Is it possible to follow Jesus?

To follow someone we have to first know who it is that we are following. Jesus said, "if anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his stake, and follow Me." Where did He go with His stake, and to where does He want us to follow Him? If we are going to follow Jesus Christ, it is paramount to know who He is because we should be ready to follow Him even to our deaths. We have to know Him objectively. We should not be subjected to any community's opinion of who Jesus is.

I do believe that God has given us a higher standard in Christ Jesus that we may follow in His footsteps. However the moment i know that this man has some other powers that i myself do not enjoy, then that very moment He ceases to be my standard. At the most i can imitate Him, just like a dog does a man, but i can never be like Him. However, the Bible does not say we are only to be like locusts or the chickens that only tend to fly but we are to be like those that actually fly. Meaning to say, we are not only to imitate our Lord Jesus Christ but we are to be like Him in every respect. Indeed we will be found to be like Him when He returns (1 John 3:2). On the other hand if He has powers that i do not have, it would be presumptuous to follow him.

There is a threefold reason why i follow Christ Jesus wholeheartedly. Firstly, because He loved me and died for me. Secondly, because He is man like me. Thirdly, because i also enjoy the same power of the Holy Spirit with which He was able to fence Satan and lead a holy life and then to later on rise up from the dead. You might say was He not holy before He received the Holy Spirit at the time of baptism? Or to put it in other words, did He not have the Holy Spirit before He was baptized by John -- was He not very God of very God?

To this i answer, He was born clean only and therefore Satan could not do anything to Him. In other words, Satan did not have a hold on Him--Satan cannot touch holy people because God has a hedge around them. Jesus was born just like Adam was born -- in the very image of God. But nevertheless, like Adam, He was born as man. However unlike Adam, He never sinned. When Jesus was baptized from below (John's baptism), He was baptized into man's sin. Just as we received the gift of salvation upon ourselves with the baptism from above (believer's baptism), Jesus received the burden of our salvation with John's baptism from below. After He was baptized into man's sin, He became as one who possessed the habit of sin. However, when the moment of temptation came, He still kept Himself from sinning.

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