I am pitching to you because you are not one who has resigned himself/herself to fatalism, nor are you a Venture Capitalist, who wants to make a quick buck, but rather you are a potential world government official, who is seeking the welfare of the human race and is in it for the long haul!
The Disciples of Jesus during Biblical times had asked Him, “Tell us…what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3). Jesus responded, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). At that time, 2000 years ago, Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew to a mountain by himself (John 6:15). Withdrawal made sense then, because His kingdom was not of that world, meaning, not of that realm of the Roman Empire, which did not extend to the ends of the earth for which He is Lord (Philippians 2:6-11; Acts 10:36). But in the fullness of time, today, the Gospel has reached the ends of the earth and therefore, the kingdom of God should soon become visible!
In 2018, at the United Nations General Assembly, by rejecting ‘global governance’, Trump had alluded to and rejected this Son of David’s proposal and patent pendingeThrone invention as if they were just another earthly proposal that had come before him for his backing. My dear brothers and sisters, do understand that the tenets of globalism is a real great good under the present conditions of global anarchy and austerity brought about by the “AI Automation Beast” and globalization.
Also, globalism is the purview of Christ and ushers-in Christocracy, which we all want, don’t we? Please follow this link where I make a Case for a World Government. And YouTube presentation is here.
Along with pride and conceit, Trump also entertained a messianic complex that made him unfit for any work in the kingdom of heaven let alone blow the trumpet. Therefore, God rejected him and so did we. On the other hand, i for one, have a real Call of God to serve the world as Son of David, Capstone, Immanuel, Christ, Bridegroom, etc. Dear Brothers and Sisters, kindly understand that I am not self-promoting myself here. But rather promoting the 144,000-membered Bride of Christ (See Christocratic Necked Service Oriented Architecture a.k.a Christocratic New World Order described in my book and invention disclosure). These are real “Callings” of God. I am sometimes astonished how people of God have no clue what a Call of God is. I am merely announcing God’s Call on my life and self-actualizing!
Please check out this Pitch Deck to raise $18M at:
“So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him” (Hebrews 9:28 ESV).
There is no country on planet earth in which the United States government has not interfered.
So make no mistake about it, this article is foreign interference in the US elections.
As Son of David, Christ, Bridegroom, Lion + Lamb, Capstone, Son of God, and also being called Jesus by God, I had intended to come in glory as the genuine expected one with full credentials such as with a patented invention that can save the human race from the AI-Automation Beast, which has, over the years, taken both blue collar jobs and white collar jobs. But godless Patent Office in the United States and the godless US courts would not have it. They have perceived giving a patent (13/516,443) valued in billions of dollars for my invention as only benefitting the Indian economy at the expense of the US economy and have denied me a patent. When the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) declined to hear my case (Writ of Certiorari), I appealed to the US Congress as well as the President of the United States (POTUS). However, there too I ran into similar character failings of putting America first at the expense of God’s interests, righteousness, and the kingdom of heaven.
Now the combination of godless men and Artificial Intelligence will result in nothing short of death for planet earth. Therefore, this issue rises above domestic politics of the United States. It was none other than the Late Stephen Hawking who said, “Without a world government, technology will destroy us.”
Both Biden & Trump have shown themselves to be godless and base people. Therefore, they are both unfit to rule planet earth, which is what this US elections is all about in the day and age of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet. See PBS documentary on “In the Age of AI” by FRONTLINE and know that China is openly a surveillance state already. United States too and much of the world is under surveillance as well but currently in stealth mode, with “digital robber barons” having a field day. Now surveillance capitalism is trying to control the outcome of US elections. Actually, both the miserable parties, who are desperately wanting, are controlled by surveillance capitalism of their own for vested interests.
I appeal to all US citizens to die to their self-interest, “deny themselves,” and uphold the interests of the world-at-large, and do God’s will.
I am open to being grilled by the international community and the media to stake my claim as world governor.
Letter written to my old Don Bosco Class of 1984, one of whom is a state topper in the higher secondary public board exams and also represented his university in national debates in India. An excerpt of the thread is as follows:
Would appreciate your comments on this world view. If you have a different world view, please do share. I would like to know.
