Root Cause of Corruption in India

Shri Narendra Modi ji
​Prime Minister, ​PMO
South Block, Raisina Hill.
New Delhi-110011

​​Dear Narendra Modi ji,

Greetings in Jesus’ name!

I am an entrepreneur-inventor with a business plan to raise an investment of about $30 Million (₹201 Crores) to set up a business here in Vijayawada, India. On ethical grounds, we chose India—my native country—as our destination because it is a laboring state that stands to lose both blue-collar jobs as well as white-collar jobs to Artificial Intelligence.  AI is a competing technology to my patent pending invention, namely Super-Augmented Persona, which augments the user’s capabilities rather than substituting them as is the case with AI. Therefore, we believe it is a boon to a service economy such as India.

In the process of dealing with various people on the ground in setting up our business, I have noted that the root cause of corruption in India is due to idolatry, which subconsciously causes people to have no fear of God because these gods have eyes but cannot see, have ears but cannot hear, and have mouth but cannot speak. As you are a champion for eradicating corruption in India, I am writing this letter to you.

Idols are also impediments to modernization. I believe when we reduce the living and true God to an image or an idol of our making, we are putting restrictions on our perception of who God is and our minds don’t look further. We stop thinking, having got the “darshan” of a supposed god. Indeed, the Bible teaches us that idols are a “snare” and that we will become like them if we worship them. But it is the invisible yet living God that causes our curious minds to think and imagine. And it is this thinking and imagination that is behind every modern society.

“God is spirit and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth” (Lord Jesus Christ). The Bible records in Acts 17, Apostle Paul’s statement to idol worshipers: “Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious…we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the divine nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man’s devising. Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.”

Just as we do not allow a filthy person into our homes, mankind is corrupt and therefore unclean to enter into the presence of a holy God. But God is love and He so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16; 1 John 4:8). The Lord Jesus Christ is Son-of-God-in-flesh to mediate for us reconciliation with God. He laid down his life for us as a sacrifice to pay the just penalty for our sins, in order that we may enjoy eternal life.

America, with its post-modern culture, is in a losing streak. In the capacity of a Servant of the living God, I can attest that India is at a threshold of seizing a great opportunity of winning the favor of the one and true living God and embark on a journey of becoming the new super-power sans any hollow feelings of cultural superiority.

Let’s relegate the idols to museums and ensure that India catch the tide of becoming the new-superpower!

God bless you and your efforts at eradicating corruption in India!


Caleb Suresh Motupalli

​(Formerly SitaRam)
Author of “This Ram is Born-Again”
Son of David | Agape Ambassador
రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | بيت  أل خبز | בית לחם | रोटी का घर​
29-37-31 El-ur Road | Vijayawada-520002, AP, India

Jesus in a Different Form

“After that, He appeared in a DIFFERENT FORM to two of them while they were walking along on their way to the country” (Mark16:12).

Is it another physical form that is being referred to here that Christ appeared in on the road to Emmaus?

If Mark16:12 is not referring to another physical form, then what form is Mark referring to there?

Now, Jesus did say:
“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life/being.” (Jn6:63ESV paraphrased).

If it is the supposed “glorious” body that is being referred to here, then why did the two disciples on the road to Emmaus mistake him for a mere stranger? For, Cleopas said to Jesus on the road, “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?” (Luke 24:18)

The disciples were merely looking at appearances just like many of us today. If they had seen some glorious body like that of the transfigured body, then they would not have mistaken him for a stranger.

In other words, they saw Jesus in “a different [physical] form” (Mark16:12) because “the flesh is no help at all” (Jn6:63ESV).

Christ’s BEING (spirit and life) is in the Word not in appearances (Jn6:63). His sheep recognize Him by His voice (Jn10:4). Again, this is not referring to the physical voice but that of the spirit-to-spirit.

Foolish, Prudent or the Bridegroom?

The other day, i went to the Lord regarding an application for an immigration visa (EB-5) to the United States.

Thus said the Lord:
“Five of the virgins were foolish, and five were prudent.” (Matt25:2)

Now, am i to put myself in the category of the foolish, the prudent, or wow (!) the bridegroom himself just as the Lord has been impressing upon my mind and heart (disclosed here: Capstone & Christocratic New World Order & Government)?

OK, if i am the bridegroom, there are those who are waiting for me.

So thus said the Lord to me:
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.” (Matt13:45-46)

I had earlier thought it would be as simple as buying that visa, in faith! But now i realized it does not come that easy even if we dump big dollars into the US Treasury.

Nonetheless, if a tea wala can become PM of India, so can this Engineer “become” the Capstone!