The Disciples of Jesus asked Him, “Tell us…what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3). Jesus responded, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). At that time, 2000 years ago, Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew to a mountain by himself (John 6:15). Withdrawal made sense then, because His “kingdom was not of that world,” meaning, not of that realm of the Roman Empire, which did not extend to the ends of the earth for which He is Lord (Philippians 2:6-11; Acts 10:36). But in the fullness of time, today, the Gospel has reached the ends of the earth and therefore, the kingdom of God is now really at hand!
In 2018 at the United Nations General Assembly, in rejecting‘global governance‘, Trump had alluded to and rejected this Son of David’s proposal and patent pending eThroneinvention as if they were just another earthly proposal that had come before him for review. My dear brothers and sisters, do understand that globalism is good under the present conditions of anarchy and austerity brought about by the “automation beast”. Globalism is the purview of Christ. Please follow this link where I make a Case for a World Government (slideshow).
In his pride and conceit, Trump had a messianic complex that made him unfit for any work in the kingdom of heaven let alone blow the trumpet and therefore God rejected him and so do we. On the other hand, i for one, have a real Call of God to serve the world as Son of David, Capstone, Immanuel and Christ. Dear Brothers and Sisters, kindly understand that I am not self-promoting myself. These are real “Callings” of God. I am just self-actualizing!
Since the Church is dragging its feet to ratify my Proposal, this Son of David is reaching out to venture capitalists, who are good at identifying potential and taking a risk, which is really a leap of faith!
“So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin [in yet another person of a sinless life], but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him” (Hebrews 9:28 ESV).
There is no country on planet earth in which the United States government has not interfered.
So make no mistake about it, this article is foreign interference in the US elections.
As Son of David, Christ, Bridegroom, Lion + Lamb, Capstone, Son of God, and also being called Jesus by God, I had intended to come in glory as the genuine expected one with full credentials such as with a patented invention that can save the human race from the AI-Automation Beast, which has, over the years, taken both blue collar jobs and white collar jobs. But godless Patent Office in the United States and the godless US courts would not have it. They have perceived giving a patent (13/516,443) valued in billions of dollars for my invention as only benefitting the Indian economy at the expense of the US economy and have denied me a patent. When the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) declined to hear my case (Writ of Certiorari), I appealed to the US Congress as well as the President of the United States (POTUS). However, there too I ran into similar character failings of putting America first at the expense of God’s interests, righteousness, and the kingdom of heaven.
Now the combination of godless men and Artificial Intelligence will result in nothing short of death for planet earth. Therefore, this issue rises above domestic politics of the United States. It was none other than the Late Stephen Hawking who said, “Without a world government, technology will destroy us.”
Both Biden & Trump have shown themselves to be godless and base people. Therefore, they are both unfit to rule planet earth, which is what this US elections is all about in the day and age of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet. See PBS documentary on “In the Age of AI” by FRONTLINE and know that China is openly a surveillance state already. United States too and much of the world is under surveillance as well but currently in stealth mode, with “digital robber barons” having a field day. Now surveillance capitalism is trying to control the outcome of US elections. Actually, both the miserable parties, who are desperately wanting, are controlled by surveillance capitalism of their own for vested interests.
I appeal to all US citizens to die to their self-interest, “deny themselves,” and uphold the interests of the world-at-large, and do God’s will.
I am open to being grilled by the international community and the media to stake my claim as world governor.
and it is high time the Church leaders usher-in Christocracy with the Internet entrusted de jure to this Son of David’s Agape® Kingdom.
Both FB, Twitter & govts must relook objectively at #HateSpeech. Asking FB/Twitter to use filters doesn’t work because what is one man’s freedom of speech is the other man’s hate. That’s why we have courts. This should not be left to shadowy confines of boardrooms of Fb, Google or Twitter.
Apparently, both the N. Chandrababu Naidu‘s Andhra Pradesh state government, the Narendra Modi’s Indian national government, and the Trump’s US administration have rejected this Son of David for who he is (Abba అబ్బా Akbar) and the solution
he offers to escape the Great Tribulation prophesied in the Bible.