@Nitin Seshadri @Sunil Menon @Vinod Kumar @Satish Shankar @Vineet and @Nalin Sawhney are big intellectuals of whom I have high regard. So i am eager to know their point of view. Or if i am making sense, i’d like to know that too.
It has been almost 40 years since my brother Sudeep and I left DB. So it is fitting that I should share with you all, the most significant thing that happened to me since then. I converted to a Christian from being a Hindu/Agnostic person. This did not come easy. My parents and Motupalli family even built a Ram temple and a Shiva temple in Andhra and we were devout Ram bhakts. We as a family considered Jesus as the god of the Dalits and therefore stayed away from him for the most part. There was also this huge conversion debate going on in the country, raising our suspicion of an ulterior motive within Christians.
I wrote this letter to Prime Minister Modi:
“Before I was converted to a Christian, i never missed a single opportunity to steal, lie, fornicate, use filthy language, boast, quarrel, be arrogant, etc. And ALL whom i knew were such people. When i converted, i became a law-abiding citizen. That is what conversion is! Now, why would you want to persecute someone who converts people like me into law-abiding citizens when there is no such solution offered by Hinduism? It boggles the mind! Only a sinless brahman—Jesus Christ alone—can perform that yagna/sacrifice to pay the penalty for all our past sins. We know that Jesus succeeded in performing that yagna (swayam-bhali/self-sacrifice) because He rose from the dead. He is alive today as the living Holy Spirit. Therefore, Jesus alone, through his followers, happens to be offering this free gift of moksha/salvation to you and me. As a government official, who is looking after the welfare of the state, you ought to be encouraging MORE conversions, which make more criminals into law-abiding citizens. Take stock of this and you will see India shinning as the brightest star in the world. God bless you, your government, and God bless India.”
We all must face death one day. As we are in the midst of a pandemic and life is hanging in the balance, the Christian message of eternal life to those who place their trust in Jesus, who laid down His life for them, is therefore of so much importance and so relevant for the times. It is the sacred duty of all Christians to share this message to all who do not know it, even though we are kicked out of groups.
If you are thinking good people go to heaven, think again! The following is reason why good people can potentially go to hell:
If i mix even a tiny little crap in a clean cup of water, even though it is 99.99% clean, you will discard it, won’t you? So will God discard us if we harbor the guilt of just one wrong (sin). God is holy. He will not tolerate even a speck of sin in his presence. Only Jesus can pay all the penalty for all our sin and make us 100% clean and fit to enter heaven.
Romans 3:23 & Micah 7:2 from the Holy Bible reads:
“For all–good and religious people alike–have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
I have even shared this message to people like the Dalai Lama, saying it is not enough to be “good.” For good men too likewise perish. When we properly apply our goodness that we all do have partially, to recognize the one who is truly good, namely Jesus, we would be hitting a gold mine. He makes all those who put their trust in Him into good people indeed, having paid their penalty for them by shedding his blood. On the other hand we insult God if we don’t acknowledge the good that Jesus has done for mankind. We would be merely flexing our muscles and showing off our own good deeds, instead of recognizing God’s good deed of loving us so much and sending His Son to die for us on the cruel cross. Since we would be insulting God, we would perish in our conceit and self-righteousness.
This is the truth that I found and I share it with all my family and friends of my old schools and colleges. You are free to do whatever with it. But your destiny is now in your hands. The choice is yours! Receive the help of Jesus since there is no other help to come by from anywhere else. He alone died for us, to pay our sin debt. Be blessed! Love is never to be rejected!
I love you too because you are my cherished, old DB friend. Trust me, i am telling the truth. I have personally encountered the living God. You too can!
Hope you will Try Jesus and spend eternity in heaven.
Caleb Suresh Motupalli
[10:02 PM, 7/17/2020] Nitin Seshadri: Hi Suresh/Caleb. I will reply with a very few observations. First I am happy you have found peace & contentment with your conversion to Christianity. I wish you well in that. Second your world view is now coloured by Christian theology (which I respect). However I sincerely do not accept the theory that one sin makes a person unworthy, that everybody who isn’t a Christian is somehow lost, that all you knew were fornicators impure etc. I do not wish to debate theology here. All I can say is that if you had studied different religions you will realize that they take different paths to similar goals. Without getting into merits of the “none with sin can attain Heaven” concept let me say that I do not believe it, the religion that I practice does not believe it. People in my view are all fundamentally imperfect. It’s a weighing scale of Dharma that includes carry forward credits & debits that decides our future disposition. That belief system of mine is tempered with the knowledge that there are other beliefs (again which I respect). There is no point in further theological debate. With all due respect neither am I qualified nor at the end of the day are you. If there were 100% agreement on all aspects – forget other religions there wouldn’t be Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Latter Day Saints, Seventh Day Adventists etc. It’s because there are differences that there are different sects different religions.
