PERSON® – Augmented Persona for Transhumanity


PERSON® is a modular wearable tech, patent pending as Super Augmented Persona.

Here’s what we mean by engineering divinity/transhumanity with PERSON®.

Invention Disclosure:

What We Need & What You Get

In this first phase, we are looking for partners, who too are born-again to raise $500,000.

With every perk, tentatively by Christmas or January 2017, you get the patent pending Augmented Persona (PERSON®), which basically consists of:

  • a Delegated Processing Unit or Smartphone (passé) reconfigured (optional: but software necessary and included);
  • a Bluetooth micro headset; and
  • a Smartwatch;

all integrated together with software for reconfiguring Android/iOS phone for trans-human experience, and of literally “putting on Christ” (Rom13:14).

In PERSON®, we are aiming for something very functional, very beautiful, and deeply personal!

PERSON® is one of several standalone modules of the Agape TiE® Ecosystem™.




Therefore, PERSON® readily integrates with Agape TiE® Home, Agape TiE® Automobile, Agape TiE® Office, Agape TiE® City, and Agape Kingdom (Christian social media).

Agape TiE® Home

Agape TiE® Automobile

Be plugged into the Ecosystem wherever you go with unique features for the automobile.

Agape TiE® City

A smart city.

Agape Kingdom

An e-communion cloud where Christians can go to socialize with believers, share their faith, discuss various life topics, and have fun in a clean, safe environment.

Contributors to this campaign are welcome to serve as long-term partners & advisers.

Funds are for outsourcing the manufacturing of certain components of PERSON®.

The Impact

As we are located in India–a Hindu nation–in the new capital of Andhra Pradesh, your contributions will make a great impact of providing employment to many new Christians here. Needless to say, once it catches on, our impact in the market will be in trillions of dollars.

Risks & Challenges

As of now, i am just a one-person-company for the purpose of being flexible. When i do raise funding, i hope to pay salaries to prospective Christian employees with me here in new Vijayawada, India, where we have our own property for office space.

Alternatively, we are able to relocate the office if needed.  Of course, the way i hope to overcome all the hurdles is with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Two Other Ways You Can Help

  • Share this campaign!
  • Come work for us either on campus or remotely. Both will work for us!

Preorder here.

Dying for our neighbor

“We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (1Jn3:16)

That’s another 3:16 for us to consider.

At first glance it sounds impossible. All through our lives we really took care of this flesh–gave it a three course meal each day, and what not! Wow! How much we love this body of ours! The fact of the matter is: we love this body of ours precisely because we took so much care of it.

However, when we understand and realize that “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable” and that “this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality” (1Cor15:50, 53)…the value that is normally associated with this flesh drastically diminishes. And as Christians, who have a real assurance and hope of the after-life, laying down our lives for our brethren just like Jesus did, indeed becomes lite and easy (Matt11:30).