Proposition: Paul speaks a different Gospel other than what is entrusted to the Apostles.
More =/= great. Nor, Less == minimal.
Paul was sent by Ananias (Acts9:1-19) not by the Lord Jesus Christ. Even to begin with, he is not on par with other Apostles. Or perhaps not even an Apostle.
Peter’s warning in 2Pet3:15-17
“Our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness”
must be taken seriously about people misunderstanding Paul’s writings and spreading a different Gospel. Paul himself understood his own gospel to be different from that of some other’s (2Cor11:4; Gal1:6). Perhaps of Peter’s and James’ (cf. James 2:24 & Gal1:7)? Perhaps this is the reason why the Pope in the times of Luther, Erasmus, and Tyndale took the disclosure of scripture to the common man so seriously because of the misunderstandings it will cause to the lay person and theologian alike to stumble. Paul must therefore be removed from the canon of scripture. He himself is “accursed” (Matt12:37; Gal1:8), based on the following:
We get Grace by Humility + Faith, Not by Faith Alone
Both 1 Peter 5:5 and James 4:6 taking support from Proverbs 16:5; 11:2 (OT) acknowledge the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, especially Jn3:3-5 and Matt18:3-4, that it is by Humility — not by Grace Alone through/by Faith Alone as Paul asserts — that a person is justified, even initially (i.e. enters the kingdom of God/Heaven).
Therefore, in view of the above error alone, Paul is a lesser light than Peter or James or John.
In his effort to persuade the Jews and Pharisees of his time (about the initial gift of salvation or entry into the kingdom of God by grace of God alone through faith alone on the basis of Christ alone), it looks like he went overboard.
Other examples that caused untold misunderstandings of scripture are:
- “Yet not I, but the grace of God with me” — 1Cor15:10. If there is no human component of yielding to the Spirit of God then everyone, whether they believe or not, should have eternal life by virtue of the work of Christ. That is why A.W. Tozer said, “redemption is objectively provided and salvation is subjectively received.” This is done initially through/by faith-work (Jn6:29) alone and then during the rest of the course of life, as we “continue in the Word” (Jn8:31) or “continue in the faith” (Col1:23) or as we yield or submit our freewill in faith to every general and every specific will of God that is later revealed (Eph5:22-33; Life & Acts of Brother Bakht Singh).
- Paul’s understanding of being freed from the law of sin = freed from the Law of God (Rom7:1-6, 3), that which he corrects himself later in Rom7:25.
- “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly” — Gal 2:21. This is in view of the Greatest Commandment preached by the Lord Jesus Christ for us to keep, namely, “Plus Fruit”, and not hang on to the devil’s lullaby of Faith-Alone or the Doctrine of Demons (1Tim4:1). The Gospel must never replace the Greatest Commandment in importance (1Cor13:13). “And he (lawyer) answered, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ And He (Jesus) said to him, “You have answered correctly; DO THIS AND YOU WILL LIVE [eternally]” (Luke10:27; cf. Matt22:37-40; Mark12:30-31). Just because circumcision (Gal5:3) is clearly understood as a dead-work or trite-work (Heb6:1-4), we cannot throw the baby out with the bathwater. The Law is perfect (Ps19:7) but merely weakened through the flesh (Rom8:3NASB). By the Law of the Spirit we need to surpass the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees (Matt5:20), i.e surpass the Law they keep, namely, the Law of Moses in letter, by keeping the Law of the Spirit/Love/Christ (Rom8:2, 4; Gal6:2). Therefore, ultimately we will be judged by the Law of Moses/God i.e. by our works (Isa59:18; Zech1:6; Eze24:14; 36:19; Matt16:27; Heb12:14; Rev14:13; in the Final Message of the Lord Jesus Christ as present in scripture — Rev22:12; Rom2:5-7).
- ‘Though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God’s purpose according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls, it was said to her, “The older will serve the younger.” Just as it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”‘ (Rom9:11-13). This portion of scripture is misunderstood by Calvinists to mean God’s election or predestination for salvation or damnation (whichever may be the case for each individual) for ALL people, and not simply God’s election for service in the case of Esau, in particular.
