Liberal Theology

John Piper quoted S.H. on Facebook as saying:

Liberalism: Make the Gospel acceptable to the world rather than showing the world it is unintelligible without the Gospel.

Is calling the Gospel, Good News, liberalism? Is translating scripture from Greek to English, liberalism? Is making Christ relevant, liberalism? You know where i am going with this train of thought. I am sure for a conceited legalist (neo-Pharisee), liberalism, as defined, is not acceptable. Read the parables and know that our Lord made the Good News digestible. The very fact that He became incarnate, is liberalism! For someone who harps on grace, i am ashamed. A synonym for liberalism is grace for heaven’s sake. Liberalism is not about compromising. It is about being gracious to your neighbor. Thank you.

Leaving people in their sin because it is less uncomfortable than telling them the truth.

However, Brett Coffrini:

Caleb, you are using an older definition of liberalism. The modern kind denies Scripture as the inspired, inerrant, all sufficient Word of God. In his classic book, Christianity and Liberalism, J Greshan Machen argued that liberalism isn’t just another form of Christianity, but an entirely different religion.

“A liberal is someone who will fight for your right to agree w/ them!” — Ronald Reagan

“Exegetical imprecision is the mother of liberal theology.” –John Piper; Brothers, We Are Not Professionals

Brian Brobeck:

The gospel will never be acceptable to the world, that is why christ was crucified. When He said drink my blood and eat my flesh the multitudes left.

Yes. For those who stuck with Him till the end, he said: This (bread) is my body and this (wine) is my blood and made it palatable for them.

Brett, let us redefine what a liberal is. Why stay on the fringes of legalism?! If there is any liberal in the world, we should be it.

Let us not leave the sinner in his sins. As JulieBeth said it, let us become uncomfortable until we make the truth palatable; in other words, acceptable!