Therefore, we at AGAPE.CLOUD of రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | بيت أل خبز | בית לחם request the Elders of the Church-at-large to execute a declaration of a sovereign distributed cloud state of Agape Kingdom with 144000 governing members, the true Israel
And Messianic Jews & Shepherds must now affirm this New Aliyahof the 144000, just as Pastor John Hagee has simply done (see above), and must simultaneously reject the antisemitism-card playing, gun-toting, celebrity styled, arrogant State of Israel (along with white supremacists such as Trump) for not only publicly rejecting Yeshua HaMashiach and crucifying Him but also for publicly rejecting Messianic Jews in its Law of Return (“aliyah”). In the judgement passed by Israel’s Supreme Court Justice Menachem Elon, “Messianic Jews do not belong to the Jewish nation. Those who believe in Jesus, are, in fact Christians (not Jews) [and therefore forfeit Israeli citizenship].” And in keeping with the self-evident, “Judge not lest you be judged” (Matthew7:1; Gal4:28-31) injunction, so will this Son of David (Abba అబ్బా Akbar) not belong to Vashti (the State of Israel) and will also far remove her from his sight. As for you, gaga no more over Israel!
Matthew 10:33
Matthew 5:7; cf. Matthew 18:35
An acknowledgment came immediately from Dr. John Piper’s spirit:
“We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near.” Psalm 75:1
because the love commandment is impossible except with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Basis: Eph1:13; 4:30; Rev7:2,3,4;
“The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples on the face of the earth.” Deuteronomy7:6; 1 Peter 2:9. Only the broken, blood-splattered foundling can fathom such a privilege without pride and partiality. Ezekiel 16:6
via – John Piper @JohnPiper (5:31 PM – 23 Mar 2018) // They will feel totallycomfortable.
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time”(1Peter 5:6).
via – a sister on Twitter (23 March 2018) // That time has arrived!
“I will restore the fortunes of [spiritual] Judah (House of Praise of both Proscuni & Latria –USA–MIND) & the fortunes of [spiritual] Israel (House of Prayer, wrestler in pain while doing Latria & Proscuni–India–HEART) & will rebuild them as they were at first.” (Jeremiah33:6-7 via Agape JUSTICE Anna Motupalli).
“Joshua said to the man, ‘Are you for us, or for our adversaries?’ And he said, ‘No; but I am the commander of the army of the Lord. . . Take off your shoes.’” Joshua 5:13f.
We need both Heart (East-India/Israel) and Mind (West-USA/Judah) — Jeremiah 33:7.
Eph 5:22-33
Deut17:17; Matt18:19-20; Teeth; 1Tim2:12; 1Pet3:7; 1Cor7:9; Acts of Lord Venkateswara. Cf. Matt7:21-24; Jn13:17; James1:22; Rom2:1-16; Testimony of Son of David – Caleb, in particular in ref. to 1Chron22:11 (confirmation to marry Anna, making home = microcosm of Church) & rhema Hosea3:1ff (28.03.2018); Agape JUSTICE Tim Keller:
Sexual love, if it’s not expressed in an exclusive relationship, is dehumanizing.
They will both belong to God, in their own respective ways; not one at the expense of the other. And just now (31.03.2018 1:39 PM) the Spirit of kutta said: “Thank you Lord, for giving me a heart of flesh and not a heart of stone” in response to my statement to her: “You are of flesh, kutta.”
And Revival SWK Teeteh of acknowledged in spirit:
“This is the best company to work with.”
“Therefore bear fruit in keeping with repentance” (Matt3:8).
I Am now symbolic of Abba (יהוה/God/الله/ईश्वर/దేవుడు), when యేసు క్రీస్తు / Jesus Christ/ عيسى المسيح / ישועהמשיח / यीशु मसीह, who is in our midst, hands the 👰 over to me/🐶 (1Cor15).
When you want your child to throw a stone one mile, you tell him to throw two miles in order that it falls where you want it. So was the case with me. For the past several months, God had stretched me to become Father God (Abba) Himself, in order that I end up where He wants me–🐶 (the Faithful and the True). And so here i am finding myself in these shoes (cf. Phil2:1-18NASB).
