Testimony 24×7


A lord 24×7

The concept of a lord 24×7 is not going to go well with a pseudo-democratic society that is hell-bent on equality.

C.S Lewis cautioned:

“There is no spiritual sustenance in flat equality. When equality is treated not as a medicine or a safety-gadget, but as an ideal, we begin to breed that stunted and envious sort of mind which hates all superiority. That mind is the special disease of democracy, as cruelty and servility are the special diseases of privileged societies. It will kill us all if it grows unchecked. The man who cannot conceive a joyful and loyal obedience on the one hand, nor an unembarrassed and noble acceptance of that obedience on the other – the man who has never even wanted to kneel or to bow – is a prosaic barbarian. Where men are forbidden to honor a king, they honor millionaires, athletes, or film-stars instead — even famous prostitutes or gangsters.”

Jesus gave the medicine of serving-lordship for unbridled lording-over by those above. He set an example for us by washing the feet of His disciples. And also saying, “If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all” (Mark9:35). Jesus offered a serving-lordship, not servility or equality, which is an aspect of abomination of desolation.

Now, our Lord Jesus Himself was a 24×7 Lord. He worked 24×6 and went down on record as being Lord, also of the Sabbath (Luke6:5NKJV; Mark2:28NKJV). So let us not allow the devil to contain us in 24×1, while we are getting our bearings right. Because they have said, “The lord is a god of the mountains (spiritual realm on Sundays), but He is not a god of the valleys (earthly realm on weekdays),” therefore I will give all this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am the lord24x7 (rhema through 1Kings20:28 through Pastor Rick Warren). Jesus was particularly eradicating the wrong interpretation of the Law in Jewish traditions, which meant not taking care of father and mother for instance (Matt15:5-6) who offered their entire selves 24×7 to God. Jesus clearly taught in Matt25:1-30 that His Servants must use the gifts and talents that were given to them and do business with it, making a profit.

A White-collar Beast of Burden

The Holy Spirit’s Rhema through Matt21:5-8 on 7th June, 2015:

“Say to Zion’s daughter–the Church,
‘Behold your king is coming to you,
Gentle, and mounted on a donkey (in humility),
Even on a colt, the foal of
a [white-collar] beast of burden (the-internet-is-the-computer in exaltation).’ ”
The disciples went and did just as Jesus had instructed them,
and brought the beast of burden, and laid their coats (today: works) on them…

A 24×7 holy GOODs & SERVICEs Church (Rev22:14)

In order to enter into the celestial city we need to wash our robes (Rev22:14), which means to turn our works into holy goods & services. In the Bible, garments always stand for works (1Tim2:9-10; Rev19:8; Matt22:11-12; 2Cor5:4NKJV; Ex28:4; cf. Diaper Righteousness).

“Christians have a biblical commission—to be salt and light in a dark world—in addition to the Great Commission of evangelism and discipleship. We are to be the “good infection,” in the words of C.S. Lewis, touching our neighborhoods, communities, schools and businesses with the compassion and truth of Christ.” – Franklin Graham. This means all of our works must be washed. That is, all of our works 24×7 must become holy. If you, Laodiceans, do not have 24×6 clothes, let alone wash them, buy them from the Lord and be “further clothed” (2Cor5:4NKJV). This is also the original intention of naming them GOOD.

Now, no matter how flowery it may sound, for the Church to be “the conscience of the state” (MLK) is merely being its critic. As Seth Godin puts it, “Criticism is easy to do, but rarely worth listening to, mostly because it’s so easy to do.” It is time the Church became a 24×7 testimony!

You see, today, with Pastors sticking to Sunday worship service, supposedly in keeping with John2:16KJV (cf. Matthew21:13; Mark11:17; Luke19:46), the Church is perceived as merely a 24×1 institution, completely severed from 24×6. The concept of profit (Matt25:14-30) and of GOODs & SERVICEs during 24×6 is seen as alien to church activity because the church does not have a corporate 24×6 testimony of its own, other than books and giving oneself to prayer. What’s more, today, on the one hand, within the church, leadership sees 24×6 activity as worldly; and on the other hand, without, the world sees church folk as crazy because they are so irrelevant and unconnected with ground realities. Of course, we do not stick what the foot treads on into our eye. That would not be giving each one his/her due per Gen1:28; Mark12:17; 1Cor11:3; 1 Cor12:28; Rom13:7, which is precisely what Jesus was setting straight by overturning the tables of money-changers and sellers of doves who occupied a place inappropriate to what is due them. But Jesus’ intention was not to throw away the “body” altogether that is in fact doing the legwork.

I hereby call on the Church to put forth a 24×7 testimony, without having to diminish the high on Sunday. Let us be lovers of GOOD (cf. 2Tim3:3).
