“While we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.” (Romans 5:10)
Computer was originally a person! Prior to the machine being called a computer, it was called a Difference Engine. In other words, the Computer, as we know it, came into existence with a simple declaration of a system, which had been integrated from various sources. But to the uninitiated, it was still an “electronic gizmo.”
The point is: To make the leap from a mere “electronic gizmo” to “computer,” the strength is in the Metaphor User Interface.
Though the Computer metaphor UI is better than Robot or Android, the arrangement — made possible by the metaphor UI — sets the user at the same level as the machine. The demerits of this arrangement is that it does not take into consideration the user’s strengths and has a trajectory of supplanting and enslaving humans to the point of extinction. Self-thinking or autonomous systems are extremely dangerous to man (Omohundro 2013; Wakefield 2016).
“The human brain has some capabilities that the brains of other animals lack. It is to these distinctive capabilities that our species owes its dominant position. Other animals have stronger muscles or sharper claws, but we have cleverer brains. If machine brains one day come to surpass human brains in general intelligence, then this new superintelligence could become very powerful. As the fate of the gorillas now depends more on us humans than on the gorillas themselves, so the fate of our species then would come to depend on the actions of the machine superintelligence.”
Therefore, it is naive to say: “The transfer of labour from humans to our inventions is nothing less than the history of civilisation.”
The Wall Street Journal article on April 21, 2017 is more true and demands an urgent solution:
“The AI revolution is unlike the historical, liberating industrial revolution in that it reverses this relationship: It puts the machine at the controls to command the humans”.
Terry Gou, Foxconn’s CEO, told his annual meeting that “We have over one million workers. In the future we will add one million robotic workers.” This means, of course, that the company will avoid hiring those next million human workers.
Jack MA of Alibaba is more cutting in saying:
“The first technology revolution caused World War I. The second technology revolution caused World War II. This is the third technology revolution.” With machine learning and artificial intelligence eliminating jobs, “the third technology revolution may cause the Third World War.” (Source: CNBC)
Seth Godin too points out that it is not just blue-collar jobs that are disappearing but white-collar ones as well.
“This is why we will soon be looking at hordes of citizens of zero economic value.Figuring out how to deal with the impacts of this development will be the greatest challenge facing free market economies in this century.” (Harvard Business Review)
If you are intrigued, do watch:
Basic Solution
Ironically, the machine itself can potentially enable humans to transcend humanity and become divine. Framing the basic direction of thought for human endeavour, the Computer metaphor UI offers an affordance that inhibits the electronic machine to be perceived as a real extender to the mind for augmenting our intelligence. The affordance impedes research because it limits our thinking of the machine as a mere substitute to the human mind rather than as a compliment and an infinite Extender. There is no deliberate synergy because both the human and the machine are meant to operate independently in an unresourceful arrangement of egalitarian relationship that uses up resources uneconomically. Mechanical models transliterated, are always less efficient. It has been not just the grunt work that is being taken over by the machine but unfortunately it has also been the more common traits that make a human, human.
Human-to-Human interaction paradigm
Operating the machine in the same paradigm as the human computer, new ways of operating the machine are precluded. The user is limited to essentially that which could be done in the world of human-to-human interaction. Reliance on human-to-human communication paradigms have blinded the designers of prior art GUIs such as the PARC User Interface to the far greater potential of the machine to extend the user and augment his/her intelligence.
Elon Musk says:
“If humans want to continue to add value to the economy, they must augmenttheir capabilities through a merger of biological intelligence (?) and machine intelligence. If we fail to do this, we’ll risk becoming house cats to artificial intelligence.” (Source: The Guardian)
Garry Kasparov says:
“Disruptive as they (Intelligent Machines) may be, they are not a threat (?) to humankind but a great boon, providing us with endless opportunities to extend our capabilities and improve our lives.” (Source: WallStreetJournal)
The problem before us is this: Can we avert becoming “house cats” to Artificial Intelligence (or worse, locking horns with it and the “digital robber barons”), and at the same time extend AND augment our capability?
