
Brother Banerjee Runja brought a very interesting metaphor yesterday as part of the Easter service (2018) at the new Moriah Prayer House at Payakapuram, Vijayawada.

A professor brought three skulls and placed them on his desk. And he asked the pupils which of these three was the most intelligent?

Most of the students examined the size of the three skulls and said the largest one is of the one who is most intelligent.

The professor said they are wrong. As that was not true in real life when they lived.

One pupil came and took a flexible stick and inserted it into the ear of one skull and it came out of the other ear. He said this one is the most dumbest as you can see. And then he did the same experiment with another and the stick came out from the mouth. Then everyone said this is the intelligent one. He then did the same experiment with the third skull. The stick came out from out of the bottom of the skull. Then he declared this is the one who is the most intelligent and wise because he took what he heard to heart and applied it in real life, walking the talk!

The professor was pleased by the student and gave him full marks. ?

2 Corinthians 4:16-17, 18

Matthew 10:27; 1 Kings 19:12 KJV; Hebrews 4:12; Revelation 1:16

Jn 20:29 NKJV

 Luke 21:33

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Status of Agape TiE® Patent Application


After wrestling with the USPTO Patent Application Examiner for 9 years regarding US 13/516,443 for Operation Beulah (Agape TiE®), i finally appealed to the higher authority (The Patent Trial and Appeal Board — PTAB) on 18th October 2017.

Here is a clip from the Examiner’s Answer:

If the appellate board can behold it and reverses the Examiner’s decision, we would have a breakthrough.

The three examiners want to pass the buck about granting a patent for this invention to the higher authority (PTAB). The examiner’s answer is standard procedure. It should not be construed as affirming the rejection. It is rather a blessing in disguise (we are thinking positively here — Rom8:28). The Examiner does not want to take responsibility for granting a patent to what may very well corner the transhumanity (Engineering Divinity) market.

The Examiner draws attention to the prototype (Necktie HOME) that we have developed:

We have used an Arduino board (the hardware component of the invention), the micro-controller of which was available in the market as early as 2009, when the patent application was filed. The predecessors of these micro-controllers were available as early as 1977 (Source: Wikipedia). And a fully suitable commercial AT90S8515 was available in 1996. (Source: IEEE Spectrum)

So we have evidence to show that our invention was reduced to practice as of the filing date for patent eligibility requirement.

Even as i was publishing this on WhatsApp, an angel investor news outlet called AgelList sent this news article about a company called Airtable raising an investment of $52M. Got the email out of nowhere.

Being watched?

Of course!

The cloud here is essentially an “airtable” (global round-table) with 24 eThrones, which is an implementation of what was prophesied in Revelation 11:26.

A video presentation of రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | House of Bread | בית לחם Trust’s (Agape® JUST Labs’) products & services, namely: Agape® Kingdom | Person® Augmented | Agape TiE® Ecosystem | Agape.CLOUD | eThrone :

Thank you for your prayers and considering to partner with us.

But this should do…

because the two-edged sword (TiE® Totally Integrated Environment®) encapsulates everything in the patent application!


Operation Agape TiE®

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Caleb’s Rapture Kit

The power of resurrection already at work in the Bride:

Under Construction: Concept: Jn 1:51

Based on: Jn6:63; 1Cor15:44-49, 50; Col2:17.

“Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me” (Matt11:6NIV).

 Fulfilling Luke 17:34.

If you’ve seen the above video, see only parts 1, 2, and 4 below:

Operation Agape TiE®

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Hello Bride (Remnant)!

Welcome to Spiritual Zion!

This ministry began with the promptings of the Holy Spirit through Servant of God:

Bro. John Prasad Pala

Akividu-534235, AP, India
Phone: +91.9849446301

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