Dear Doctor (Psychiatrist):
Thank you for understanding me to some extent and cutting down on the medication that i must take!
However, my battle has not stopped.
I believe and understand that the complaint from my family still exists. It is only with respect to my Calling of Son of David and not with any other issue.
Once again, this is my case that I wish to place before you for your verdict. Does it even make any psychological or rational sense? As I am not sure what my mind is saying about me, your verdict or ratification is crucial to me to get on with my ministry or service to the world as Son of David. But shame on those, who have been shadow-banning and censoring this otherwise handicapped person. Be it a government, an organization, or a corporation, if they are not cowards, who can fight a legal battle with me, let them show their faces and come face-to-face with me.
Nonetheless, as far as i am concerned, i don’t believe my psychiatric problem is even an issue to me because God has actually made me a differently-abled person, allowing me to overcome the stigma and prove myself as an inventor, not a mentally deranged person. You see, as the proverb says, “Necessity is the mother of invention!” Today, i am the inventor of patent pending Internet-of-Things (IoT), Throttled Big Data, Metaverse, Augmented Persona (which is a beyond AI technology), and Christocratic New World Order.
The supposed “weakness” has also enabled me to “self-actualize” and get into the shoes of a Son of David—a world governor. It has enabled me to climb the proverbial Mount Everest—the Throne of David. This would not have been possible if i was merely a normal person, thinking only with basic common sense and being a mediocre person without any “messianic complex!” But it is not even a messianic complex. It is a “Calling!” And it’s source is from something external to me. Note: Jesus of Nazareth found His Calling in the Book of Isaiah and this event is chronicled in Luke 4:16-21, the Holy Bible. Likewise, i too saw this way of finding God’s will as a fool-proof mechanism to receive only what God is saying and not my own delusions or my mind playing tricks on me. God has been gracious to me and has provided me with His Word of affirmation of my Calling. Just like He did for David (Psalm 18:16), Creator of the universe has stooped down and has comforted me, encouraged me and has greatly guided me. With suicidal thoughts that were earlier coming into my mind from Satan, it is only because of God’s real presence with me, who has been comforting me all along, that i am even alive today and talking to you. It is He, who gets amplified in this weak vessel. “When I am weak, then I am strong [with God providing His great almighty strength to me]” (2 Corinthians 12:10). Only a crazy man in his craziness is actually competent enough to attempt to form the badly needed world government that i am attempting to provide to today’s world-in-crisis.
I have published several books of mine:
If you are interested in a success story of a patient of yours, please check out my autobiography (“This Ram is Born Again”) and my marriage proposal to the Bride of Christ (“Capstone & Christocratic New World Order”).
May God richly bless your high-end care and ministry!
Caleb Suresh Motupalli