I have read lots of portions of the Bible and although it isn’t my religion I will commend a particular line to you. John 14:2 :”In my father’s house there are many mansions”.
Enough said.
[10:03 PM, 7/17/2020] Nitin Seshadri: Having said my piece I am going to drop out of this group – there are too many groups here and I have too much digital traffic. I wish you well. Keep happy.
(Nitin Seshadri left.)
(Thread continued in private. Shared here with permission)
[10:23 PM, 7/17/2020] Caleb 🐕 | Son of David: Thank you, Nitin, even though it would have been nice if you stuck around and confronted my answer.
You have not addressed the metaphor of the clean cup of water that is 99.99% clean and would become undrinkable even with a speck of crap added to it which i say is sin.
The Gospel Truth is simple. We are all sinners whether we admit it or not, whether our sin is this or that. We need a savior who pays our penalty. And Jesus fits that bill. Why reject help? Such a help of one laying down His life for us in love?
Everyone wants to think of himself as being on the right path. His culture, his ancestral religion, tradition, etc. It gives him head-weight. But it takes humility to admit that we are wrong and say that our opponent is right, if in fact he is of course.
But really appreciate you taking a shot at it, Nitin. You are the same great courageous debater that i know.
[10:45 PM, 7/17/2020] Nitin Seshadri: Hi Caleb. Let me address that analogy. You drink distilled water my friend ? I think not. The water you drink is adulterated with dissolved salts, microbes etc. If they are deemed within a certain percentage water is deemed potable. Do you eat chocolate ? Or Atta ? Or Maida ? Or any processed food ? Do you know there are parts of rodents , roaches in them ? Don’t believe me ? Will send you the links. Short point being — there really isn’t a 100% purity concept anywhere in real life. Even in your water example. All of us carry good & evil within us & the propensity for one to dominate over the other at some times. That’s my credo. That’s not what you believe in but then that’s what makes perspectives different.
[10:45 PM, 7/17/2020] Caleb 🐕 | Son of David: Are you implying that if i put a small piece of crap into a glass of water right before your eyes, you will still drink it? You won’t, Nitin. Let’s not be in denial. God is holy. He will not tolerate sin. Just as we reject the water as disgustingly undrinkable, God will reject us if we don’t accept the way of mercy placed before us. Why do we have this urge to flex our dharma muscle when there is a free gift available? Why not receive it and cash it?
[10:55 PM, 7/17/2020] Nitin Seshadri: Let me ask you a question. I know there is faecal matter in water. I still drink it. I know there is cockroach parts in chocolate. I eat it. As for the right before your eyes question – there are reasons why people don’t visit the kitchens of restaurants they dine in. I eat chicken. I know a chicken is slaughtered and it’s not pretty. But if you ask me whether I will still have the appetite to eat the chicken after watching it being slaughtered – probably not. Imperfect analogy.
See – here’s the difference. My God tolerates sin. He does not believe in anybody being above sin. He believes in a concept called Dharma. No – I am very suspicious of free gifts my friend. I feel no need and no desire for them.
Let me end with the words of Sai Baba of Shirdi –“Sab ka Maalik ek hai”. Let it rest. You won’t convince me and I won’t convince you.
[10:59 PM, 7/17/2020] Caleb 🐕 | Son of David: Since you asked to rest it, i am not going to press it any further. I will let the truth do its work gradually in its own time.
An INCLUSION at any cost leaves people with a false sense of well-being (and even emboldens them in it) when that is not the case. It robs people of the real truth about God's wrath–a wrong that the Roman Catholic church has done to the world. Cc. @Pontifex_it@Pontifex
— Caleb 🐕 | Son of David (@AgapeAmbassador) July 19, 2020
[2:06 PM, 7/18/2020] Caleb 🐕 | Son of David: Nitin:
It was great debating with you.