- Law keeping in Gal2:16 and circumcision in Gal5:2-4 is misunderstood by most Protestants (Lutherans) to mean “By Christ Alone (not just a foundation–we cannot build anything over it) by Grace Alone (no humility required) through Faith Alone (no fruit required)” that we don’t have to keep any aspect of the Law of God. As we saw in the above item, Jesus Himself said we need to keep the Law of Love as enshrined in the Old Testament Law.
- “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God [by abiding] in Him [in the future as we submit to His will like a true Muslim]” (1Cor12:21). This verse by the both Calvinists and Lutherans is taken to mean that we actually possess the righteousness of Jesus–of Him dying for His neighbour–upon being born-again. That is, we somehow have the righteousness of one who died for our own neighbour. Jesus’ righteousness is Jesus’. Not your’s. Therefore, He is Lord, not you. So it’s a Helpful Lordship Salvation! Not a Once-Saved-Always-Saved (OSAS) salvation, as the Calvinists and Lutherans believe.
- “Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom5:1). Is that “peace” Paul talks about, giving a “restfulness of spirit” (as Pastor John Piper asserts) or actually serving as Satan’s lullaby in conjunction with the rest of Paul?
These other errors in scripture made by a supposed Apostle is due to the fact that Paul was not sent by the Lord Jesus but by Ananias.
Note that Jesus always gave the bread (which is a type of the Word) to the disciples/Apostles, who in turn gave it to the people. This highlights a principle of authority and structure in the Body of Christ. This hierarchical structure is also seen when Jesus enters Jerusalem. Notice that He sits (therefore it is a temporary throne) on the garments (which are a type of works — 2Tim2:8-9; Rev19:8) of the disciples placed on the donkey. And the donkey itself walks on the garments (or works) of the rest of the people. This structure in the Body of Christ is described by Paul himself in 1Cor11:3 (“I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ”) and in 1Cor12:28 (“God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues”).
Therefore, Paul is below Ananias!
Not Scripture ALONE!
Luther zeroing-in on the source the Pope operated from, is no big deal. As for “Scripture ALONE” that the Protestants (Lutherans) believe in, self-evidence is more important than a scripture quotation of Paul or for that matter any author of scripture. Scripture is NOT the final DECISIVE authority. Since everyone has their own interpretation of scripture, which is reason why there are so many divisions in the Church today, a judge or a pope, if you will, is that particular final DECISIVE authority, adjudicating. By adjudicating function & power alone that he has (not legislation), it is implied that the judge himself can be corrected with relevant scripture. “To the law and to the testimony, if they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isa8:20) is applicable to them as well. But the final decisive authority is the pope or the judge. That is why they exist. As Sara Elisa Chambers correctly pointed out:
“If a pastor has been set in authority by the Lord, then His authority comes from God Himself, not the Bible. If He is the word (Jn1:1) then it would be obvious to say that the Word goes beyond Scripture. Not that Scripture would be added to, but that the voice of God would keep speaking throughout Eternity.”
The God of the Universe is not merely sitting on His throne silent. He has NOT stopped talking. We do hear the still small voice of His, the guiding of the Holy Spirit, our counselor and teacher. But this is not outside of when we’re reading scripture in order that the Holy Spirit authenticates Himself as the One speaking, not our delusions. We believe that prayer is conversation. Conversation is a two-way communication. Him speaking back to us through scripture but in relation to a different context of our’s. Thus the Great Acts of God are in giving solutions to problems we have through His Word.
This is further dealt in Strange Fire: Biblical Inerrency. It is heartening to note that Dr. John Piper conceded that it may very well be, after all is said and done, that he himself, along with Paul, are those “angel(s) from heaven” (Gal1:8) bringing a different Gospel.
FAQ: “Faith that is NOT alone”
It is double-tongued (mutually exclusive) to say both: “Faith Alone” and “Faith that is Not Alone.” Therefore, rejected and dismissed!
Therefore, it is my judgement that Paul’s epistles must be removed from the canon of scripture that is now available to all, to maintain it’s infallibility.