sure of that. It took same-sex trash to wake us up. You see, just as same-sex couples, who BTW are also human beings, do not enjoy same dignity & worth with heterosexuals, likewise women’s station in life, i believe, is due to sin of her ancestors (Romans1:26-27; Exodus20:5). Therefore, Paul reasons and says that it is she and not the man who should be submissive (1Tim2:11-14). “And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.” (1Tim2:14). That is why God placed her below, even inferior (to set things straight) or “weaker-vessel” (1Peter3:7). Please don’t make me your enemy for telling the truth, which many hide. Its the truth that sets a person free. But by God’s grace, woman’s biology lends itself to being submissive.

But my friends, please understand that we are placing our own dignity at stake when we touch on this sensitive subject because it is now very fashionable to admit woman into leadership positions. As for us, we are not ashamed of the Gospel. And the woman of God is undeterred, for we do honor our woman as “co-heirs with us of the grace of life” (1Pet3:7).

It is because the Church has not drawn clear lines, that today we see in the now demoted western culture the same-sex trash along with the abomination that causes desolation.

Man =/= Woman. They are different.

Read:  What’s the Difference? by John Piper. From what i understand from his views, unfortunately John hesitates to share the whole counsel of God and places woman and men merely in complementary relationship, yet equal. That is understandable, given that he lives among a people who, as i said, are neck-deep in feminism.

Now, are all mammals equal because they are all mammals? Just as all mammals are warm-blooded, yet different, man & woman are both human, yet different. Of course, both are human and in essence created in the image of God. But we cannot say, women are NOT inferior to men. It is like saying: god = man because in essence they are same per imago Dei (Gen 1:26, 27). But God =/= man. We know that. Likewise, the one made from clay and the one made from the rib of that clay is not equal. We see in the fact that it is Adam that receives the command by God about what to eat (Gen2:16-17); he is presented with the woman (Gen2:22); he is the one who names her Eve (Gen2:23); her name comes from him (Gen3:20); and she comes from him (Gen2:23). To acknowledge this fact that woman came from man is fundamentally a belief of what the Bible says. Therefore, for some fashionable society to say that woman and man are equal do not believe the Bible and therefore are not Christians to begin with.

We acknowledge that these beliefs do divide.

No doubt, both God & man are eternal (Matt25:34,41). For that matter, we cannot say God == man. Just as there is a category for all living beings, and then for animals, and then for warm-blooded animals, there is this category for humans as well. Biology!  I am just logically reasoning here, not degrading women. All Indians are citizens of India, therefore, are they all equal? All humans are citizens of the earth, therefore are they all equal? If so, then people here in India must have equal rights as those in the USA, to stand for Presidential elections there, for instance. Notwithstanding.

Check out this short video by Costanza Miriano.

If you are equal to, say, your boss in office, you too would be boss, but not necessarily in the same company. But you are inferior to your boss and therefore a subordinate. Your boss, yourself and that fly in your office are all animals, who BTW, are doing different functions. Does that mean they are equal? Let’s be honest now. You are inferior and therefore subordinate functionally; not the other way around (subordinate and therefore inferior).

I do acknowledge that there have been grave excesses done in the past by aristocrats and today maintained by capitalists. But history is clear: Satan targeted Eve because she is a weaker/inferior vessel. That they are given lesser wages in the market is not without reason. As i write in the article on Feminism, rule by woman is a curse of God (Isa3:12).

Because all mammals are warm-blooded ESSENTIALLY, does it mean neither dog nor rat is inferior to man? My dog thinks he too deserves the air-conditioner. We are both warm-blooded, ESSENTIALLY. Does it follow that i let Sparky (my dog) sleep with me in bed? Therefore, it is correct to say husbands are men, essentially; and our wives are women, essentially. No doubt they are both human and do enjoy being co-heirs with Christ of the grace of life. But what we are trying to do here is draw lines and these lines are going to virtually cut many people and they are not going to like it. But a prophet must speak what God wants him to speak, not what the itching ears want to hear. Costanza Miriano nails it when she says: “Woman need, and ought to demand Different Rights; not the same rights as men.”

It all boils down to what rights men have and what rights women have, and also for that matter, what rights dogs have. Inferiority entails subordination. Otherwise, my wife would be head and i would be tail, as is the case with some cursed families. Wives are no less human, just as dogs are no less mammal. Husbands and wives are as mammal as dogs are. It does not follow then that husbands, wives and dogs should have equal rights. So you see, it all boils down to Rights. And Sis. Costanza is right on!