Metaphors are very powerful because they offer affordances. They enable whole architectures of systems to be instantaneously and readily programmed in the minds of the users. Therefore, the metaphors themselves are the user interfaces! The purpose of the metaphor UI is to give the user instantaneous knowledge about how to interact with the system. Since metaphors offer instantaneous knowledge, mere declaration is sufficient to program the UI comprising of a framework. The refining of the tech is secondary.
With the patent pending arrangement & framework that is made possible by the Necktie Persona Extender metaphor UI, humans are brought into the equation, unlike in the case of Artificial Intelligence which takes after the Computer metaphor UI. In this new arrangement, the machine is a compliment and an exponent, offering synergy to the user, rather than as a mere additive, offering only summation of capabilities. This arrangement offers a framework for not only engaging with the current AI Computer in this new useful way (i.e. as a Persona Extender) by co-opting it, but also for future research and development in this direction rather than in the direction of substitution and imitation. Whereby resources are apportioned accordingly while the bandwidth of the machine is reassigned to the user. And their persona is extended with intelligence augmented andtranshumanity and evendivinity is realized.
The Necktie Persona Extender metaphor UI itself provides the arrangement between the user and the apparatus! The metaphor UI offers an affordance where premium is automatically or intuitively placed on the fuzzy logic or other innate processing ability of humans. And Boolean logic processing ability of the machine is appraised as mere “movement-of-muscle” rather than as a high valued mental process. You see, “Logic — a capability of the machine — takes you from A to B. But imagination — which is of a higher order and possessed by humans alone — takes you everywhere” (HT: Albert Einstein). And with such leveraging of our innate faculties, co-opting AI — made possible by the metaphor UI — headship is given to the human user, who is being extended and augmented. And thus, the autonomy of the machine is revoked and its bandwidth is reassigned to the user, as is the case with both of Inventor’s commercial products, namely:
Agape TiE®, where the center of attention is the person, who is co-opting it, moreover by wearing it; and
Person®, where the attention is drawn to the transhuman person, who has co-opted the AI.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is now called a Delegated Processing Unit (DPU), which again reinforces the headship of the human user, who delegates tasks to the DPU. With headship rendered to the user in addition to an optional wearability of the machine, also comes oneness with the system for the user to become a cyborg with godlike powers. The Operating System (OS) is now called Operating Environment (OE) or Ecosystem of Things (EoT) for the purpose of re-configuring the closed system into an open integratable system for extending the bandwidth further by “necktying” (which includes a regulation because it throttles big data, allowing at the most only 7±2 units of information to flow and thus not overwhelming the user) things into the persona whereby a onenesswith things and an eThrone affordance is offered to the user to virtually sit on as head-on-the-neck-of-the-persona in the ecosystem.
In short, with this arrangement, using the Necktie Persona Extender metaphor UI (basic claims for persona augmentation), the machine complements the user and together they offer synergy and thereby a higher bandwidth (i.e. greater capacity to deal with a situation—Oxford Dictionary) is made available to the user.
Individuals see oneness through a single head, the headship of which is offered to the actor by the Necktie Persona Extender metaphor user interface, being that it extends out from the user, rather than substitutes the user, in which case there is no oneness because there are multiple heads — one for the human and another for the computer. It took the unstable condition of outer space for a worm to grow two heads. But oneness is disputed! As Pastor T. D. Jakes puts it, a car with two drivers is very likely to have an accident.
Said unit providing the user:
said high bandwidth,
said oneness,
said synergy, and
said headship,
the unit is operative to revoke the autonomy of the AI Computer and reassign its bandwidth to the user and ultimately augment his persona for transhumanity purposes. So one would refer to it as Extender, which is part of self, rather than with a proper noun such as, Watson, Alexa, Cortana, Siri, or Assistant.
This is the basic invention upon which inventor’s other claims (also significant) rest.
