First published on March 14th, 2015
A Kafir (Unbeliever) is one who does not believe especially in the SIGNS of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर that do require a degree of faith.
Do not say, “a Believer is one who prays this many times a day, etc, etc.” Then you must give royal treatment to this dog.
In fact, the oft quoted Koran 8:12 essentially says:
‘Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers [who believe in the Sign of Virgin Birth AND the Sign of Resurrection]: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers [who do not believe in the SIGNS of Allah]: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”‘
Note: Angel Jibril spoke Koran to Muhammad. Therefore Muhammad is prophet of Angel Jibril, not of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर, directly. Whereas it is written of Isa AL MASIH in John 1:18 “No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten god (with the small ‘g’) who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.” Again in Heb1:2 יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds.
Now, briefly…
What is a Sign?
A sign is a => (pointer) to something.
Sign #1: SIGN of Virgin Birth
Koran 23:50 states: “And We made the son of Mary and his mother as a Sign: We gave them both shelter on high ground, affording rest and security and furnished with springs.” Also, Isa7:14.
Virgin was with child (Koran 2:117). Why a virgin? Man knows it like gravity that it takes a male and a female to make a baby. יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर wants to precisely appear to the world as the Father of one to be born, namely the son of Mary. יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर wants to tell the world that His Son, which means that He is also the co-owner of the creation, trumps all prophets (merely hirelings), past, present, & future, including Muhammad.
A sign is a => to something. What is this something in the case of this virgin birth?
Nothing is impossible with Allah. If he wanted He could have brought forth Isa out of nothing. But why did He use a VIRGIN in particular?