Same-sex couple’s “chemistry” is meant to be appalling (Stop making it otherwise!) in order to strengthen straight couple’s chemistry. As to why them, is not beyond understanding. Scripture is clear. The Ten Commandments from supreme Father God, who trumps all, including the Lord Jesus Christ, says that the sin of the parents is carried down (inherited) to the third and fourth generation (Exodus 20:5). No doubt there are exceptions to this rule.

So there is such a thing as Station in Life (Eph4:7NIV). We must be faithful to what God has dished-out to us. Even astrologically, we could be born with excessive pride, for instance, but we must re-form and transform ourselves. Humble ourselves. Be Born Again! As Sis. Joyce Meyer puts it: “Humility is power under control.” In due time, God will lift us up. This applies at all levels in society. Like a true statesman, Billy Graham: “There is no doubt that nations come to an end when they have ceased to fulfill the function that God meant for them.” God’s Justice is James4:6, seconded by 1Peter5:5. Therefore, the meek, the lowly, the poor in spirit, the humble, will inherit the earth (Christocratic New World Order of Matt5:3ff). But sadly the world for its sake is ascribing too much weight to humanity, a sort of “tyrannical anthropocentrism,” when dealing with what rights people ought to have. Not EQUAL rights; but DIFFERENT rights, is the way to go! As Pope Francis puts it, “the value proper to each creature.”

Should it be Praise-the-Lord or ABBA-AKBAR (آبا اكبر)/Abba Elyon עליון?

May God open the world’s eyes to Abba Akbar/Elyon!

Surely we don’t want animals seeking equal rights. Do we?

So beware of yet another “broad road” within the narrow, namely, the cult of Trinity, a.k.a Democracy, Feminism, or Same-sex trash.

Where there is no recognition of these hard facts, when the conscience has been abused into silence, there can be no salvation, no sanctification, and therefore no real emancipation for women or homosexuals, or for that matter, trinitarians or any other kind of equality seekers.

Regarding fleeing out of Judea/Praise/Protestant/USA…

If not the sure “abomination of desolation” in the eyes of God, voting for Hillary Clinton would merely be fashionable, nothing more. Out of the two, Trump would be my candidate only by virtue of his humble state of having acknowledged his sinfulness and depravity. Therewith, citizens will be in a position and capacity to demand accountability and reporting from him. This is the basic requirement sought in him if not the other virtues. But if the statement, “to ask forgiveness from God is unnecessary” was actually stated by him, who is also unwilling to be transparent regarding his tax information, then you have the perfect scenario/situation for an intervention of God or a strike from Him, requiring fleeing out of Judea to the spiritual (?) mountains, because both candidates are unfit to be president (world leader i.e. King of kings–the purview of Christ) for the reasons stated.


Just Punishment

God’s face (Justice) and not His back (Goodness), is the best of Love (Exodus 33:17-19; John 1:14; cf. 1Jn4:8). God taught His children, even as early as Abel, to kill, to keep us from being a wimp in doing justice.

Jesus “affirmed retributive justice by His own death on the cross” ~ Dr. Mark Creech of the Christian Action League.

A dead man comes back to life to show that a man need not die if he is clean (Rom1:3-4; cf. Rom6:23; Gen2:17). That a totally innocent man needs to be put to death so that “his blood would be upon us and our children” and then for him to rise again from the dead to show that our sins have indeed been forgiven IN him, is self-evident, requiring no evidence to defend it.

That God loves us, is true. But there is a limit to His tolerance, beyond which we can find ourselves in hell. When we live by the Golden Rule and don’t cross His line, He will not cross ours. God has provisioned a framework (church) for self-correction. No use feeling sorry after you are caught.

Here is the basic problem of lawlessness in the leading edge of society today that is driving the whole earth to its demise: “To escape the error of salvation by works we have fallen into the opposite error of salvation without obedience” (AW Tozer). In the name of liberty and freedom, everything goes. The result: 42nd Street in New York City, Abortion-on-Demand, Same Sex marriage, etc, etc. At this rate, 10 years from now, I would not be surprised if sex/marriage with animals too will be legalized. Next thing you know, we are the late great planet earth.

