Walk the Talk!

Don’t agree!

We not only have the Great Commission to be the Light (Talk) of the world, but we also have the Kingdom-Now mandate to be the Salt (Walk) of the earth.

So let your Light (Talk/Gospel) so shine before men that they see your Good-deeds (Walk) and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

In other words, we must WALK THE TALK!

Agape TiE is all about that. To give love where love is due and respect where respect is due and thus lift up a testimony which the whole world will behold, believe and be saved (John 17:23; John 3:14-15).

A Dichotomy for ChurchState?

Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Deus Caritas Est (“God is Love”) of 2006 teaches that justice is the defining concern of the state and the central concern of politics, and not of the church, which has charity as its central social concern. The laity has the specific responsibility of pursuing social justice in civil society. The church’s active role in social justice should be to inform the debate, using reason and natural law, and also by providing moral and spiritual formation for those involved in politics. (Source: Social Justice, Wikipedia)

Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California quotes Martin Luther King Jr. as saying: “The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state.”

I respectfully disagree with them. First off, because Justice (which is attributed to the state) and Charity (which is attributed to the Church) are poles apart. Therefore, in order that there be no compromise on either (justice or love), both should operate in a single system—the ChurchState. In other words, in a single Court officiated by a single Judge, where there will always be a strong tension between both the Defender (charitable) and the Prosecutor (condemning). A church that settles for polemics remains a babe.

This very Court, in the absence of a neutral Judge (being that he is nominated and impeached at will by the state today), is in the hands of Media private enterprise, which can sway any side with money power. We should not give ourselves into such a resignation.

Improving on the present

The following two presentations by a university professor help us understand the reasons for the status quo prevailing in the world-at-large.

The question to ask ourselves is: Are there demerits in the status quo that we can do away with while designing Christocracy?

In the globalized society of Christocracy a homestead program similar to the one that was in the United States may be implemented as a recompense or refuge to flee to for those in the laboring nations of the global economy. Workers can begin to work in leisure as it was in the Garden of Eden and actually enjoy the products, services, farms and the households they build.

With e-governance, Christocracy can obviate the need for a bloated public sector or a huge government bureaucracy, while all the time obtaining global synergistic economy and all the other benefits that come with it.

As to the question: Who governs in Christocracy?
Answer: The organized Bride–Remnant Overcomers (the Chosen) who have a vital relationship with the indwelling Christ.