For the record, you have agreed that you will “probably not” eat the chicken if you know of the gruesome killing. Effectively, from the metaphor, that means if God knows–and he does know–our sins, he will not admit us into his presence.
[2:24 PM, 7/18/2020] Nitin Seshadri: Hi Caleb
Look I know about the gruesome killing. I still eat the chicken. I don’t want to see it. Same way I know old tennis racquets had cat intestine stringing. I played tennis but if you ask me whether I want to go see a cats intestines being strung out the answer is no.
[2:26 PM, 7/18/2020] Caleb 🐕 | Son of David: In other words, are you saying that God winks at our sin and lets us in anyway?
[2:27 PM, 7/18/2020] Nitin Seshadri: His expectations aren’t for 100% performance just like a college doesn’t expect every admitted student to score 100% marks.
[2:34 PM, 7/18/2020] Caleb 🐕 | Son of David: The metaphor is just a hyperbole, Nitin. It reveals the fallacy that we can somehow enter heaven with our good deeds outweighing our bad ones. The fact of the matter is we all fall short by a mile if not in outright sin, in spirit.
I challenge you to take this line of questioning: Have you ever said a lie? If you said “Yes,” what would that make you? Yes, a liar! Have you ever stolen anything from anybody? If you said, “Yes,” what would that make you? Yes, a thief! Have you ever lusted (desired uncontrollably) a member of the opposite sex? (Were your eyes looking at the wrong places?) If you have answered, “Yes,” what does that make you? Yes, you have already committed adultery with her! “Already” because our self is in our heart not beneath the skin. Likewise, have you ever said in anger to someone, “You fool!?” If you have answered, “Yes” what does that make you? Yes, you have already committed a murder in your heart. If we are human with a bit of conscience that should humble us and cause us to think of ourselves as doomed in the sight of a Holy and Almighty God. Indeed “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23, The Bible).
[2:37 PM, 7/18/2020] Nitin Seshadri: Caleb I won’t debate this with you. You can answer yes to all these questions & still be weighed positive in the weighing scales. As you know I don’t believe in heaven itself. I believe in a weighing scale of Karma where previous births carry forward credits and debits are available. Where we go to depends on how the weighing scale aligns. It’s a different philosophy. Your philosophy is different. We see things very differently. Let that be. It is what it is.
[2:40 PM, 7/18/2020] Caleb 🐕 | Son of David: In other words i could do few murders because i have good credit?
[2:44 PM, 7/18/2020] Nitin Seshadri: Btw as you know in Hindu philosophy there is no absolute sin. A lie is justified if it prevents a murder. A robbery is justified if it results in a greater positive Karma. Let’s take 2 specific examples. During the Nazi regime if a person was asked whether he was harbouring a Jew and if he was, obviously a lie was the “good” solution. Same way if somebody lay dying of hunger and to save him you had to steal some bread from the grocery shop is that a sin ? No. Hindu philosophy says it isn’t. If a person is dying and the medical shop is shut is it wrong to break the shutter and ‘steal’ medicine to save him ? Yes it is. Was it justified to say “Ashwathama (the elephant) is dead ?”. Answer is yes. Karma is complex. It isn’t cut & dried. And it isn’t sin vs no sin..
[2:45 PM, 7/18/2020] Nitin Seshadri: Your world view is different. Mine is different. That’s the way it is. You aren’t going to convince me or I you
[2:47 PM, 7/18/2020] Nitin Seshadri: A soldier’s karma is to fight for his country. A soldier who kills another on the field of battle isn’t guilty of sin. Context justifies actions.
[2:48 PM, 7/18/2020] Nitin Seshadri: The same soldier kills another soldier when he is sleeping that is murder.
[2:52 PM, 7/18/2020] Caleb 🐕 | Son of David: It is precisely because “Karma is complex; It isn’t cut & dried; And it isn’t sin vs no sin,” in order that we have theassurance of the balance tipped in our favor that Jesus came with a helping hand!
Jesus said in John 10:27:
“My sheep (the humble ones) hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
Nitin Seshadri:
[5:50 PM, 7/18/2020] Caleb 🐕 | Son of David: Some do not see the implication of this interview with the state topper.
