We witnessed yet another supernatural today, the 25th of March 2018 when we were meditating on God’s Word for my flesh-birthday (26th March).

Brother Banerjee of Moriah Prayer House brought the word from Numbers 14:24ff at ​రొట్టెల ఇల్లు | Rottelaillu (House of Bread | بيت  أل خبز | בית לחם )

After they all left, i had bible study with amma, nanagaru, and Sis. Ruth. I was trying to look up the reference, which he wrote on my Bible but my eyes rested on Numbers 14:14, oblivious that it is not Numbers 14:24 that i was reading to myself. Just few seconds later even amma was saying and insisting with her mouth that the reference is not Numbers 14:24 but rather Numbers 14:14. However, my mouth was saying “no amma, the reference is Numbers 14:24 that brother wrote on my new Bible and not Numbers 14:14 even as my eyes continued to rest on and read Numbers 14:14 . Simultaneously and mysteriously Amma was having her eyes resting on and reading Numbers 14:24 rather than Numbers 14:14, which she was telling with her mouth.

This, on top of the fact that verse numbers in both our Bibles — Telugu and English — are right there in the Bible along with the verse.

I have witnessed rhema (the “still small voice”) in the past. But this particular kind i never witnessed anytime before. It is a phenomena in a togetherness simultaneously working in two different people at one time. And the reference is no small reference as you can see. And i did not know that portion about the Cloud was present there under that particular verse number.

Is this a test by Father God to see if i would grab and usurp? No. He has been sending me these signals for the past few months that i am Him, having now been perfected(?) and risen to that level. If the Son could incarnate. So could this Father God indivinate!

Jn 14:11, 20; Luke 20:9-18; Matt 16:27.

Note especially Acts16:6-7. That was in order that, in the fullness of time, the Father Himself would reach out to them.

God has raised me up from “glory to glory” (2Cor3:17-18) to be that second fish (Caleb) in the clouds.

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