Though this invention addresses the problem to a large extent, if governments and people do not change their country’s educational systems to focus on fuzzy logic and innate abilities of humans, we are in for a rough future.
A book titled, ”Augmented” is the singlemost affirmation of Inventor’s basic claims. The author goes so far as to say that the next age will be the “Augmented Age.” However, the author’s attitude toward those who will be losing employment to AI is controversial.
In passing, because these basic claims are valid, they are expanded and extrapolated for offering superintelligence viz. a collective intelligence of 144,000 rightful users (“bridespace”) each equipped with a Necktie persona extender, arranged likewise in a Christocratic Necked Service Oriented Architecture or Christocratic New World Order, offering super-synergy to a super-cyborgor wedded-avatar of Christ.
IBM Research has seen the benefits of this invention and is using it under the banner of Cognitive Systems. The “extend” indicium–protected under the pending patent–is used by them in relation to the machine/system.
Being Bio-inspired should not mean Substitution
Considering what Blaise Agüera y Arcas said in a “TED talk“:
“Computing was very much modeled after the idea of how could we make machines intelligent. And we finally are starting to fulfill now some of the promises of those early pioneers, of Turing and von Neumann and McCulloch and Pitts. And I think that computing is not just about accounting or playing Candy Crush or something. From the beginning, we modeled them after our minds. And they give us both the ability to understand our own minds better and to extend them.”
And looking closely at a neural network, it has become clear to the Inventor that the “Extender” indicium is better than the “Augmenter” indicium. (Change: 2nd June 2017)
Elon Musk is also attempting to develop a method to supposedly “augment the capability of humans.” But Inventor believes, he is on the wrong track trying to increase the conventional bandwidth — the speed at which our brain communicates with the machine — rather than the second meaning of bandwidth as used by the inventor and defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “the mental capacity to deal with a situation.” The Neural Lace method or Brain-Computer Interface of his is really a brain hacking method, which can be abused for arresting and imprisoning humans in their own skull by tapping every thought they make. To augment our capabilities it is not necessary to go underneath our skin to do so. Unless you are looking for some macho solution, my invention is simple, non-invasive and does not require cracking open the skull or even sending nano electrodes into the brain, but achieves the desired effect nonetheless of extending the persona and augmenting the intelligence with said arrangement and framework offered by the Necktie Persona Extender Metaphor UI. Even if such an invasive technology as Neural Lace were present, it can perhaps be used only for spying on the user himself and not for ethical applications such as the Extended Persona with Intelligence Augmentation for transhuman experience. The machine there seems to be getting its tentacles around man, instead of the other way around. Already U.S. Public Wary of Biomedical Technologies to ‘Enhance’ Human Abilities.
Mark Zuckerberg too is dabbling with such an invasive idea. When we say ‘invasive’ we mean invading privacy as well. Not even God encroaches into the privacy of our thoughts. Since God gives us freewill, without which there is no such thing as love, we as sons of God have to actually give permission to God to search our hearts and minds (Ps139:23-24NIV). What’s more, Satan’s own “deep secrets” are out of bounds and not to be learned (Rev2:23, 24). Father God says through Jeremiah the prophet:
“I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”
Because we have Freewill, notice in the above verse that even God doesn’t judge us by our thoughts–though he can know them–but rather by our deeds. So i believe, it is out of bounds for even governments, under any pretext, to encroach into the private space of our skull. So let’s not play God and get His wrath stayed upon us!
Whereas with our application, we are not merely talking about “Surviving AI,” a book written by Calum Chace, who writes:
“Artificial intelligence is our most powerful technology, and in the coming decades it will change everything in our lives. If we get it right it will make humans almost godlike. If we get it wrong… well, extinction is not the worst possible outcome.”
The scope of the application is for co-opting AI, extending user’s persona with augmentation of his/her intelligence or capability, and ultimately of engineering the rightful users’ divinity.