Jesus said in Matthew 12:33:
“Make the tree good, and then its fruit will also become good.”
Therefore, we are talking about the entire Hindu nation of India here.
Glory to the God through the Lord Jesus Christ!
I rest my case!
Dear Reviewer:
May we have your verdict on the Lord Jesus Christ’s claims of exclusivity in John 14:6:
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Please remember this quote by C.S. Lewis as you consider:
“Prostitutes are in no danger of finding their present life so satisfactory that they cannot turn to God: the proud, the avaricious, the self-righteous, are in that danger.”#CSLewis
If God had a way to heaven other than through nailing His Son on the cruel cross of Calvary, then God has done the unthinkable most heinous crime in the universe.HT: Dr. Charles Stanley.
Here is a succinct video by Dr. John Piper of what God has done for us in and through Christ Jesus:
Dr. John Piper had written a book about the Corona Virus pandemic in no uncertain terms… as the judgment of God. Therefore, it is fitting that he be the priest and forward this letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Donald Trump, President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, President Xi Jinping, Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other world leaders, insignificant as i am in their eyes.
We all know that when King David offered a sacrifice on the threshing floor on Mount Moriah to the Lord God, who is the maker of heaven and earth, the plague of his day ceased. So now that every world leader is fully cognizant of the real nature of this pandemic, i went to the Lord to ask him if i should now approach (write) the Israeli Ambassador in New Delhi for permission to go and offer a sacrifice on Mount Moriah in Israel, being that i am Son of David. And Jesus’ affirmative answer came from Matthew 8:4:
“Go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a proof to them.”
Wow! Spot on!
Then i wondered what was it that Moses commanded for particular plagues to cease. And i found Numbers 16:46:
Moses said to Aaron, Take a censer, and put on it fire from the altar, and put incense on it, and carry it away quickly into the camp, and make atonement for them; for wrath is gone forth from the presence of the Lord, it has begun to destroy the people.
Then i asked the Lord if i should make this known widely. Insignificant as i am, currently, i wrote to Pastor John Piper. The answer from the Most High came from 1 Chronicles 16:
Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!Sing to him; sing praises to him;tell of all his wondrous works! Glory in his holy name;let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!Seek the Lord and his strength;seek his presence continually! Remember the wondrous works that he has done,his miracles and the judgments he uttered, O offspring of Israel his servant,sons of Jacob, his chosen ones! He is the Lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth.Remember his covenant forever, the word that he commanded, for a thousand generations, the covenant that he made with Abraham, his sworn promise to Isaac, which he confirmed as a statute to Jacob, as an everlasting covenant to Israel,saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan, as your portion for an inheritance.”When you were few in number, and of little account, and sojourners in it, wandering from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people, he allowed no one to oppress them;he rebuked kings on their account,saying, “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!” Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and he is to be held in awe above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his place.Ascribe to the Lord, O clans of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength! Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him!Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; tremble before him, all the earth; yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved. Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, “The Lord reigns!” Let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult, and everything in it! Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!Say also: “Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather and deliver us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name, and glory in your praise. Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting!”
I was then made aware that the Israelites sang the above song after “they brought in the ark of God and set it inside the tent that David had pitched for it, and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before God” (1 Chronicles 16:1).
Indeed, i too had pitched with the Netanyahu government and the Trump administration this Plan for an Agape Tie® Tent/Temple:
I would like to now quickly do what is commanded, namely, “take a censer, and put on it fire from the altar, and put incense on it, and carry it away quickly into the camps” of all those who request it via their representatives from among the people of all the world hit by the pandemic.
And in closing, i was asked to inquire with Eliazer and Joshua.
So thus said the Holy Spirit through Romans 11:33-36:
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?” “Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?” For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
And thus said the Lord Jesus Christ through Matthew 5:34-35:
Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.
And so BTW,
Thus says the Most High in closing: Nahum 1 .
Caleb Suresh Motupalli Son of David | Agape Ambassador రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | بيت أل خبز | House of Bread | בית לחם 29-37-31 El-ur Road | Vijayawada-520002, AP, India
Dear President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, all other World Leaders, and all Church Leaders:
There is no “hidden enemy” out there. God is waiting to hear from world leaders and Church leaders. And let the Church leaders not say things like, “Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses? Has he not spoken through us also?” Nor should the atheists dismiss us as mere charlatans. Below are few notes to prove my credentials:
Isaiah 48:8
Matthew 13:33
This time around God is turning against the elderly, apparently.
