TITHE of Tithe (ToT)

​This Son of David offers these holy goods & services partly through faithful tithing by the churches of their tithe (Num18:26). They are used for governing and maintaining Agape® Kingdom using an eThrone & Christocratic NWO architecture. While a tithe (one tenth) is the standard (Matt23:23; Matt5:20; Matt22:21) prescribed by God, one should give “just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2Cor9:7). Also, tithe (fruit) maybe in the form of souls (1Cor16:15), good-works (Col1:10), praise (Heb13:15), money/free-will offerings (Rom15:26-28), quality of character/spirit (Gal5:22), enlightenment (Eph5:9), righteousness (Phil1:11; Heb12:11), holy anger/justice (1Sam11:6; Mark3:5), godly jealousy (2Cor11:2), etc (Rev22:2).

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