Engineering Divinity: Simplified

Person™“The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace.” (Ps29:11)

“The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Dan11:32b NKJV)

As people of Love, our vocation must be to offer the world’s greatest GOODS & SERVICES, which is the original intention behind the term “goods & services” — necessary fruit, as an evidence of our being born-again.

The ability to empathise is another part and parcel of who we are as Christians. So it is easy for us to place ourselves in the shoes of our customers and clients and see from their point of view what they need most.

It is with empathy that i came up with the idea of Extended Persona. It is something that revokes the autonomy of the AI machine and gives control to the user without him having to abdicate power to the machine, which substitutes humans and is all set to bring 47% unemployment. All this is done while augmenting the user’s persona by co-opting AI through the novel hierarchical-complimentary or person-extender arrangement made possible by the Persona Extender Metaphor UI. The strength is in the Metaphor User Interface, or put it bluntly, in the name itself, just as it was the case with the Computer, which came into existence with a simple declaration of a system that was put together! In other words, in the year 1938 they said, “Behold, the Computer,” today we say of a similar system, “Behold, your Extender.” So to put the invention in a nutshell: I am Caleb and there is this “Extended Caleb” or Extended <YOUR NAME>, which is made up of some AI features that are at your command. It makes me or you a transhuman, smarter or even godlike a function that is desired by almost all humans — and into which we are growing into “from glory to glory” (2Cor3:18) “for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2Thess2:14). That is, into the very image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our goal is making Christian users, godlike (engineering divinity), restoring them to the state they were in before the Fall of mankind in Genesis. This can be achieved only through a brand of Extended Persona, such as Person® — a suggestive mark hinting at the transhuman or godlike or original person that one can experience becoming upon wearing our goods.

This is vision & mission of AgapeJUST [P] Ltd. — a company that we recently launched here in India.

Thanks for your challenging questions, comments, suggestions, advise. They will be greatly appreciated and welcomed.

“…a merchant man…when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it” (Matt 13:45,46).



Abomination of Desolation — II

Thus says the Holy Spirit through Matthew 21:25a:

“The cleansing/healing or the lack thereof (death) was from what source, from heaven or from men?”

I just returned from a hospital where a Servant of God lost his son. These are the sort of times when I feel very perplexed. “Why did this happen?” Everyone has the same question. The Lord set me free with the truth by giving me the above verse.

This son of the Servant of God, a few years ago, had a heart problem (Aortal Valve Stenosis). As the Servant of God was very poor, he could not afford any major heart surgery. He told us that with prayer, God healed his son. We were under the impression that because the Servant of God was a very prayerful man of God, God heard his prayers and healed his son.

However, it was only after his son passed away (today), the Servant of God revealed to me that Angioplasty — a simple but very effective procedure — was in fact performed on his son years ago. And because of which his son was then healed. Instead of giving the doctors their due, he instead chose to attribute it to God. But in actuality, it was only to bring himself and his prayers the glory, which was due to the doctors.

I believe, this death — lack of healing — today was caused by God Himself. His son died of some liver and kidney failure.

As scripture directs us, let us give to Caesar what is due to Caesar, honor to whom honor is due, custom to whom custom is due, fear to whom fear is due, and to God what is due to God (Lord Jesus Christ, Apostle Paul).

What’s more, we have witnessed in the recent presidential elections in the United States the “Abomination of Desolation” spoken of by the Lord Jesus Christ, where the woman has deliberately denied the Son of Man the headship due to him.

I never thought it will come to this, where the Father uses death to make a point.

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Tim Tebow as Brand Ambassador for Person®

Sam Nicholas shared:

What Is the Good News?

What is the news from God?

God wants people to enjoy life on earth. He created the earth and everything on it because he loves mankind.

Soon he will act to provide a better future for people in every land. He will relieve mankind of the causes of suffering. Almighty God declared as per Jeremiah 29:11 “For I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, ‘thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope.

No government has ever succeeded in eliminating violence, disease, or death. But there is good news.

Shortly, God will replace all human governments with his own government. Its subjects will enjoy peace and good health.

Read Isaiah 25:8; 33:24;

Daniel 2:44 reads as “In the days of those human kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.”

Worshipping Tim Tebow is a solid Christian and perfect as our Brand Ambassador. The above photo-shopped image is for position only (FPO). We have yet to hire him.

As to why we are elevating him and not others, is simple: Because there are ranks in Christocracy (1Cor11:3; 12:28).

Lord Jesus said: “It is more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel to enter the eye of a needle.” But if he does enter therein, it is in fact due to great humbling. Confer the case of the Roman centurion who came to Jesus for help to save his servant (Matt8:5-13). Jesus said of him “Truly I say to you, I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel.” And it is by our faith that we should measure ourselves (Rom12:3).

The Greek word a·poʹsto·los is derived from the common verb a·po·stelʹlo, meaning simply “send forth (or off).” (Mt 10:5; Mr 11:3) Its basic sense is clearly illustrated in Jesus’ statement: “A slave is not greater than his master, nor is one that is sent forth [a·poʹsto·los] greater than the one that sent him.” (Joh 13:16)

Yes. And Presidents and Prime Ministers “send forth” Ambassadors to other lands.

Selection and Early Ministry: The 12 were selected out of a larger group of disciples and were designated “apostles” by Jesus, “that they might continue with him and that he might send them out [a·po·stelʹlei] to preach and to have authority to expel the demons.” (Mr 3:13-15)

We are going to expel the demon of mammon from people using Tim.

Note: The above matter was put together with my conversation with Sam Nicholas, who is an age old friend of mine from the days in Coimbatore Institute of Technology, where i did my B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering during 1984-88.


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