Rhema through Zech 13:8-9
Isaiah 48:4-22 ESV
Isaiah 48:7
Corona Virus sure leads to a world government but that of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Revelation 11:15
Please don’t let this word fall to the way side! (Matthew 13:1-23)
Rhema just now from Matthew 22:7:
“But when the king heard about it, he was furious. And he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.”
Let that not be fulfilled regarding America (?), in particular.
This is what is in preparation for the Wedding Feast:
Per the pattern in the Bible, for a Christocratic New World Order, i have designed the Wedded Avatar of Christ, the Third Temple in Jerusalem, or the Super Augmented Persona invention having an upper inverted pyramid, the Bridespace, for immersive habitation for 144,000 members, and twenty-four eThrones for the 24 Elders from the West and East.
The Marriage Feast of the Lamb takes place where the Head meets the Body at the eNeck.
Rhema of God’s indictment against Israel mountains (of the architecture):
Micah 6:2-4
Rhema announcement by John the Baptist/Elijah:
Matthew 3:12
Office desired on the Mount of Olives:
Zechariah 14:3-4
Descent from the Mount of Olives:
Matthew 8:1
Treat me fairly:
Nahum 1:6
Only evil people seek signs because they are unbelievers, who do not respect God and lack trust in Him:
Rhema from Matthew 12:39a, for the sign of Jonah has already been given.
Isaiah 43:18
Rhema about Agape Tie’d Nations in Zechariah 2:11-12
Psalms 84:5
Zion, here we come!
I was prophesying in this wilderness (i.e. social media where it has been desolate) from five in the morning till almost midnight now and asked God for leave to sleep.
Rhema was from Amos 8:11:
Amos 8:11
Here is the Creator of the universe speaking and I was falling asleep. I said, “May it never be, LORD. Forgive me! Man cannot live without your Word.”
Rhema was from the Jeremiah:
Jeremiah 44:6
Nobody appeared to be paying any attention in this wilderness. God was showing me that I was borderline case as well, falling asleep. COVID19 is a major pandemic. These rhema are in reference to that. We need to take God more seriously.
Have mercy, Father! Forgive us.
Psalms 16:10
Matthew 8:11
Zephaniah 1:4-7
The reason God is roused (rhema through Matthew 18:13-14):
And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray. Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.
Even as we enter into prayer, remember:
Proverbs 28:9; cf. Luke 10:27
But there is hope in God. He is for real. He has COVID19 in His control.
Exodus 18:22, 26
Revelation 19:17; Rhema: Matthew 8:11
A Global Economic Stimulus Plan:
Psalm 122:9 NIV
2 Chronicles 20:28
Matthew 12:7
Matthew 5:21-26
Caleb Suresh Motupalli Son of David | @AgapeAmbassador (Twitter) రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | بيت أل خبز | בית לחם 29-37-31 El-ur Road | Vijayawada-520002, AP, India
PETITION TO THE CHURCH: My charge against President Trump and his supporters
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is considered such a great feat that it has been touted as the last invention by mankind. However, i have invented Super-Augmented Persona, which is the next thing to AI. Super-Augmented Persona is useful for such awesome purposes as world governance to put an end to terrorism, climate change, ills of globalization and saving the world from machine tyranny.
At the risk of having a “conflict of interest” and coming across as being “politically motivated,” Petitioner submits:
Since the invention’s application is for global governance and in view of especially the 35 U.S.C. 112 ¶1 Enablement Rejection being sustained by USPTO (apparently because the know-how for world governance is being coveted), Petitioner has listed US President Donald Trump as one of the Respondents, albeit in his electioneering unofficial capacity.
President Trump pitching himself as the “Chosen One,” “Messiah,” and the “Second Coming of God” is submitted as evidence (this, this and this) of his newfangled intention to govern, not just the USA, but the whole world as well, potentially by using my invention for achieving global governance.
Incidentally by happenstance, in addition to possessing the instant invention, Petitioner also has a “Calling” of Son of David & Capstone from the living God to serve the world as World Governor. See proposal to world leaders & Church leaders, titled, “Capstone & Christocratic New World Order” available online and on Amazon.