When the Bible says that Jesus atoned for our sins, it does not mean that even our future sins were washed away in the Waters of Baptism, obviating the need for any subsequent obedience per se. In Romans3:25 and 2Peter1:9, the Apostles clearly teach that only sins previously committed were atoned for by the sacrifice of Christ. This means that the inadvertent sins that are committed after the washing of Baptism, if they are not confessed and “feet-washed” (forgiven through the ordinance, which is in the order of John20:21-23), will remain as charges in God’s books, pending payment of a penalty.

The second kind of sins (omissions and commissions) that can get accumulated are the wilful sins or the presumptuous sins, which David dreaded. Hebrews 10:26ff reads: “For if we go on sinning  wilfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, no more sacrifice [of Jesus Christ] is left but only a fearful expectation of judgment and the fury of fire…” In Luke12:47-48, Jesus Himself speaks of greater punishment for those who know the will of God and don’t do it, when compared to those who sin not knowing the will of God, to begin with. Listen! Abused grace/mercy deserves double or even treble punishment.

Woe unto those who soft-pedal God’s justice and have turned Christianity into a yes-man!

In view of the above two types of unpaid sins, a people who practice Christianity, if they want to see Justice, Peace and Wealth—the three metrics of good governance—to exist, they must put in place some sort of retribution, including the Death Penalty for those deserving it. Individuals do not have the right to kill another, but a Christian state (two or three Christians gathered in Jesus’ name to bind or loose anything on earth as per Matthew18:15-20) has that prerogative to do so. Bro. Nicky Gumbel writes in an article on “How to love”:

The New Testament makes a distinction between the dealings of the state and personal morality. Governing authorities are established by God and ‘the one in authority is God’s servant to do you good… They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer’ (Romans 13:4). The state is concerned with the protection of others. To stand by and allow injustice would actually be unloving and unchristian. It would be to allow evil to go unchecked, and to ignore the pain of the victims. Yet, in personal morality we are told, both by Jesus and the apostle Paul, not to take revenge (Matthew 5:38–42; Romans 12:17–19). This attitude of love and forgiveness is not to deny justice, but rather it is an expression of trust in God’s ultimate justice (see Romans 12:19). As we trust in God’s justice, we are empowered to imitate his love.

Here, the raison d’être of Just punishment is not for the sake of deterrence, since the indwelling Holy Spirit is sufficient as a Restrainer for Christian individuals, in so far as the conscience is sensitized for any given sin. But if victims are to be healed, and perpetrators to be reformed, then Just punishment, even though it is a basic provision, is necessary. It is also consistent with a just and loving God, who declares: “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed,  for God made man in his own image.”

Apostle Paul takes issue with those who turn the grace of God into a license to sin: “Do we then nullify the Law through faith? May it never be! On the contrary, we establish the Law” (Romans3:31). As to how God establishes the Law through Jesus Christ, we read in Romans8:3: “For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God, sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and offering Him for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh.” That is, Jesus’ death on the cross vindicated the Father of His wrath on any transgressed law. While it is not for an individual to kill a person for any reason, it is the state’s prerogative here, not merely for the sake of deterrence, but also, in the name of Christ, to judge and execute those deserving retribution & capital punishment. “The just use of executions, far from involving the crime of murder, is an act of paramount obedience to this (Fifth) Commandment, which prohibits murder” ~ Pope Pius V, The Roman Catechism of the Council of Trent (1566). If being pro-life does not mean death for those who do not value it, what does?

You may ask: “what about the woman caught in adultery in Jesus’ time?” Jonathan Merritt writes, “Jesus served as a one-man jury on this death-penalty case. The woman was guilty of the capital offense and had been caught in the act by at least one witness. The law mandated her death but Jesus prescribed a different response: “Let whoever is without sin cast the first stone.” He was teaching that only a perfect being—only God—should have power over death and life. Yes, it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY.” And again, “THE LORD WILL JUDGE HIS PEOPLE” (Hebrews 10:30). My answer is that she would be saved by Christ Himself, in the future, on the cross. Jesus is the saviour for all people past, present and future. While we in the present look back in time for a saviour, those in the Old Testament time looked into the future for a saviour, including the woman caught in adultery. Jesus did not throw the first stone because He chose mercy in HER case. Laying down a pattern for us, who are to carry the cross, He was Himself paying the penalty in her case. Jesus was certain that she would respond positively to the Gospel if it were presented to her (cf. Romans2:11-16). Jesus had confidence in this woman in particular because she was not in league with teachers of the Law, or some other lofty status in life, for one thing. Conceivably, she possessed the requisite humility for receiving the Good News (Gospel) in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. C.S. Lewis so eloquently put it this way:

“Prostitutes are in no danger of finding life so satisfactory that they can’t turn to God: the proud & self-righteous are in that danger.”