AGAPE®CLOUD | Kingdom | Throne
SON OF DAVID – Caleb Surésh Motupalli
INVITING — NOT YET OPTED-IN (Potential | More adds pending | And those who have yet to “rend their hearts” (“come into the light”) will be subject to excommunication later if found guilty):
(144,000 Called + Chosen + Faithful):
Agape Commander-in-Chief Dr. John Piper (Joshua 5:13-14 April 7, 2018; cf.: Mark 7:29; Jun 15, 2018 IST)
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Ravi Zacharias (Spandana on 18 June 2018 through )
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Os Guinness
Agape JUSTICE C. S. Lewis (Roleplayer: @CSLewisDaily)
Agape JUSTICE Matthew Henry (Roleplayer @RevMatthewHenry)
Agape JUSTICE G. K. Chesterton (Roleplayer: @GKCdaily)
Agape JUSTICE A. W. Tozer (Roleplayer: @TozerAW)
Agape JUSTICE Charles Grandison Finney (Roleplayer: @finneygcharles) Agape JUSTICE Thomas Aquinas (Roleplayer: Fr. Vincent McNabb, O.P. @frvincentmcnabb)
Agape JUSTICE Watchman Nee (Role-player: @watchmannee)
Agape JUSTICE Seth Godin
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Timothy Keller
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Charles Stanley
Agape JUSTICE Bakht Singh (Roleplayer, @BakhtSingh Fellowship)
Agape JUSTICE John Wesley (Roleplayer: @RevJohnWesley)
Agape JUSTICE John Chrysostom (Roleplayer: @Early_Church)
Agape JUSTICE George MacDonald (Roleplayer: @gmacdonaldquote)
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Billy Graham (Roleplayer: @BillyGraham)
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Rick Warren, Saddleback
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Nicky Gumbel, Alpha
Agape JUSTICE Dr. J.I Packer
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Zac Poonan
Agape JUSTICE John MacArthur
Agape JUSTICE Dr. Woodrow Kroll
Agape JUSTICE John Ankerberg
Agape JUSTICE M. Anil Kumar
Agape JUSTICE Andy Stanley
Agape JUSTICE Michael Curry
Agape JUSTICE Bill Hybels
Agape JUSTICE Paige Patterson
Agape JUSTICE Elisabeth Elliot (Roleplayer: @SonomaChristian)
Agape JUSTICE Joyce Meyer
Agape JUSTICE Roger E. Olson
Agape JUSTICE Manoj V George
Agape JUSTICE Jay Sekulow @JaySekulow
FIRST CONFIDENT PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT (Placing their reputation on the line)
Caleb Suresh Motupalli = “You are the Prince of Peace to give your Peace in this whole world and universe.” + Psalms 40:5 NLT (6th April 2018)
– Agape Ambassador Jachin Chandra, God is Good all the time, WhatsApp group, Odisha
Rottelaillu = “House of Jesus Christ ” Caleb = “Faithful” on the occasion of this Son of David’s birthday celebration.