In fact, in keeping with Injeel John 1:3; John 5:21-23NASB; Colossians 1:15-17 and Philippians 2:10-11, even Koran 2:116-117 clearly acknowledges:
They say: “Allah hath begotten a son”: Glory be to Him (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ). Nay, to Him (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ) belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: everything renders worship to Him (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ). To Him (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ) is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ) decreeth a matter, He (Isa al-Masih/Jesus Christ) saith to it: “Be,” and it is.
But instead Muhammad has not simply misunderstood it but rather did not believe the SIGN, as the Apostles have declared it in the Injil. Muhammad rather went saying:
When He (Allah not Isa al Masih/Jesus Christ) decrees a matter, He (Allah) only says to it (fetus in the womb of Mary), “Be,” and it is.
Koran 8:30 “Remember how the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out (of thy home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.
Koran 8:31 “When Our Signs are rehearsed to them, they say: ‘We have heard this (before): if we wished, we could say (words) like these: these are nothing but tales of the ancients.'”
Isa al Masih was there before the foundation of the earth (Micah5:2; Isaiah53:1-2; Jn1:1). He is from above. The pre-existing Word became flesh and dwelt among us (Jn1:14). So Isa was יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर son before He was born to Virgin Mary. So יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर was saying to the world through the sign that Isa is His Son. See how the Son trumps all prophets here.
Yes, prophet Muhammad included, did not believe that Isa AL MASIH was the Son of Allah. Or was it the translators who attributed the title, “Most Gracious” (Koran 19) also to Allah, when it actually and rightly belongs to Isa AL MASIH?
Therefore, they, including Muhammad, are kafirs on count #1 for not believing in the SIGN of the Virgin Birth AND it’s obvious implications, as noted above.
SIGN #2: The Resurrection
Koran 2:73 states clearly that Allah can bring back the dead. It is one of His Signs.
Tommy Lee Camden II writes in
“Resurrection Of Christ: A Sign Or Not?”
The resurrection in itself is not considered to be a sign miracle, but should it be one? We must examine what makes the miracles sign miracles to find this answer. The sign miracles were a set of seven specific miracles performed by Jesus that held special significance and meaning. Each one of them was performed to another person and for the better good of that person. Now when we look at the resurrection, we must determine what is its significance, who was it for and why was it performed. There are a few factors that must be looked at and first is what is the significance of the resurrection. This is very important for modern Christianity, because it is basically the foundation for the faith that developed into the religion we have. Had Christ not resurrected we would be stuck with idolatry… and the new way to salvation would have never been known. So the significance is that His death did away with the traditions of the Old Testament. Now, the resurrection is [about the new life we have in Christ]. Because of His perfect sacrifice we have the chance to live eternally with Him in the after life, so when asking whom this miracle was for, the answer is, for all of us. He showed us there was hope and life even after death. Jesus raising Himself from the grave is the perfect way to show the world that all power in heaven and earth is in Christ. Its one thing to raise the dead like Lazarus, but its so much more powerful to give ones self up to death, wait three days to allow Jewish belief that the soul is no longer lingering around the body and then to restore life back to yourself from the grave. Only Jesus has ever done this and only He could.
But Muslims, including Prophet Muhammad, make themselves Unbelievers/kafirs by not believing in yet another but more important SIGN of Allah for mankind: The RESURRECTION!
In Quran 19, Maryam, verse 33, Jesus said shortly after his birth:
“So Peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again).”
A. Jusuf Ali wrote in the footnote number 2485 of his translation of the Holy Quran (1975): “…those who believe that he (Jesus) never died should ponder over this verse.”
Koran 4:157 reads:
“That they said [in boast], ‘We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah’;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no [certain] knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.”
What 4:157 simply says is that you can never kill Jesus permanently–He will rise from the dead!
The AL MASIH says, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies.” (Injeel Jn11:25)
For a Believer, The Day of Judgement (Koran 23:16) is the Day he/she is Born-Again, when Justice meets Mercy for his/her sake, and both are satisfied. In fact it is his/her Day of Resurrection, particularly catering to him/her. For, Isa AL MASIH says in Injeel John 5:24: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.”
Now, Koran 5:10 says it clearly: “Those who reject faith and deny our signs will be companions of Hell-fire.”
A Takfir is an apostate, that is, not a true Muslim.
Now, briefly…
Koran 5:72 reads:
“They have certainly disbelieved who say, ‘Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary’ while the Messiah has said, ‘O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.’ Whoever joins other gods with Allah,- Allah will forbid him the garden, and the Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help.”
As for us, we have not denied: ABBA AKBAR (آبا اكبر), which means the Father is the greatest as per Injeel Jn14:28 and 1Cor11:3. But that only excuses us, not the so-called Muslims.
Clearly Koran5:72 is suspect for twisting INJEEL John20:17 (Jesus said to her, “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, `I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'”). Our God is Isa’s God. But our Lord is Isa, and His Lord is the Father (1Cor11:3; Jn14:28). This is true on account of Tanakh Ps110:1 (which speaks of “LORD of Lord”); Torah Deut10:17 (which speaks of “God of gods”); Tanakh Job1:6 (which speaks of “sons of God”). Therefore, (unless it is a translation error mistaking ‘God’ mentioned in Jn20:17 for ‘Adonai/Lord’) Muhammad errs in saying the lie that AL Masih said, ‘O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.'” Either Muhammad is erring or those who wrote the Koran are erring.
You see, the heavens declare the glory of יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर. There is no shortage of people submitting to the UNSEEN (יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर). But it is to the SEEN we must offer their due. This is not only scriptural (Jn5:23; 1Jn4:20; Rom13:7; 1Cor11:3; 1Cor12:28) but it is also a self-evident truth.

Jn5:23; Matt10:40-42; 1Jn4:20; Rom13:7; 1Cor11:3; 1Cor12:28
Therefore, Muhammad is not a true Muslim and is therefore a Takfir..
The above argument with self-evident truths makes the so-called Muslims, including Prophet Muhammad (as he is understood today by the Ummah/Muslim community), takfirs as well as kafirs. Muhammad peddles a truth (virgin birth, etc) + lies deceiving the masses that he is of good. But ultimately he peddles a lie under the label of GOOD — the devil that he is doing mischief.
Since Muhammad and Quran lead people to reject యేసు క్రీస్తు / यीशु मसीह / Jesus Christ/ المسيح عيسى / המשיח ישוע without whom there is no life for the Muslim or anyone else for that matter, Prophet Muhammad is not al-Amin (trustworthy). Those who want to still be contentious, note the gravity of what we are dealing with here: An eternal life and eternal death matter (1Jn2:23)…

The entire QURAN is therefore rubbished!
However we do not deny Muhammad’s great acknowledgement and highlighting of Islam of Isa al Masih. This Son of David is for world peace!
The Ummah must now decide whether they want Muhammad or יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर.
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