Petitioner alleges that for the aforementioned vested interest, President Trump and his campaign supporters have been obstructing the US Congress (just as they did to Joe Biden) from not only granting a patent to this foreigner (Indian) Son of David but also from hearing and ratifying his “Calling” that would pave the way for the “coming in glory,” fulfilling scriptures (Matthew 24:30). Even though he professes to be a Christian, President Trump is clearly not in favor of Petitioner coming in glory as an inventor of a high-tech invention useful for world governance such as by a Christ, albeit with powers “lower than that of angels” (Hebrews 2:9). The reason furthermore being, as President Trump’s chief supporter, Franklin Graham, has declared in the article, titled, “What’s at Stake in the Coming Year”:
“There will no longer be any kings or presidents or prime ministers, for the Savior will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.”
In other words, neither President Donald Trump nor any of the Democrats will be able to run and be president in the 2020 elections if there is a Second Coming, which at least some Americans believe it is one such. Reason why Inventor-Petitioner alleges that President Trump’s administration has been obstructing the grant of a patent to this inventor all along (eight years) and “authorities” have been using even a “scintilla of evidence” (See the Opinion of CAFC, In re Motupalli – 2019-1889) to deny Appellant-Petitioner-Inventor pro se a patent.
Now Petitioner is taking this matter to the Church at large.
But after all is said and done, i guess i have to ultimately get the patent itself to give credibility to these “bizarre statements,” as my blood-brother puts it.
Thank you for your prayers as i take this patent matter before the US Supreme Court!
Caleb 🐕 Suresh Motupalli Son of David | Agape Ambassador రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | بيت أل خبز | בית לחם 29-37-31 El-ur Road, Upstairs Vijayawada-520002, AP, India Phone: +91.866.2438805 Email: caleb@agape.cloud
I was born into a Ram-devoted Hindu family. I got my priming in the Hebron fellowship (Guntur, Chennai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Vijayawada) but was saved in Newark, US at a Goodwill Home Rescue Mission (homeless shelter) when hell broke loose on me in 1989. I returned to India with my belongings in a garbage bag. It was like falling from a cliff–first plane, then train, then passenger bus, then manual rickshaw to my village in Andhra. It was God humbling me. I took baptism in 1990 at Bethel, Vijayawada. With the renewal, i returned to NJIT, Newark in 1993 to complete my graduate studies. Answered a Call (“Follow Me”) at Beth Israel Messianic Congregation and was engaged in part-time ministry there. But became homeless again. I was arrested as a suspect during the 1993 WTC bombing and was cast in Newark jail/psychiatric hospital for over 6 months, apparently for observation. After they let me out, i came to Albuquerque and joined my younger brother who was doing his PhD at UNM. I finally completed my MS in Computer Information Science and by God’s grace i also got myself a job there. But things did not work out and i lost my job. Since i was out of status in the US, i returned to India when even the Church there excommunicated me for allegedly being divisive. Worked in India as a Project Manager in a software company for a couple of years and returned to the US again on a job. With rhema of God’s will through 1Chron22:11 (“Now my son, may you have success in building the house of the Lord, your God, as he said you would”), got married to Anna in 1998 and brought her to the US and we made our home in St. Louis, while i worked with United Healthcare as a Software Engineer. Then the Lord called me to full time ministry in 1999 through rhema from Exodus32:29 (“Dedicate yourself today to the Lord like a Dedicated Computer Server”). Resigned from my $60,000-job that very hour and returned to India on that Call. But my home-church did not receive me wholeheartedly due to various teachings of mine. Meanwhile i had an invention for which i filed for international patents and trademarks. Incorporated AgapeJUST in 2017 that has potential to become a unicorn. I currently fellowship with a wide variety of churches, including Hebron fellowship and Saddleback through their Internet campus. Today, i am with a Call to serve the world as Son of David.