Agape® JUST Labs presents:
Agape TiE® Ecosystem
Persona Extender | EoT | eThrone
Person® Augmented
Transhuman Experience | Co-opted AI
Gary Reber comments in HBR:
“Given that there is no question that robotic technology will continue to expand the productivity and in large measure destroy jobs and devalue the value of human labor, the question that SHOULD be urgently addressed is WHO SHOULD OWN THE FUTURE TECHNOLOGY ECONOMY? Will ownership continue to concentrate among the 1 percent wealthy ownership class who now OWNS America, or will we reform the system to provide equal opportunity for EVERY child, woman, and man to acquire personal ownership in FUTURE non-human capital assets paid for with the FUTURE earnings of the investments in our technological future?”
John M. Carroll and John C. Thomas, “Metaphor and the cognitive representation of computing systems”, IEEE, 1982.
K. Wallnau, “A Survey of Black-Box Modernization Approaches for Information Systems,” IEEE, 2000.
If you are a Christian Researcher wishing to implement Christian values in emerging systems such as Person® Augmented and Agape TiE® Ecosystem or a Church leader and wish to support Operation Agape TiE® please give your:
First off, we must remember that nothing happens outside the scope or the sovereignty of God. The Father Himself has given a charter to man way back in the beginning itself for all science and technology (Gen1:28). But man lost this dominion with the Fall. Enter Christ and this dominion is being reestablished. So we mustn’t see this aeroplane as something sans God. Materialism aka consumerism had perverted what was intended to be good. Goodness–from which came “goods”–figures both in the fruit of the light (Eph5:9) as well as the fruit of the spirit (Gal5:22).
Even repentance, a foundation in Christianity, is turning from bad to good (HT: Nicky Gumbel). So goods & services are a part and parcel of who we are in Christ Jesus, the Son of God. The Wright Brothers invention of the aeroplane in 1903 was perfectly timed to coincide with the coming of the Son of Man literally on the clouds in 1988!
Paul’s reference to “the Son of Man coming on the clouds” (Mark 13:26, 14:62, for example) are about Jesus’ vindication, his “coming” to heaven from earth. The parables about a returning king or master (for example, Luke 19:11-27) were originally about God returning to Jerusalem, not about Jesus returning to earth. This, Jesus seemed to believe, was an event within space-time history, not one that would end it forever.”
And in order to fulfill prophecy spiritually…
Prophets of old saw in their visions things of today. The things, we of today take for granted.
Through this media, I am neither coming to you nor you to me, PHYSICALLY speaking. The flesh counts for nothing (Jn6:63). We could be sitting next to each other in a crowded bus/train/plane/building but our minds/spirits could be miles apart in thinking. Communion is possible, only in the spirit. The concept of a physical fleshly rapture, is a Hollywood’s take on it. It is the lie of 2Thess2:11-12NJKV (And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.). Whether Enoch had it or not (cf. Heb11:5), it is unrighteous to expect God to give us a spectacular physical rapture. Only evil people seek after signs (Matt16:4a). The spirit of Brother Shailesh Pateliya just now:
“Don’t test God; test your faith.”
“Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable” (1 Cor 15:50 NASB). But consider an eCommunion such as Skyfeast.org or our recent Agape Kingdom Cloud. Millions could gather together there and feast on the “Bread of Life” on flextime basis.
So we are SPIRITUALLY/WORDILY (Jn6:63) meeting in this intermediate zone. And what is that zone, if not the place where the satellites are located, namely, the clouds or the new heavens!
And this was what the prophets of old saw: The Son of Man coming on such a cloud and visible like lightening from east to west, fulfilling Matt24:27.
Since spiritual is synonymous with being wordy (Jn6:63), the Lord can use online means to execute the rapture. In other words, spiritual rapture is synonymous with online rapture. So we at AgapeJustsm have gone right ahead and shipping a limited edition of 144,000 Agape TiE® Online Rapture kits to rapture those from ground up to Agape Kingdom Cloud. Those more mature can avail Agape TiE® Person™.