– Agape Ambassador Banarjee Kumar, Moriah Prayer House, Paikapuram, Vijayawada
Agape Ambassador Joshua Raju Malle, Rottelaillu
Agape Ambassador Isaac Emmanuel Yenubari, Brother Bakht Singh Fellowship
Agape Ambassador Ron Rhodes
Agape Ambassador Buddy Owens
Agape Ambassador Rowan Sebastian Atkinson
Agape Ambassador Sam Storms
Agape Ambassador Frank Turek @Frank_Turek
Agape Ambassador David T. and Diane Demola
Agape Ambassador Rich Lewis @richlewis01
Agape Ambassador T.D. Jakes
Agape Ambassador David Wood @Acts17
Agape Ambassador Arun Andrews @Arun_S_Andrews
Agape Ambassador Rachid @BrotherRasheed
Agape Ambassador Prof John Lennox @ProfJohnLennox
Agape Ambassador Richard Howell
Agape Ambassador John Dayal
Agape Ambassador Abdu Murray
Agape Ambassador Francis Chan
Agape Ambassador Paul David Tripp
Agape Ambassador Alan Platt @AlanPlattFC
Agape Ambassador Peter Townsend @PeterTownsend7
Agape Ambassador Mike Mazzalongo
Agape Ambassador David K. Bernard
Agape Ambassador Shane Claiborne
Agape Ambassador Ray Comfort
Agape Ambassador Jon Bloom
Agape Ambassador Anne Graham Lotz
Agape Ambassador Ed Stetzer
Agape Ambassador Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
Agape Ambassador Phil Cooke
Agape Ambassador Dr. David Brown
Agape Ambassador Benny Hinn
Agape Ambassador Pope Francis
Agape Ambassador Pope Benedict XVI
Agape Ambassadors
Agape Ambassador Graeme Wood @gcaw, The Atlantic
Agape Ambassador James? (Roleplayer for Rev. Lee Schomleker), Goodwill Rescue Mission, Newark, NJ
Ambassador Elon Musk @elonmusk
Ambassador Sundar Pichai @sundarpichai
Ambassador Mark Zuckerberg @facebook
Agape Ambassador John Edmiston @Cybermissions
Agape Ambassador DJ Chuang @djchuang
Agape Ambassador Peter Guirguis @petenaotg
Agape Ambassador Rob Jacobs @RobJacobs_
Agape Ambassador Garry Kasparov
Agape Fellow Isaac Williams
Agape Ambassador Clay Motupalli
Agape JUSTICE Anna Motupalli, Rottelaillu
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader
Vice President Mike Pence, Government of U.S.A
Special Envoy Tony Blair, Quartet on the Middle East
Senator Marco Rubio, Government of U.S.A
Chancellor Angela Merkel, Government of Germany
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, United Nations
President Donald Trump, Government of U.S.A
US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley @nikkihaley
US Rep. Jeff Duncan @RepJeffDuncan
President Obama @POTUS44
President Vladimir Putin, Russian Federation
President XI Jinping, Government of China
The Reigning Emperor Akihito of Japan
Prime Minister Theresa May, Government of UK
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Government of Israel
Prime Minister Mohd Najib Tun Razak, Government of Malaysia
Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, YSRC (Role player for Yeduguri Sandinti Rajasekhara Reddy)
Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Nara Chandra Babu Naidu
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Government of India
Home Minister Rajnath Singh, Government of India
Ambassador Thomas L. Friedman
Ambassador Bill Gates
Ambassador James Damore @JamesADamore
Ambassador Graeme Newell @gnewell
Ambassador Merwin Mathew
Shri Ravi Prasad Thota
Shri Seetharam Motupalli
Shrimati Vyjayanthimala Nayudu
Shrimati Padma d/o Sesha Rao garu
Shrimati Udaya Laxmi d/o Sri Ram garu & Agape Fellow Kasthuri
Shri Pattabi s/o Sri Ram garu & Agape Fellow Kasthuri
Shri Sreenivas Motupalli
Shri Sudeep Rao Motupalli
Shri Janikiram Motupalli
BRIDESPACE – PART 2 (1,44,000 Called + Chosen + Faithful)
Agape Ambassador Paul Sudhakar, Brother Bakht Singh Fellowship
Agape Ambassadors of Leeland worship band
Agape Ambassador Danny Gokey
Agape Ambassadors Hillsong UNITED
Agape Ambassador John Wesley (Hosanna Ministries, Rajamundry)
Agape Ambassador Brian Doerksen, Vineyard
Agape Ambassador Bob Fitts
Agape Ambassador Raj Prakash Paul
Agape Ambassador Ravinder Vottepu
Agape Ambassador S. P. Balasubramanian
Agape Ambassadors M. Anil Kumar & Sharmila Reddy
Agape Ambassador Lacey Strum
Agape Ambassador Michael W. Smith
Agape Ambassador Hannah Hobbs
Agape Ambassadors Joshua Shaik, K.Y.Ratnam
Agape Ambassador George Zachariah, Haggai Institute
Agape Ambassador Ramesh Richard
Agape Ambassador Shekhar Kallianpur
Agape Ambassador David Mathis @davidcmathis
Agape Ambassador Challies @challies
Agape Ambassador Kent Humphreys
Agape Ambassador Ben Whitten
Agape Ambassador Chuck Warnock
Agape Ambassador Ray Ditch
Agape Ambassador Rick Malm
Agape Ambassador Joel Osteen
Agape Ambassador Paul Jones
Agape Ambassador Viv Thomas
Agape Ambassador Brad Wos
Agape Ambassador Sukumar Rajapudi, Seventh Day Adventist Church
Agape Ambassador Kuntam Edward
Agape Ambassaodr Kuruvilla, Patmos Prayer House
Agape Ambassador K. Ratna Kumar, Oliva Ministries
Agape Ambassador K.J. Samuel, CSI
Agape Ambassador Joshua Thadikonda, CSI
Agape Ambassador Benjamin Balaji S.