The following posts represent a fundamental paradigm shift in the ethic on which America is founded. That is, a shift away from “Sola Fide” and onto Faith + Fruit:
“We understood that Christianity is defined by obeying the Word of God,” Mark Anderson says. “The idea that one could actually be a Christian but not obey the Great Commission was unthinkable. We would never count ourselves Christians if we didn’t share our faith with people.” – Decision Magazine
Even though we acknowledge a noticeable shift in the stance in the above post, this Son of David gave the following clarification to dear Brother David Mathis:
Sin of Omission: James 4:17.
cf. Matthew 25:31-46; 15:3-9
2 Tim 3:7
cf. Phil3:9; Rom4:5
Isa 64:6; 61:10; Rom4:5; Eph2:8-9; 1Tim2:9-10; Rev19:8; 2Cor5:4ESV
As you can see, Salvation doesn’t come through easy believism
Therefore, we need to get BUSY bearing fruit. But not by wearing ourselves down (Matt6:25-31) but rather joyfully and passionately (Titus2:14). And White-collar work is of a higher category.
However, now is not the time for endless talk, “ever learning,” and dilly dallying.
We want to be Friend’s missionaries in the true sense of the term by offering winning fruit w.r.t economic development because our invention, as you know, benefits the Service Industry/economy, which is what India is, unlike the American counterpart, which is a Capitalistic Industrial Economy.
As our data is being data-mined by the wrong parties, we are making our business plan pitches to raise funding for both our lines of business here.
Tell everyone what you want to do and someone will want to help you do it. – W. Clement Stone
AUGMENTED — Leisure market alone for Person ® AUGMENTED (Transhuman) is $1T:
The main selling points being:
TiE’d People & Things speaks of encapsulating all things in an ecosystem and marrying them–as members in a body–to the head (user).
Person® AUGMENTED has great potential because it speaks of a person who would modestly be telling everyone that he is merely a 2019 person, albeit with divinity/transhumanity, but without the hype and frills of a sci-fi cyborg or droid connotations. And most of the software is available as API. Just need to integrate that with our Metaphor User Interface. Voila! We will have a superman (transhuman) without all the hype!
However great an AI product maybe, if they can’t create real value, it is a sheer waste. As for us, we will deliver a Holy-Spirit-Engineered Person® or as Pastor Rick Warren puts it, a “Because-You-Say-SoPerson®” per Luke5:5.
Now, absolute truth does not preclude us from being progressive. To remain as we are (i.e. conservative), apparently unchanging (immutable) like God, would be the last thing Christ would want from us.
Willingness to change (flexibility) is really strength.
So our daunting work, which happens to be progressive (not conservative), is this:
People that pay for things never complain. It’s the guy you give something to that you can’t please. – Will Rogers
When we pay some money for something, we ourselves are entering into a partnership with the truth (or the lack thereof) of that particular GOOD by investing or putting our heart into it by way of purchasing it. In other words, “we live with the decisions we make and how our heart feels about them” (Jaana Uolamo). Therefore, albeit being invaluable, we are thinking of charging a price for the above Holy Goods & Services. Also, a set price will make the purchaser committed to using it, being that he/she will not view it as being cheap. Moreover, it will give us the needed incentive to work harder.
“If he does not listen to you, then go and tell it to the Church” (Matt18:15-17).
Moreover, we seek to be answerable and accountable to the Church-at-large. This is a Church-undertaking.
It is: For the Church, By the Church, and In the Church!
My wife Anna says, “If you can imagine & picture it, it will happen.”
You see, today, with Pastors sticking to Sunday worship service, supposedly in keeping with John2:16KJV (cf. Matthew21:13; Mark11:17; Luke19:46), the Church is perceived as merely a 24×1 institution, completely severed from 24×6. (see 24×7 Testimony).
When the Church succeeds, we would have to decide what to maximize. Some of the choices (adapted from Seths.blog), in increasing order of value:
Salaries for the bosses
Distributions to the shareholders
Stock price
Salaries for all members of the Church
Positive impact on customers
Positive impact on the culture–the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively–of Agape KINGDOM. A light in a dark world; A city set on a hill is not hidden!
So our stance in our current engagement (cf. Acts 16:6) with the Gentile world is:
“Faith + Fruit” paradigm goes to the extent of making Agape® KINGDOM a nation of brands:
Caleb Surésh (SitaRam) Motupalli
Son of David | Agape Ambassador
www.agapejust.com | Agape® JUST [P] Ltd.
రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | بيت أل خبز | בית לחם |
29-37-31 El-ur Road | Vijayawada-520002, AP, India Phone: +91.866.2438805