Abstract of Invention: Wedded Avatar of Christ
The present invention discloses a system and method for a morphological solution to the macroscopic problem of n-entropy (i.e. loss of control/information) of the prevailing global anarchy by super-extending and super-augmenting a persona to manifest a pan-environment super-cyborg
for global governance. Through a Christocratic Necked Service Oriented Architecture (CNSOA) model, the method of said system, categorizes the world people into two spaces, Bridespace and Christocraticspace. Each member or citizen of Bridespace and consenting Christocraticspace is incorporated with Bridal Wedding Garments, namely holy goods & services & Necktie-imitating Persona-Extender, which includes data processing devices connected to a global network. Each member’s Persona and proximity Meatspace are augmented by recasting the metaphoric environment of the data processors as said Necktie. The objective of this invention is to provide a viable regulatory system for global governance with a Christocratic new world order for universal eternal life or gross salvation.
Full disclosure here: Patent Pending US 13/516,443.
Surely this is the onset of the gradual phasing out of 24×1 church age and the grace period! In with the age of the Bride 24×7, and in with Agape Justice!
Rapid advances in artificial intelligence are raising risks that malicious users will soon exploit the technology to mount automated hacking attacks, cause driverless car crashes or turn commercial drones into targeted weapons, a new report warns.
The study, published on Wednesday by 25 technical and public policy researchers from Cambridge, Oxford and Yale universities along with privacy and military experts, sounded the alarm for the potential misuse of AI by rogue states, criminals and lone-wolf attackers.
The researchers said the malicious use of AI poses imminent threats to digital, physical and political security by allowing for large-scale, finely targeted, highly efficient attacks. The study focuses on plausible developments within five years.
“We all agree there are a lot of positive applications of AI,” Miles Brundage, a research fellow at Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute. “There was a gap in the literature around the issue of malicious use.”
Artificial intelligence, or AI, involves using computers to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as taking decisions or recognising text, speech or visual images.
It is considered a powerful force for unlocking all manner of technical possibilities but has become a focus of strident debate over whether the massive automation it enables could result in widespread unemployment and other social dislocations.
The 98-page paper cautions that the cost of attacks may be lowered by the use of AI to complete tasks that would otherwise require human labour and expertise. New attacks may arise that would be impractical for humans alone to develop or which exploit the vulnerabilities of AI systems themselves.
It reviews a growing body of academic research about the security risks posed by AI and calls on governments and policy and technical experts to collaborate and defuse these dangers.
The researchers detail the power of AI to generate synthetic images, text and audio to impersonate others online, in order to sway public opinion, noting the threat that authoritarian regimes could deploy such technology.
The report makes a series of recommendations including regulating AI as a dual-use military/commercial technology. It also asks questions about whether academics and others should rein in what they publish or disclose about new developments in AI until other experts in the field have a chance to study and react to potential dangers they might pose. “We ultimately ended up with a lot more questions than answers,” Brundage said.
The paper was born of a workshop in early 2017, and some of its predictions essentially came true while it was being written. The authors speculated AI could be used to create highly realistic fake audio and video of public officials for propaganda purposes.
Late last year, so-called “deepfake” pornographic videos began to surface online, with celebrity faces realistically melded to different bodies.
“It happened in the regime of pornography rather than propaganda,” said Jack Clark, head of policy at OpenAI, the group founded by Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Silicon Valley investor Sam Altman to focus on friendly AI that benefits humanity. “But nothing about deepfakes suggests it can’t be applied to propaganda.”
The title should read: “Hackers are already using AI.”
I am the inventor of “Augmented Person” (Patent Pending: US 13/516,443; INDIA 5606/CHENP/2012) for Transhumanity/Divinity that is superior, mutually exclusive and competing technology to AI.
We were all along under the impression that it was some other kind of censorship and subversion that we were being subjected to.
Is the Church listening for its own sake and for the sake of the continued existence of humanity?
As for you, Garry Kasparov, you are a moron, leading the world to its destruction with your supposed “thought leadership”.