The fact that He sacrificed Himself to death, affirms, first and foremost, the principle that a sin has to be paid for.  Just as a teacher of the Law is more accountable for sins committed than a layperson (James3:1), a nation who KNOW fully well the full import of why Jesus had to die such a cruel death, which is never to be repeated again for any sins of theirs, should have in place the strictest, most severe, capital punishment; even torture, followed by death. But for cases that are “too hard” for us, to send them to God per Deut1:17 using a painless lethal injection is justifiable, even virtuous. Jesus declares that this truth is self-evident by saying: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more” (Luke12:48b). For this same reason, Prophet Muhammad (exclusively judged here) and all those who:

  • Presumptuously believe Allah will provide Christians as substitutionary sacrifices in place of Muslims in order to enter paradise per Hadith Sahih Muslim 37:6665, 37:6666, 37:6668
  • After having acknowledged most of the truths in the Torah, Tanakh, and Injeel, now believe in diversions from the truth (i.e. interspersing truth with lies/diversions/mischief such as Koran 2:111 and Koran 2:135)

are condemned to be tortured, followed by death. Unless of course, they, as an Ummah (Muslim community) seek mercy.

You see, forgiveness is available only for those who do not know what they are doing (Injeel Luke 23:34).

However, those convicted to death, must be given ample time to set themselves right before God, before the execution is actually administered. The convicted can then give himself the benefit of having received Christ into his heart and in so doing, be satisfied of having already crossed over from death to life (Jn5:24) before his execution. For he knows that the resurrection of Jesus Christ had to have happened to show that death is only for sinners and not for him, who got all his sins washed away in the waters of Resurrection Baptism. He can rejoice with hope that his name is written in the Lamb’s book of life and join with Apostle Paul, who defiantly told death: “O death, where is thy sting?” For, it is the second death a Christian is more concerned about. As to whether this is sufficient relief for a Christian on death row, we must assert that willful sin must be paid for!

But it is a whole different scenario where a nation have not yet got the full import of why Jesus had to die such a cruel death, which we Christians fully know is for those very inadvertent sins we commit daily, sins for which we come again and again to wash our feet, so to speak. Here, the state cannot take upon itself the duty of cutting short the grace period of anyone before they can enter into eternal life. Within a nation where the Gospel is not fully preached, Capital Punishment robs a person from repenting—a process that is gradual—and being born-again. Such states are commanded to allow the work of missionaries, who follow Jesus, taking upon themselves His incarnational mission by being living sacrifices, and save that soul from eternal damnation; not snuff it out deliberately and even corporately before God’s appointed day for him/her.

I am not suggesting that execution need to be postponed until they accept the Gospel. Neither am i saying that they should be executed soon after they do. The execution and disciplining need to be handled separately. As to how much time is enough time, can be arrived at through consensus in your legislative assemblies. That a fixed time be given for repentance, is consistent with our own lease of life that God allots to us–70 years or at the most 80 years (Psalms90:10). God will not strive with man forever; neither should the state.

And yet again, there is a whole different scenario for those who are under the Law of Moses, having been circumcised, just as Jews and Muslims are. For these, deterrence is the issue; the state should take an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, until the state itself gets macroscopically evangelized to Christianity, which is of a higher order. In an upcoming post, i hope to deal with the issue of Dual-Covenant Theology, which is close on the heels of this article.

No one can say that they have not heard the Gospel. “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse” (Rom1:20). Today, all nations more or less, have this great cloud of witnesses as well, surrounding them. No one can afford to neglect so great a salvation–a provision of God, who liberally gave us His Son, even to die for us on the cruel cross of Calvary. It is blasphemous on the part of any nation’s leadership to reject the very remedy for sin, which causes death in people. It is an unpardonable sin for which not even prayers can be offered.

Every nation is obliged to legislate this self-evident Just Punishment, which is based on the Gospel truth.