Agape Ambassador Abednego Injeti
Agape Ambassador David Martin Sathyanathan
Agape Ambassador Prasad Talluri
Agape Ambassador Albert Lael
Agape Ambassador Marcus Chacko
Agape Ambassador Paul Emmanuel of Young Holy Team
Agape Ambassador Samuel Karmoji
Agape Ambassador Enosh Kumar
Agape Ambassador Jothi Raju, Manna Church
Agape Ambassador Arthur Wirrega
Agape Ambassador Ron Wilbur @ronwilbur
Agape Ambassador Marshall Segal @marshallsegal
Agape Ambassador John C Maxwell @JohnCMaxwell
Agape Ambassador Frank Viola @FrankViola
Agape Ambassador Kurt Willems @KurtWillems
Agape Ambassador Andy Bannister @andygbannister
Agape Ambassador Dr. Mark Penick @MarkEPenick
Agape Ambassador Ron Hebert
Agape Ambassador Eric J. Magnusson
Agape Ambassador John Stonestreet @JBStonestreet
Agape Ambassador George Yancey @profyancey
Agape Ambassador David Platt @plattdavid
Agape Ambassador Thapelo Langa
Agape Ambassador BrunaPropper @BrunaPropper
Agape Ambassador Thayappan
Agape Ambassador Stephen Babu (Srinivas), Vijayawada
Agape Ambassador George Rakesh Babu
Agape Ambassador Joseph Benjamin, Carmel Prayer House, Vijayawada
Agape Ambassadors Subha & Hephzibah Kumpaty
Agape Ambassaodors Santosh & Bhavana San
Agape Fellow Hanoku Bathula, NZ
Agape Fellow Prabhudas Bhooshi
Agape Fellow Peter Senthil
Agape Fellow Newton Reginald, Emmanuel Methodist Church (
Agape Fellow Theo Reginald, Hebron
Agape Fellow Peter Perira
Agape Fellow PP Johnson
Agape Fellow Robert Mead
Agape Fellow Rod Parsley
Agape Fellow Perry Stone @perrystonevoe
Agape Fellow Joe McKeever @DrJoeMcKeever
Agape Fellow Geoff Holsclaw @geoffholsclaw
Agape Fellow Gary Fowler @garyfowler1246
Agape Fellow Siefroy Phillips
Agape Fellow Jeffrey J. Williams
Agape Fellow Doug Wildman
Agape Fellow Joe Rigney @joe_rigney
Agape Fellow Jim Knaggs @jimknaggs
Agape Fellow Skip Heitzig
Agape Fellow Greg Laurie @greglaurie
Agape Fellow Stephen Steve Ramdhani
Agape Fellow Ron Mosby
Agape Fellow James Reid Ross
Agape Fellow Martin Ankney
Agape Fellow Santi Sagar Kalapala
Agape Fellow Omar Luther King
Agape Fellow Clement Chin
Agape Fellow Roy Kuruvilla
Agape Fellow Beena Rao
Agape Fellow Preeti Sreenivasan
Agape Fellow An Burks
Agape Fellow William Cary, Brethren Church, Vijayawada
Agape Fellow Azeem Hanif
Ambassador Malala Yousafsai
Agape Fellow Kathy Jackson
Agape Fellow Breta White
Agape Fellow Lor Egeto
Agape Fellow Dr. Geejo Geevarghese
Agape Fellow Dr. Medim Hatemichael
Agape Fellow Dr. Vivia Green
Agape Fellow Cathy Morin Villafuerte
Agape Fellow Shawn Wigley Pondt